Visão Geral
Curso Android Application Testing Foundation, foi planejado para desenvolvedores Android interessados em testar aplicativos ou otimizar o processo de desenvolvimento de aplicativos.
Este curso descreverá diferentes tipos de teste e sua aplicabilidade a projetos de desenvolvimento de software.
Este Curso Android Application Testing Foundation, também revisará os principais conceitos por trás das técnicas de teste, Frameworks como a ferramenta Monkey, JUnit e outras ferramentas disponíveis para implantar estratégias de teste no Android.
Conteúdo Programatico
Introduction of Testing
- Software bugs
- What to test
- Types of tests
- Unit Tests
- Integration tests
- Functional or acceptance tests
- Performance tests
- System Tests
- Testing framework
Testing on Android
- Junit
- Android architecture
- Creating the Android Sample project
- Package explorer
- Running the project
- Debugging tests
Introduction to Mobile Automation
- Basic Terminology : Testing, Types of Testing,
- Manual/Automation
- What is Mobile Automation Testing
- Mobile Application Testing Tools
- Introduction to Appium
- Where Appium can be used
- Hybrid Apps, Native Apps and WebApps
- UIAutomator
- Appium VS Selendroid
- Drawbacks and Limitations
Appium Setup & Configurations
- Configuring appium on real device
- Why work on real device?
- Download and Configure Android on local machine
- Api levels &Android version
- supported API levels &Android versions
- API level for Android
- Android version in Phone
- Developer mode in Mobiles
- Debug level settings in Phone
- Connecting & phones
- Install Microsoft Dot Net framework
- Download Appium
- Configuring Various versioning API level requirements for
- Appium
- Starting Appium Server from Console
- Running Appium Program
- Installing Emulator in eclips
- Installing apps in Emulator via command prompt
Hybrid/Native Android Apps Test
- Required Capabilities for Appium and Android
- Concept of Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage
- How to get Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage for
- any application
- When Apk file necessary to test App?
- AppiumDriver and RemoteWebDriver classes
- Programme on invoking Apps
- Invoking app with package activity
- Example on package name and activity invoking
- Mobile Gesture Automation
- Testing native Apps like calculator, Contacts, Settings
- Hybrid app features and ways to test them
- Example on Hybrid app handling
- Testing Book My show App
Locating Elements
- Concept of UI Automator
- FindElement and FindElementByAndroidUIAutomator
- Using UISelector Class in UIAutomator API
- Finding by Classname
- Detecting presence of Elements
- Building Xpaths
- Challenges faced in finding Elements and Workarounds
- Using Android UI Automator'sUISelector() and its functions
- Waiting - Implicit and explicit waits
Testing WebApps
- Chrome browser configuration
- Using ADB Plugin
- Automating the chrome Browser
- Automating mobile specific websites
- Exercise on real device browser automation
- Automating Udemy site in mobile browser
Mobile Testing Framework
- Testng Framework
- Testng installation in eclips
- Testng Annotations
- Maven Configuration
- Creating Basic Maven project
- Running appium test in Maven
Data Driven Testing
- Configuring Apache poi
- Excel Api methods
- Programme for retrieving data from excel
- Programme for Updating data back to excel