Curso Advanced Linux BASH Shell Scripting

  • Linux & Suse

Curso Advanced Linux BASH Shell Scripting

40 horas
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Curso Advanced Linux BASH Shell Scripting, fornece habilidades de nível avançado para ajudar os usuários do Linux a aumentar seu desempenho usando scripts de shell.

Os alunos aprenderão como criar, depurar e ler scripts de shell Bash complexos para personalizar seus sistemas corporativos Linux.

Este treinamento avançado ajudará a desenvolver o conhecimento necessário por meio de scripts de shell para gerenciar, operar e manter uma rede corporativa usando Linux/Unix.


Curso Advanced Linux BASH Shell Scripting

Publico Alvo

Este curso é altamente valioso para administradores de rede e sistema, desenvolvedores e usuários avançados de Linux ou profissionais que tenham alguma experiência em Linux ou UNIX e entendam conceitos básicos de Bash Shell Scripts. A Koenig oferece este programa de treinamento para aspirantes que desejam aumentar sua produtividade e maximizar o potencial de suas redes corporativas executadas em sistemas operacionais Linux/Unix.

Português | Inglês
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to Shell

  1. What is shell
  2. Installation of shell
  3. Shell features
  4. Bash Keywords
  5. Built-in Commands
  6. Linux Commands
  7. Specialized Navigation and History Commands
  8. Shell Aliases
  9. Bash Hash Table
  10. The Set and Shopt Commands
  11. Key binding with bind command
  12. The Colon Command
  13. Long and Multi-line Command
  14. Lab Session

Script Basics

  1. Writing small Script
  2. How to execute a script
  3. Creating a Well-Behaved Script
  4. The Header
  5. Global Declarations
  6. Sanity Checks
  7. The Main Script
  8. Cleanup
  9. Stopping a Script
  10. Lab Session


  1. Variable basics
  2. Predefined variables
  3. System variables
  4. Special shell variable
  5. Customizing shell prompt
  6. Variable attributes
  7. Arrays variable
  8. local variable
  9. Exporting variables
  10. Use of quotations
  11. Escape characters Advance Bash Shell Scripting
  12. The eval command
  13. Reading keyboard input
  14. Basic redirection and pipe
  15. File descriptors


  1. Basic if command
  2. let Features
  3. File test operators
  4. Arithmetic comparison operators
  5. String comparison operators
  6. Arithmetic comparison with double parentheses
  7. Parameter substitution and expansion
  8. Brackets and Extended brackets test construct
  9. Curly brackets construct
  10. Parentheses and double parentheses
  11. Regular expression
  12. Extended regular expression
  13. POSIX character classes
  14. Globbing options
  15. Here Documents
  16. Logical expressions
  17. Lab Session

 Compound Commands

  1. Command Status Codes
  2. if Command
  3. case Command
  4. while Loop
  5. until Loop
  6. for Loops
  7. Embedded let
  8. Grouping Commands
  9. Lab Session

Debugging and Version Control

  1. Shell Debugging Features
  2. Shell Debugging Options
  3. Version Control (CVS)
  4. Watching Running Scripts
  5. Timing Execution with Time
  6. Creating Man Pages
  7. Shell Archives
  8. tee Command Switches
  9. Linux Time Command Switches
  10. Bash and Linux Time Command Format Codes
  11. Lab Session

Parameters and getopts

  1. Positional Parameters
  2. The getopts Command
  3. getopts internal variables
  4. The getopt Command
  5. Lab Session
  6.  Module 8: Job Control and Signals
  7. Job Control
  8. Signals
  9. The suspend Command
  10. Traps
  11. Exit Handlers
  12. The killall Command
  13. Being Nice
  14. Process Status
  15. Lab Session

Text File Basics

  1. Working with Pathnames
  2. File Truncation
  3. Identifying Files
  4. Creating and Deleting Files
  5. Moving and Copying Files
  6. More Information About Files
  7. Verifying Files
  8. Splitting Large Files
  9. Tabs and Spaces
  10. Temporary Files
  11. Lock Files
  12. Named Pipes
  13. Process Substitution
  14. Opening Files
  15. Using head and tail
  16. File Statistics
  17. Lab Session

Text File Processing

  1. Finding Lines
  2. Locating Files
  3. Finding Files
  4. Sorting
  5. Character Editing (tr)
  6. Compressing Files
  7. Lab Session

Console Scripting

  1. The Linux Console
  2. The Console Keyboard
  3. The Console Display
  4. select Menus
  5. Custom Menus
  6. Lab Session .

Functions and Script Execution

  1. Shell Functions
  2. Local Variables
  3. Recursion and Nested Functions
  4. Function Attributes
  5. Running Scripts
  6. The Linux Execution Environment
  7. The Source Command (.)
  8. Switching Scripts with exec
  9. Lab Session 13- Shell Security
  10. The Basic Linux Security Model
  11. Knowing Who You Are (id)
  12. Transferring Ownership (chown/chgrp)
  13. Changing Access Rights (chmod)
  14. Default Access Rights (umask)
  15. setuid/setgid and Scripts
  16. The chroot Command
  17. Resource Limits (ulimit)
  18. Restricted Shells
  19. Secure File Deletion
  20. Lab Session

 Sed 'Stream Editor'

  1. The essential command: s for substitution
  2. Substitute Flags
  3. /g - Global replacement
  4. /1, /2, etc. Specifying which occurrence
  5. Write to a file with /w filename ,
  6. Combining substitution flags
  7. Arguments and invocation of sed
  8. Multiple commands with -e command
  9. sed -f scriptname
  10. sed in shell script
  11. A sed interpreter script
  12. Addresses and Ranges of Text
  13. Restricting to a line number
  14. Patterns
  15. Ranges by line number
  16. Ranges by patterns
  17. Delete with d
  18. Grouping with { and }
  19. Multi-Line Patterns
  20. Lab Session
  21.  Module 14: Awk Progrming
  22. Getting Started
  23. The Structure of an A WK Program
  24. Running an A WK Program
  25. Computing and Printing
  26. Printing Line Numbers
  27. Putting Text in the Output
  28. Sorting the Output
  29. Selection by Text Content
  30. Combinations of Patterns
  31. BEGIN and END
  32. Computing with A WK
  33. Computing Sums and Averages
  34. String Concatenation
  35. Built-in Functions
  36. Counting Lines, Words, and Characters
  37. Control-Flow Statements
  38. Expressions as Patterns
  39. String-Matching, Compound and Range Patterns
  40. Regular Expressions
  41. The printf Statement
  42. Output into Files
  43. Lab Session

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