Curso Alteryx Overview

  • Tableau Data Visualization

Curso Alteryx Overview

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Alteryx Overview, Introdução ao Alteryx ensina os participantes a usar o Alteryx Designer para preparar, combinar, analisar, dinamizar, analisar, moldar e transformar seus dados.


Após realizar este Curso Alteryx Overview, você será capaz de:

  • Trabalhar com a interface do Alteryx Designer
  • Conectar e atualizar fontes de dados
  • Limpar e solicitar registros
  • Renomeie e altere o tipo de dados dos campos
  • Filtrar registros
  • Combine dados de fontes diferentes
  • Analisar, manipular e dinamizar dados
  • Dados agregados
  • Domine as melhores práticas de fluxo de trabalho e armazene partes de fluxos de trabalho em cache
  • Dados de saída para vários formatos
  • Realize uma preparação avançada em seus dados
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico
  1. Introduction
  2. Understand Alteryx Designer terminology
  3. Easily navigate the Alteryx Designer Interface
  4. Become familiar with Designer User and Workflow Settings
  5. Be able to share and save workflows
  6. Understand how Designer processes data
  7. Connect to and update data sources
  8. Clean unwanted characters in records
  9. Order records
  10. Rename fields manually and dynamically
  11. Detect and change field data types manually and automatically
  12. Filter records and use a conditional expression to update/add fields
  13. Identify unique records
  14. Blend data from disparate sources
  15. Append records from different sources
  16. Merge records from different sources on key fields
  17. Add fields from one data set to all records in another
  18. Parse data
  19. Work with date/time fields
  20. Build expressions to add and update fields by performing basic calculations
  21. Replacing text within a field
  22. Using string length and positions
  23. Parse data from one field into multiple fields
  24. Pivot data
  25. Group and Bin Records
  26. Aggregate data
  27. Workflow best practices
  28. Cache a portion of your workflow
  29. Output data to different file formats
  30. Advanced Preparation
  31. Filtering and cleaning "messy data"
  32. Utilizing formulas to reference multiple rows and fields
  33. Binning data into respective groups
  34. Creating sample sets to prepare data for predictive analytics
  35. Conclusion

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