Curso Web APIs with Rust and ActixWeb

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Web APIs with Rust and ActixWeb

24 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso Web APIs with Rust and ActixWeb, ensina os participantes como construir APIs REST com Rust e ActixWeb. Os participantes aprendem como criar rotas, manipuladores e extratores e como se conectar a um banco de dados e realizar operações CRUD.


Após relizar este Curso Web APIs with Rust and ActixWeb você será capaz de:

  • Entenda os princípios de construção de uma API REST
  • Crie APIs web com Rust e Actix
  • Conecte uma API REST a um banco de dados (PostgreSQL ou SQL Server)
  • Configurar rotas
  • Explore extratores, manipuladores e middleware
  • Publique e hospede uma API REST
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico


REST Overview

  1. What is REST?
  2. What is a REST API?
  3. What is a REST Client?
  4. HTTP Methods and Resource Operations
  5. URLs, Query Strings, and Path Parameters
  6. HTTP Status Codes
  7. HTTP Headers and Body
  8. CURL and Postman

Web APIs with Actix

  1. What is a Web API?
  2. What is Actix?
  3. How does it compare to Express, Flask, and ASP.NET MVC?
  4. Create an Actix Project
  5. Run and Debug Actix Applications with VS Code


  1. What is Routing?
  2. Map HTTP Routes to Rust Functions
  3. Route Parameters
  4. Wire up Routes in an ActixWeb Application


  1. What is an Extractor?
  2. Path Extractor
  3. Query String Extractor
  4. JSON Extractor
  5. URL-Encoded Form Extractor
  6. Other Extractors
  7. Custom Extractors

Request Handlers

  1. What is a Request Handler?
  2. Stages of Handling a Request
  3. Responder Trait
  4. Respond with a Custom Type
  5. Streaming Response Body
  6. Different Response Types


  1. What is Middleware?
  2. Request/Response Pipeline
  3. Logging
  4. User Sessions
  5. Error Handling
  6. Custom Middleware

Static Files

Database Programming

  1. What is a Database?
  2. Connect to a Database
  3. Query data from the database
  4. Modify data in the database


  1. Integration Testing
  2. Stream Response Testing
  3. Unit Testing Extractors
  4. Unit Testing Middleware
  5. Unit Testing Responders


Build a Release Version

Public the Release Version

Hosting Considerations

Dockerize the Application


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