Curso Android Application Testing Foundation

  • APP Mobile & Development

Curso Android Application Testing Foundation

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Android Application Testing Foundation, foi planejado para desenvolvedores Android interessados ​​em testar aplicativos ou otimizar o processo de desenvolvimento de aplicativos.

Este curso descreverá diferentes tipos de teste e sua aplicabilidade a projetos de desenvolvimento de software.

Este Curso Android Application Testing Foundation, também revisará os principais conceitos por trás das técnicas de teste, Frameworks como a ferramenta Monkey, JUnit e outras ferramentas disponíveis para implantar estratégias de teste no Android.


Apos reazar este Curso Android Application Testing Foundation, você será capaz de:

  • Executar testes no Android SDK
  • Atividades de teste e aplicativos
  • Arquivos de teste, bancos de dados e provedores de conteúdo
  • Exceções de teste
  • Compreenda o uso extensivo de objetos fictícios
  • Testar visualizações isoladamente
  • Analisadores de teste
  • Teste para vazamentos de memória
  • Criar dispositivos virtuais Android
  • Execute AVDs a partir da linha de comando
  • Adicionar configurações de emulador
  • Construir fonte de formulário Android
  • Comprehend FitNesse
  • Comprehend GivWenZen
  • Use a plataforma Traceview e dmtracedump
  • Compreenda os objetos simulados
  • Compreenda a classe base TestCase
  • Compreenda a classe base AndroidTestCase
  • Compreenda a instrumentação
  • Compreenda a classe InstrumentationTestCase
  • Compreenda a classe ActivityTestCase
  • Desenvolvimento profissional de aplicativos Android
  • Desenvolvimento de aplicativos Android
Informações Gerais
  • Carga horaria, 24
  • Se noturno este curso e ministrado de segunda-feira a sexta-feira, das 19h às 23h, total de 6 noites,
  • Se aos sábados este curso e ministrado e das 09h às 18h, total de 3 sábados

Formato de entrega:

  • On-line ao vivo via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor Developer android/ios/java/ python, ativo no mercado
Inglês | Português
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction of Testing

  1. Software bugs
  2. What to test
  3. Types of tests
  4. Unit Tests
  5. Integration tests
  6. Functional or acceptance tests
  7. Performance tests
  8. System Tests
  9. Testing framework

Testing on Android

  1. Junit
  2. Android architecture
  3. Creating the Android Sample project
  4. Package explorer
  5. Running the project
  6. Debugging tests

Introduction to Mobile Automation

  1. Basic Terminology : Testing, Types of Testing,
  2. Manual/Automation
  3. What is Mobile Automation Testing
  4. Mobile Application Testing Tools
  5. Introduction to Appium
  6. Where Appium can be used
  7. Hybrid Apps, Native Apps and WebApps
  8. UIAutomator
  9. Appium VS Selendroid
  10. Drawbacks and Limitations

Appium Setup & Configurations

  1. Configuring appium on real device
  2. Why work on real device?
  3. Download and Configure Android on local machine
  4. Api levels &Android version
  5. supported API levels &Android versions
  6. API level for Android
  7. Android version in Phone
  8. Developer mode in Mobiles
  9. Debug level settings in Phone
  10. Connecting & phones
  11. Install Microsoft Dot Net framework
  12. Download Appium
  13. Configuring Various versioning API level requirements for
  14. Appium
  15. Starting Appium Server from Console
  16. Running Appium Program
  17. Installing Emulator in eclips
  18. Installing apps in Emulator via command prompt

Hybrid/Native Android Apps Test

  1. Required Capabilities for Appium and Android
  2. Concept of Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage
  3. How to get Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage for
  4. any application
  5. When Apk file necessary to test App?
  6. AppiumDriver and RemoteWebDriver classes
  7. Programme on invoking Apps
  8. Invoking app with package activity
  9. Example on package name and activity invoking
  10. Mobile Gesture Automation
  11. Testing native Apps like calculator, Contacts, Settings
  12. Hybrid app features and ways to test them
  13. Example on Hybrid app handling
  14. Testing Book My show App

Locating Elements

  1. Concept of UI Automator
  2. FindElement and FindElementByAndroidUIAutomator
  3. Using UISelector Class in UIAutomator API
  4. Finding by Classname
  5. Detecting presence of Elements
  6. Building Xpaths
  7. Challenges faced in finding Elements and Workarounds
  8. Using Android UI Automator'sUISelector() and its functions
  9. Waiting - Implicit and explicit waits

Testing WebApps

  1. Chrome browser configuration
  2. Using ADB Plugin
  3. Automating the chrome Browser
  4. Automating mobile specific websites
  5. Exercise on real device browser automation
  6. Automating Udemy site in mobile browser

Mobile Testing Framework

  1. Testng Framework
  2. Testng installation in eclips
  3. Testng Annotations
  4. Maven Configuration
  5. Creating Basic Maven project
  6. Running appium test in Maven

Data Driven Testing

  1. Configuring Apache poi
  2. Excel Api methods
  3. Programme for retrieving data from excel
  4. Programme for Updating data back to excel

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