Curso WebSphere Process Server

  • Development

Curso WebSphere Process Server

Visão Geral

Este curso ensina os alunos a construir soluções de integração usando o IBM WebSphere Integration Developer (WID) e o IBM WebSphere Process Server 7.0. O curso começa com os conceitos básicos da Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços (SOA) e avança até o uso das ferramentas para criar aplicativos SOA. Os alunos aprenderão sobre o modelo de programação Service Component Architecture (SCA) e o modelo de dados Service Data Objects (SDO). O papel dos adaptadores ao integrar back-ends diferentes é discutido e as ferramentas WID são abordadas em detalhes.


Após concluir o Curso WebSphere Process Server, você será capaz de:

  • Descrever os fundamentos da SOA
  • Entenda as vantagens comerciais da SOA
  • Explicar o elemento de tempo de execução SOA
  • Entenda os fundamentos do WID
  • Desenvolva processos de negócios complexos usando WS-BPEL v2.0
  • Desenvolver um cliente baseado na web para um processo de negócios
  • Liste os vários recursos de ferramentas no WID e use-os para criar soluções de integração
  • Descrever os vários IBM Adapters disponíveis para integrar sistemas distintos
  • Explicar a Java Connector Architecture (JCA) e usar adaptadores JCA
  • Use o recurso de Tarefas Humanas ao desenvolver Processos de Negócios (BPEL)
  • Explicar a Common Event Infrastructure (CEI)
  • Compreender os fundamentos da administração do WebSphere Process Server
Publico Alvo
  • Este curso foi desenvolvido para desenvolvedores de integração envolvidos na integração de aplicativos principalmente desenvolvendo processos de negócios, administradores de sistema e outras equipes técnicas envolvidas no trabalho com um processo de negócios.
  • Experiência ou compreensão nas áreas de plataforma J2EE e computação distribuída é fortemente preferida.
Informações Gerais

Carga Horária: 40h

  • Se noturno este curso é ministrado de Segunda-feira à sexta-feira, das 19h às 23h
  • Se aos sábados este curso é ministrado das 9h às 18h
  • Se in-company por favor fazer contato para mais detalhes.

Formato de entrega: 

  • 100% on-line ao vivo, via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor ativo no mercado.
  • Nota: não é curso gravado. 


  • Laboratório + Exercícios práticos
Português | Inglês
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to WebSphere Integration Developer (WID) v7.0

  1. WebSphere Integration Developer (WID) v7.0
  2. SCA Basics
  3. Wiring Example
  4. Items Developed in WID
  5. The Project Structure
  6. Working with Shared Components
  7. Using the IDE
  8. The Test Server
  9. The Build Process
  10. Exporting Applications
  11. Module Versioning

Service Component Architecture (SCA)

  1. Need For a New Programming Model
  2. SCA Vendor Support
  3. SCA Basics
  4. SCA Components
  5. A Service Component
  6. References and Wires
  7. Wiring Example
  8. Service Assembly Model
  9. Example Assembly
  10. Imports
  11. Export

Binding and Protocol Translation

  1. The Import Component
  2. The Export Component
  3. Introduction to Binding
  4. Supported Binding Types
  5. Implementing Protocol Translation Pattern
  6. The Web Service Binding
  7. Creating a Web Service Import
  8. Creating a Web Service Export
  9. Creating a New Web Service

Business Objects

  1. Creating a New Business Object
  2. Editing a Business Object
  3. Setting Field Multiplicity
  4. Refactoring Business Objects
  5. Private Business Object
  6. Data Type Inheritance
  7. SimpleType Inheritance
  8. Abstract Business Object
  9. Schema Wildcards
  10. Specify Schema Restrictions
  11. Business Object Validation
  12. Accessing Business Objects Using SDO API
  13. Using the SDO API

Service Interface Design

  1. Uses of an Interface
  2. The Structure of an Interface
  3. Creating an Interface
  4. The Interface Editor
  5. SMO Body Type
  6. Refactoring Interfaces

Introduction to Mediation Flow

  1. Source and Target Operations
  2. Message Flow Logic
  3. Mediation Primitives
  4. Special Nodes
  5. Creating a Mediation Flow
  6. Creating an Implementation
  7. Anatomy of a Message
  8. Routing Primitives
  9. Transformation Primitives
  10. Other Primitives
  11. Subflow

Data Mapping

  1. Introduction to Mapping
  2. Choosing a Type of Mapping
  3. Embedded or Standalone Mapping
  4. Using Data Maps from a Mediation Flow
  5. Create Embedded Map for a Mediation Flow
  6. Root of a Map
  7. Mapping Editor
  8. Mapping Header and Context
  9. Header Setter Primitives
  10. Types of Data Transformations for XML Maps
  11. Types of Array Data Transformations for XML Maps
  12. Types of Data Transformations for Business Object Maps
  13. Automatic Mapping
  14. Using Map from Business Process
  15. Creating a Standalone Map
  16. Adding Objects to the Standalone Map
  17. Substitution Groups
  18. Mapping Schema Wildcards
  19. Set Message Type Mediation Primitive
  20. Message Element Setter Primitive
  21. Need for Reverse Maps

Content-Based Routing

Routing in Mediation

  1. Reasons to Perform Content-Based Routing
  2. Routing Pattern
  3. Refactoring to Implement Routing
  4. Routing Primitives
  5. Message Filter Primitive
  6. Type Filter Primitive
  7. Routing to Other Primitives

Introduction to WS-BPEL

  1. Goals of WS-BPEL
  2. Main Components of a BPEL Document
  3. Variables
  4. Activities
  5. Partner Link
  6. Modeling Partnership in BPEL

Developing Business Process

  1. Creating a Business Process
  2. The Process Editor
  3. Process Variables
  4. Variable Initialization
  5. Reference Partners
  6. The Interface Partner
  7. The Receive Activity
  8. The Reply Activity
  9. The Invoke Activity
  10. The Assign Activity
  11. Parallel Activity
  12. The Choice Activity
  13. While Loop
  14. For Each Activity
  15. Receive Choice
  16. Timeout for Receive Choice
  17. Defining Conditions
  18. Assembling a Process

Interface Maps

  1. Creating an Interface Map
  2. Interface Map Editor
  3. Types of Parameter Mappings
  4. Using an Interface Map


  1. What is an Adapter?
  2. Adapter and SOA
  3. Adapter Example
  4. The Adapter Pattern
  5. Adapter Support from WID
  6. Adapter Based Services
  7. Advantages of Adapter Based Services
  8. Generating Adapter Based Services
  9. Outbound Processing
  10. Inbound Processing
  11. Enterprise Discovery
  12. Flat File Adapter
  13. Inbound File Adapter
  14. Configuring the Inbound Service
  15. Outbound File Adapter
  16. Configuring Outbound Service
  17. Adapter Administration

Human Task Development

  1. Anatomy of a Task
  2. Types of Human Tasks
  3. Auxiliary Task Types
  4. The BPC Explorer
  5. To-do Task
  6. Creating Inline To-do Task
  7. Creating Standalone To-do Task
  8. Creating Invocation Task
  9. Creating a Collaboration Task
  10. Editing Task Template
  11. Dealing With Task Expiry
  12. Providing GUI for Human Task
  13. Customizing BPC Explorer
  14. The Input Data Display JSP
  15. Output Form JSP
  16. Task Security
  17. Escalation

Business Rules

  1. Key Components of a Business Rule
  2. Steps to Create Business Rules
  3. Design the Service Interface
  4. Create the Rule Group
  5. Create a Rule Set
  6. Anatomy of a Rule Set
  7. Create a Decision Table
  8. Anatomy of a Decision Table
  9. Advanced Condition Design
  10. Configuring Rule Group
  11. Business Rule Template
  12. Rule Set Template
  13. Decision Table Template
  14. Business Rules Manager (BRM)
  15. Using the BRM Tool


  1. How Do Selectors Work?
  2. Creating a Selector
  3. Choosing Source of Date and Time
  4. Wiring a Selector

Messaging Bindings

  1. Messaging Binding Choices
  2. Publishing a JMS Message
  3. Consuming a JMS Message
  4. Function Selectors
  5. JMS Import Binding Configuration
  6. Message Correlation in Import
  7. JMS Export Binding Configuration
  8. Message Correlation on Export
  9. Working with Native MQ Binding
  10. MQ Import Configuration
  11. MQ Export Configuration
  12. Messaging in WebSphere Environments
  13. Default Messaging
  14. Service Integration Bus
  15. Service Integration Bus
  16. WebSphere MQ
  17. Default Messaging JMS Configuration
  18. Relationship between Default Messaging Components
  19. WebSphere MQ JMS Configuration
  20. Relationship between MQ Messaging Components

Asynchronous Interaction with a Process

  1. One-way Operation Invocation
  2. Starting a Long Running Process
  3. Request with Deferred Response Pattern
  4. Callback in BPEL
  5. Steps to Implementing Callback
  6. Correlation in BPEL
  7. Additional Uses of Callbacks
  8. Event Handling from a Process
  9. Event Handler Details
  10. Advanced Event Handling Topics

Error Handling in Business Process

  1. Error Handling in a Service
  2. Designing Faults
  3. Error Handling in a Process
  4. Fault Handler
  5. Raising Faults in a Process
  6. The Rethrow Activity
  7. Sending a Fault Using Reply Activity
  8. The Terminate Activity
  9. Guidelines for Error Handling

Transaction and Compensation

  1. Transaction Basics
  2. Challenges to Transaction in Business Process
  3. Transaction and Microflow
  4. Transaction in Long Running Process
  5. Grouping Activities in a Transaction
  6. Transaction Behavior
  7. Creating a Transaction Group
  8. Transaction and Parallel Activities
  9. Transaction Context Propagation
  10. Enabling Transaction Propagation
  11. Controlling Context Propagation
  12. Introduction to Compensation
  13. Compensation in a Microflow
  14. Additional Notes About Microflow
  15. Compensation in a Long Running Process
  16. Example Compensation
  17. Adding Compensation to a Process
  18. Compensation and Process Variables

Relationship Service

  1. Static Relationship
  2. Creating Static Relationship
  3. Using Static Relationship in a Map
  4. Dynamic Relationship
  5. Context and Verb
  6. Object Creation Scenario
  7. Object Update Scenario
  8. Business Graph
  9. Creating a Dynamic Relationship
  10. Designing the Service Interfaces
  11. Using the Dynamic Relationship
  12. Assembling the Application
  13. Setting the Verb at Runtime

Process Error Recovery

  1. Automated Recovery
  2. Manual Recovery
  3. Manual Recovery
  4. Manual Recovery
  5. Manual Recovery
  6. What Can Go Wrong?
  7. Why Instances Fail?
  8. Unhandled Activity Failure
  9. SCA Invocation Failure
  10. SCA Invocation Failure
  11. SCA Invocation Failure
  12. Analyzing and Recovering Failed Events
  13. Synchronous SCA Invocation Failure
  14. Infrastructure Failure
  15. Recovering from Internal Failure
  16. Configure BPC Container
  17. Guidelines

Process Versioning

  1. Versioning Support in Process Server
  2. Creating a New Version of a Process
  3. Invoking the New Version of a Process
  4. Early Binding
  5. Late Binding
  6. Creating a Proxy Process
  7. Using the Proxy Process
  8. Discontinuing the Old Process

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