Visão Geral
O Curso Alteryx foi desenvolvido para torná-lo um especialista em lidar com todas as tarefas executadas na ferramenta AlterYX. Além disso, você obterá conhecimento sobre vários conceitos do AlterYX, como criar fluxos de trabalho sob demanda usando novos dados e realizar análises preditivas, estatísticas e espaciais sem escrever código. Ao final do curso AlterYX, você se tornará mestre na criação de recursos visuais avançados, painéis, relatórios e como manipular dados, criar fluxos de trabalho e aplicativos analíticos e compartilhá-los com outras pessoas. Você realizará exercícios práticos sobre todos os conceitos do AlterYX e suas implementações de cenários em tempo real neste curso.
Conteúdo Programatico
Reading, Blending and Writing Data with Alteryx Designer
- Load data from multiple sources
- oin data sets Write to multiple data files, grouped by key fields
Parsing Data with Alteryx Designer
- Format data sets
- Find and replace delimiters
- Split fields into multiple columns
Preparing Data containing Date/Time fields with Alteryx Designer
- Using conditional statements in formulas
- Format Date/Time fields
- Use values from previous/subsequent rows in formulas.
Join data from different sources
Join two tables from the same database, join the result to an Excel spreadsheet and view the output as a Pivot Table in Excel using:
- Filter
- Summarize
- Browse
- Union
- Join Multiple
- Input Data
- Formula
- Join
- Output Data
- Date Filter
- Generate Row
Performing Analytics with Alteryx Designer
- Summarize data by groups
- Sort data
- Extract a specified portion of records from the data
- Pivot the orientation of a data table
Parse XML files into individual fieldsModule 7: Preparing Data using RegEx
- Use Regular Expressions for data parsing dynamically rename fields
Dynamic tools like dynamic rename dynamic select, dynamic input
- Basic Solr Project For Providing Search Capability(Like Google Search Engine)
Data Prep and Blending using Fuzzy Matching Identify unique or duplicate recordsModule 10: Reporting in Alteryx Create basic and pivot tables from input data for reports
- Add text to reports and documents
- Arrange reporting snippets
- Create presentation quality reports in various formats
In-DB toolsModule 12: Standard Macro Creation in Alteryx
- Create a workflow that can run as a single tool in another workflow
- Create input parameters for passing data to a macro tool
- Display output arrows on a macro tool
Building Analytical Apps in Alteryx
- Create Analytic App Workflows that can be run by consumers
Web Analytics
- Retrieve data from url
- API call through REST architecture.
- Google Analytics, Google Adwords, SimilarWeb, Sistrix(SEO tool), Facebook Analytics
Constructing an Iterative Macro to make a Process Dynamic
- Create a macro that will run through every record and then loop the records back through the workflow, repeating the entire process as many times