Curso SOA and Java Web Services

  • Development

Curso SOA and Java Web Services

24 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso SOA and Java Web Services foi desenvolvido para permitir acesso baseado na Web a software distribuído e serviços de negócios. Eles trazem uma arquitetura de serviço aberta e padrão para o desenvolvimento de componentes que permite que sejam acessados ​​pela Web com protocolos padrão, como HTTP e formatos XML padrão para mensagens e descrições de serviço.

Este Curso SOA and Java Web Services fornecerá uma compreensão completa da arquitetura atual de serviços da Web e das tecnologias que suportam serviços da Web, incluindo as novas APIs Java, como JAX-WS e JSR-181. Os tópicos incluem: SOAP, WSDL, JAX-WS, SAAJ, JAXB, XML, UDDI, MTOM, serviços da Web baseados em EJB e os padrões WS-*. Os serviços da Web são projetados para permitir o acesso baseado na Web a software distribuído e serviços de negócios.

Publico Alvo
  •  Desenvolvedores que irão implementar código de cliente ou servidor de serviço da Web em Java.
  • Experiência em programação Java e um bom conhecimento prático de XML são necessários.
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services

  1. SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) Overview
  2. Web Services Overview / Relationship to SOA
  3. Web services Architecture
  4. SOAP and WSDL Overview

Introduction to Java Web Services

  1. Java Web Services
  2. JAX-WS and JSR-181
  3. A Simple Service definition with @WebService
  4. JSR-181
  5. @WebService, Modifying the Generated Service
  6. Other Annotations (@WebMethod, @SOAPBinding)
  7. The SEI (Service Endpoint Interface
  8. JAX-WS Capabilities
  9. WSDL to Java Mapping
  10. Capabilities (XML Messaging, Handlers, SOAP/HTTP, Client Programming
  11. JAX-WS Clients
  12. Programming Model, Generating Classes from WSDL
  13. Writing a JAX-WS client
  14. Dynamic Clients

WSDL – Web Services Description Language

  1. XML Namespace and XML Schema Overview
  2. Namespaces and Schema in WSDL Documents
  3. WSDL Structure and Elements
  4. A WSDL Document
  5. SOAP 1.1 Binding for WSDL


  1. SOAP Overview
  2. Message Structure
  3. SOAP Faults, Attachments
  4. SOAP Messaging and HTTP Binding
  5. SOAP Styles and Encoding

SAAJ, DOM, and SOAP Handlers

  1. SAAJ Overview, Message Structure and API
  2. Creating/Sending Messages
  3. DOM Overview
  4. Using DOM with SAAJ
  5. Soap Handlers

JAXB – Java Architecture for XML Binding

  1. Overview and Architecture
  2. Generating Java Classes from XML Schema
  3. Customizing Generated Java
  4. Generating XML Schema from Annotated Java Classes
  5. Web Services, WSDL, JAXB

Start from WSDL/Start from WSDL & Java

  1. Starting from WSDL
  2. Binding Customizations
  3. Starting from WSDL and Java

XML-Based (Bare) Web Services

  1. XML Messaging Overview
  2. JAX-WS Providers
  3. A SOAP Provider an Source Provider
  4. XML Clients with Dispatch
  5. XML/HTTP Messaging with Provider
  6. Overview of REST and JAX-RS

Handling Binary Data

  1. Overview and Issues
  2. Default Handling
  3. MTOM Overview
  4. Using MTOM in Services and Clients
  5. Using DataHandler


  1. Java EE Security / Role Based Security
  2. Securing Web Services with BASIC Authentication
  3. Transport Security / HTTPS
  4. WS-Security (WSS)

EJB-Based Web Services

  1. EJB Overview
  2. Session Beans
  3. Programming EJB
  4. Creating/Configuring EJB Based Web Services

WS-* Overview

  1. WS-Interoperability (WS-I)
  2. The WS-I Basic Profile
  3. WS-Addressing

Best Practices

  1. Coarse Grained Web Services
  2. Optimization and Caching
  3. XML Handling
  4. Interoperability
  5. Top Down / Bottom Up

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