Curso Splunk Developing with Splunks REST API

  • Development

Curso Splunk Developing with Splunks REST API

16 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso Splunk Developing with Splunks REST API, ensina como usar a API REST Splunk para realizar tarefas que interagem com servidores Splunk. Neste Curso Splunk Developing with Splunks REST API, você usará o curl e o Python para enviar solicitações aos endpoints REST do Splunk e aprenderá como analisar e usar os resultados. O curso mostrará como criar uma variedade de objetos no Splunk, como alterar propriedades, trabalhar e aplicar segurança a objetos Splunk, executar diferentes tipos de pesquisas e analisar seus resultados, ingerir dados usando o HTTP Event Collector e manipular coleções e Lojas KV.


Após realizar este Curso Splunk Developing with Splunks REST API, você será capaz de:

  • Introdução à API REST do Splunk
  • Namespaces e gerenciamento de objetos
  • Saída de Análise
  • Busca única
  • Pesquisa normal e de exportação
  • Pesquisa avançada e gerenciamento de trabalhos
  • Trabalhando com Lojas KV
  • Usando o coletor de eventos HTTP
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Module 1 – Introduction to the Splunk REST API

  • Use the proper case in searches
  • Introduce the Splunk development environment and its REST endpoints
  • Know to which Splunk server you should be connected to accomplish a desired task
  • Authenticate with a Splunk server, with and without a session

Module 2 – Namespaces and Object Management

  • Understand general CRUD with the REST API
  • Understand how a namespace affects access to objects
  • Use the servicesNS node and a namespace to access objects
  • Understand how the sharing level and access control lists affect access to objects
  • Modify the sharing level and the permissions on an object
  • Using the rest command

Module 3 – Parsing Output

  • Understand the general structure of Atom-based output
  • Format Atom-based JSON output
  • Write code that uses the API and parse responses

Module 4 – Oneshot Searches

  • Review search language syntax and search best practices
  • Execute a oneshot search
  • Execute an export search
  • Get search results

Module 5–Normal and Export Searching 

  • Identify types of searches
  • Create normal and export searches
  • Get:
  • Search results
  • Search job status and other search job properties

Module 6 – Advanced Searching and Job Management

  • Executing a real time search
  • Working with large results sets
  • Working with saved searches
  • Managing search jobs

Module 7 – Working with the KV Store

  • Define the function of a KV Store
  • Define collections and records
  • Perform CRUD operations on collections and records

Module 8 – Using the HTTP Event Collector (HEC)

  • Create and use HEC tokens
  • Input data using HEC endpoints
  • Get indexer event acknowledgements

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