Curso OpenStack Private Cloud Administration

  • Cloud Computing

Curso OpenStack Private Cloud Administration

32 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso OpenStack Private Cloud Administration, aborda os fundamentos da solução de nuvem IAAS (Infrastructure As A Service) de código aberto OpenStack, usada para criar nuvens privadas.
As A Service) de código aberto, usada para criar nuvens privadas. Após uma breve introdução à nuvem e ao
nuvem e do OpenStack, os alunos aprenderão a arquitetura do OpenStack. Este Curso OpenStack Private Cloud Administration, apresenta os componentes básicos em detalhes, como o painel de controle da GUI do Horizon e a
CLI do OpenStack. Outros componentes aprendidos são o sistema de identidade Keystone, o serviço de computação Nova
o serviço de computação Nova, o serviço de rede Neutron e a rede definida por software, o serviço de imagem
serviço de imagem Glance, o serviço de armazenamento em bloco Cinder, a solução de medição Ceilometer,
os serviços de orquestração Heat e o armazenamento de objetos Swift.

Conteúdo Programatico


  1. Overview
  2. Core Projects
  3. Core Project - Nova
  4. Core Project - Neutron
  5. Core Project - Glance, Cinder
  6. Core Project - Ceilometer
  7. Core Project - Heat
  8. Core Project - Swift
  9. OpenStack Architecture
  10. Virtual Machine Provisioning Walk Through
  11. LAB: Understanding the classroom environment
  12. Perform initial health check
  13. Test instance creation

Controller Node

  1. Overview Horizon and OpenStack
  2. Keystone Architecture
  3. Keystone User Management
  4. Keystone CLI overview
  5. Service API + Keystone
  6. OpenStack Messaging and Queues
  7. Message Queue Configuration
  8. Image Management (Glance)
  9. Glance CLI Overview
  10. Creation of custom images
  11. OpenStack Storage (Cinder)
  12. Cinder CLI Overview
  13. Managing volumes
  14. LAB: Create and manage users, roles, tenants, and quotas
  15. Create and manage images
  16. Create and manage volumes
  17. Check messaging

Compute Node

  1. Linux virtualization basics
  2. Hypervisors, KVM, Linux bridges
  3. VM Placement
  4. VM provisioning in-depth
  5. Instance management
  6. Nova CLI overview
  7. Boot/Terminate Instance
  8. Attach volume to instance
  9. LAB: Configure flat networking
  10. Create and manage vm instances
  11. Configure VM metadata

Network Node

  1. Networking in OpenStack
  2. OpenStack Networking Concepts
  3. Nova-network vs. Neutron
  4. Neutron architecture and plugins
  5. OpenVSwitch concepts
  6. Neutron agents
  7. Network management
  8. Neutron CLI overview
  9. Manage networks
  10. Manage subnets
  11. Manager routers
  12. Manage ports
  13. Manage floating IPs
  14. LAB: Create routers, networks, subnets
  15. Associate floating IPs
  16. Throubleshoot Neutron networking


  1. Ceilometer background and use cases
  2. Ceilometer architecture
  3. Ceilometer meters and pipelines
  4. Ceilometer deployment
  5. LAB: Working with ceilometer


  1. Heat Overview
  2.  Architecture
  3. AWS CloudFormation template format
  4. Heat services
  5. heat-api
  6. heat-cfn-api
  7. heat-engine
  8. Configuring Heat
  9. Configuring images for use with Heat
  10. Creating a stack
  11. LAB: Creating a stack

Object Storage Service - SWIFT

  1. Swift Overview
  2. Swift Architecture
  3. Accounts, containers, objects, and rings
  4. Nodes types : auth, proxy, storage
  5. Partitions, zones, replication
  6. Using Swift
  7. Accounts
  8. Creating and managing objects
  9. Object server management
  10. Container server management
  11. Account server management
  12. Proxy server management
  13. Ring management
  14. Large objects

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