Curso UNIX Linux Fundamentals

  • Linux & Suse

Curso UNIX Linux Fundamentals

32 horas
Visão Geral
  • Os procedimentos para uso diário do UNIX, incluindo o uso do shell e do sistema de arquivos.
  • Para Usar o shell UNIX para manipular e editar arquivos, filtrar e processar dados e controlar processos UNIX.
  • Aplicar conhecimentos de UNIX para resolver problemas típicos de usuários.
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico


  1. Aims and Objectives, Schedule, Introductions, Pre-requisites, Responsibilities,

Accessing the System

  1. Objectives, What are Linux and Unix?, Logging On, Command Syntax,
  2. Command Alone, Command With Options, Command With Filename, uname -
  3. Where Am I?, id - Who Am I?, who - Who is Logged On?, date - What is the
  4. Date/Time?, cal - Days and Months, echo - Display a Message, Escape
  5. Character \, figlet - Display a Message, Arrow Keys, man - Getting Help,
  6. Important Keys, Control Keys, passwd - Changing the Password, exit - Leaving
  7. the System, Advantages & Disadvantages, Basic Structure, ps - Which Shell Am
  8. I Using, Bourne Shell, C Shell, Korn Shell, Bash Shell, Which Shell to Use?,
  9. Handouts, Self Study, History of Unix, History of Linux

Commands and Concepts

  1. Objectives, Processes and Files, root Directory, Listing Directories, Listing
  2. Options, Directory Entry, Directory Structure, cat, less - Displaying Files, wc -
  3. Counting lines in Files, nl - Numbering Files, file - Displaying File Types, Piping -
  4. using | symbol, Redirection - using > symbol, Redirection - using >> symbol, cat
  5. - Concatenating Output, tail - End of File Display, head - Start of File Display,
  6. tee - Combining Redirection and Piping, Two Commands at Once - ;, su -
  7. Switching Users, sudo - Commands as Root, Piping and Redirection, Self
  8. Study, Process Execution, File Types, Part of File Display, Script - Saving the
  9. Session, Protecting Files - noclobber

Directory Commands

  1. Objectives, Home Directory - HOME, Working Directory - pwd, cd - Changing
  2. Directories, Command Prompt - PS1, Secondary Prompt - >, Files or
  3. Directories?, Aliases, Using Aliases, Customising the Shell, . - dot Command,
  4. Command History, Command Completion, mkdir - Make Directory, rmdir -
  5. Remove Directory, Special Files - . and .., Self Study, type - Type of command,
  6. Using Path Names

File Commands

  1. Objectives, cp - Copying Files, Interactive Copy - cp -i, mv - Moving Files,
  2. Interactive Move - mv -i, Moving Directories, Copying Directories, touch -
  3. Creating Files, rm – Removing Files, Interactive Remove - rm -i, Removing
  4. Unusual Files, Read Only Files - rm -f, Removing Directories - rm -r, Wildcards -
  5. File Name Generation, Wildcards - using *, Wildcards - using ?, Wildcards -
  6. using [ ], Wildcards with cp, Wildcards with rm, Wildcards with ls, Word count -
  7. wc, Combining Commands, Workshop - optional, Workshop Answers

The vim Editor

  1. Objectives, What is vi?, What is vim?, Using vim, Command Mode - Moving the
  2. Cursor, Setting Options, Input/Replace Mode – Inserting/Changing Text,
  3. Deleting Text, Other commands, Command-line Mode – Saving/Exiting,
  4. Mapping Keys, Saving Settings, Cut and Paste Text - delete and put, Copying
  5. Text - yank and put, Comparing Files - cmp, diff, sdiff, vimdiff, Regular
  6. Expressions, Global Search Commands, Line Addresses, Global Substitution,
  7. Global Printing and Deleting, Why use vim?, Vim Review, Self Study, Features
  8. of vim, Highlighting, Advanced Commands

Finding Files and Job Control

  1. Objectives, find - Finding Files, More on Redirection, Redirecting Errors, Finding
  2. Multiple Files, Find and Execute Command, xargs - Passing Filenames,
  3. Foreground Jobs, Background Jobs - &, kill - Stopping Jobs, cut - Cropping
  4. Text, jobs - Job Control, Scheduling Jobs, Crontab Command, mail - Reading
  5. Mail, Understanding Inodes, ln - Linking Files, ln - Linking Directories, write -
  6. Sending a Message, mesg - Setting Permissions, Redirecting Input - using <
  7. symbol, Piping into Commands, Self Study, find - Examples, locate - Finding
  8. Files, Brace Expansion - { }, at - Scheduling a Job, Remote Server - Logon &
  9. File Transfer, Print System, pr - Format Files, lpstat, lp, cancel - Printing Files,
  10. lpq, lpr, lprm - Printing Files, nohup Command, nice Command, Redirecting
  11. Input - using << symbol

Finding Text and Sorting

  1. Objectives, grep - Finding Text in Files, grep - Using Regular Expressions,
  2. egrep - Expression grep, Using Filters, sort - Sorting Files, sort - Redirection,
  3. Sort - Using Fields, Sort - Field Separator, uniq - Removing Duplicates, cut -
  4. Cropping Text, cut - Using Delimiters, Self Study, tr - Translate File, Sort - Using
  5. Characters, expand and unexpand, join and paste, split, fmt - reformat, od, grep
  6. - Searching Sub-directories, xargs – Editing Multiple Files, More Regular
  7. Expressions, Regular Expression Examples

Backup Commands

  1. Objectives, tar - Backing Up Files, tar - Viewing the Archive, tar - Restoring a
  2. File, tar - Restoring a File using Wildcards, gzip - Compress an Archive, gunzip -
  3. Uncompress an Archive, Self Study, tar - Restoring a File using Wildcards,
  4. Backup Script, cpio - Backing Up Files, cpio - Viewing the Archive, cpio -
  5. Restoring a File, Backing Up Files - dd

File Permissions

  1. Objectives, Permissions - File and Directory, Permissions - Evaluating, chmod -
  2. Changing Permissions, chmod – Octal Numbers, Self Study, SUID Bit, umask -
  3. Default File Permissions, umask - Changing Default Permissions


  1. sed Utility
  2. Objectives, sed - Batch Stream Editor, sed - Delete, -d, sed - Regular
  3. Expressions, sed - Print, -p, sed - Suppress, -n, sed - Replacing Text, awk
  4. Programming Tool, awk - Examples

Shell Scripts

  1. Objectives, Creating Shell Scripts, Testing the Command, Creating the Script
  2. File, Testing the Script, Adding Execute Permissions, The PATH Variable, Login
  3. Files, . - dot Command, Passing Parameters, read Command, read in Scripts,
  4. Tidying The Output, Choosing the Shell


  1. Main Commands, Get by in vim

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