Curso TypeScript Advanced

  • Development

Curso TypeScript Advanced

32 horas
Visão Geral

Curso TypeScript Advanced, tem como objetivo leva os desenvolvedores experientes de JavaScript / TypeScript a se aprofundar no mundo em constante evolução do ECMAScript - dentro e fora do navegador.

Neste Curso TypeScript Advanced você adquire, experiência prática usando técnicas avançadas, como programação funcional e sobrecarga de funções, mixins, genéricos e testes.

frameworks JS e bibliotecas favoritas, como:

  • Angular,
  • React,
  • GraphQL,
  • Node.js

Após realizar este Curso TypeScript Advanced, você será capaz de: 

  • deep-dive into Types
  • learn functional programming techniques
  • project structure good practices
  • explored Modules and Functions
Publico Alvo

Este Curso TypeScript Advanced , é adequado para desenvolvedores experientes de JavaScript / TypeScript que buscam resolver problemas complexos e por meio de projetos TypeScript bem estruturados.


Os participantes devem ter participado de nossa introdução ao curso de treinamento TypeScript ou ter experiência semelhante com JavaScript / TypeScript. 

Conteúdo Programatico

Reasons to use Typescript

  1. The benefits of compile-time error checking 
  2. A gradual migration path from JavaScript to TypeScrip
  3. How TypeScript changes your team workflow
  4. The limitations of TypeScript
  5. Understanding type inference and structural typing

Defining custom types

  1. What is a type?
  2. Creating interfaces and types
  3. The differences between interfaces and types
  4. Union and intersection types
  5. Crafting precise types to minimise errors

Advanced types

  1. Using the built-in TypeScript utilities.
  2. Working with Partial, Record, Pick, and Parameters
  3. Understanding generics and constraints
  4. Definining function signatures as types

Building real projects with TypeScript

  1. TypeScript and the Angular framework
  2. TypeScript and the React framework
  3. Debugging tools for TypeScript
  4. Working with TypeScript in Node
  5. Adding types to asynchronous code.

Quick Review of TypeScript

  1. Why Typescript is such a stonkingly good idea
  2. Remember – Typescript is (currently) design-time only

How to get there from here

  1. Adding TypeScript to existing JS files
  2. Use as little or as much TypeScript as you like
  3. Towards an agreed code style: using TypeScript consistently
  4. Get out of jail free with <any> type and its relatives (and when not to use them)

Advanced TypeScript

  1. Checking against permitted members with Type Guards
  2. Partial, ReturnType, Required and other Utility types
  3. Assigning Type based on conditions
  4. Deriving Types from collection index members
  5. New types for old with maps types

Close of Day Discussion and Q&A

  1. Leading-Edge ECMAScript
  2. Keeping up with the code-ashians: ECMAScript just keeps getting better every year
  3. What’s new since ES6:
  4. …and you are making use of back ticks and interpolation, aren’t you?
  5. So how do we do it this week?
  6. Who’s driving the ECMAScript agenda (and how you can have your say)
  7. What’s coming

Functional Programming

  1. Why pure functions turn out to be a good idea
  2. Scalable encapsulation, testability and stateful apps
  3. What that means for coding style

Mixins, Generics and Testing

  1. Are we there yet? What the RxJS library is teaching ECMAScript
  2. Exploring functional helpers and the underlying thinking
  3. Popular helpers from lodash
  4. Benefits when it comes time to test
  5. Close of Day Discussion and Q&A

Function Overloading and Type overloading

  1. Can we fix it? Yes we can
  2. Can we fix it? Yes we can and so can my wife
  3. These types are really cool … and flexible!
  4. Modules and Namespaces
  5. Import, Export (and not a trade deal in sight)
  6. Dependency injection, inversion of dependency and all that jazz
  7. These aren’t just and old components, they’re namespaced components

Project Structuring

  1. Towards architectural conventions
  2. Automated tree-shaking, dehydration and module refactoring (oh my!)
  3. When you say compile, you really mean…
  4. The wonderful world of automated testing

ES2020 and beyond

  1. So how do we do it this week?
  2. Who’s driving the ECMAScript agenda (and how you can have your say)
  3. What’s coming next

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