Curso Service Desk Analyst SDA

  • ITIL Gestão & Governança

Curso Service Desk Analyst SDA

24 horas
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Curso Service Desk Analyst SDA. Service desk é um sistema de gerenciamento de tickets que permite às empresas gerenciar fluxos de trabalho eficazes para departamentos internos e de atendimento ao cliente. Um service desk também é um Ponto Único de Contato (SPOC), usado para interações diárias entre provedores de serviços e usuários. Ajuda a lidar com eventos, serviços, comunicações de usuários, mudanças nos planos de serviços, etc. Curso Service Desk Analyst SDA, foi desenvolvido para fornecer a você várias habilidades primárias necessárias para se tornar um Analista de Service Desk. Além disso, este Curso Service Desk Analyst SDA, também o ajudará a obter muitas oportunidades de emprego em diversas profissões, como suporte de TI, helpdesk/service desk, analista de suporte, etc., em organizações de destaque.

Este Curso Service Desk Analyst SDA de 24 horas, fornece aos participantes as habilidades e conhecimentos essenciais necessários para fornecer atendimento ao cliente eficaz e qualidade de suporte. Eles aprenderão vários conceitos, como características de uma boa atitude de serviço, função e responsabilidades do Analista de Service Desk, relações comerciais, solução de problemas, recursos, gerenciamento de feedback do cliente, Inteligência Artificial (IA), etc. 


Após realizar este Curso Service Desk Analyst SDA, você será capaz de: identificar as necessidades dos clientes e lidar com situações difíceis na sua organização. Eles também gerenciarão incidentes ou serviços de suporte de TI e lidarão com as comunicações dos usuários em caso de interrupções e alterações planejadas nos serviços.  

Se os alunos, quiserem melhorar seus conhecimentos e habilidades no uso do Service Desk e apoiar ainda mais o avanço de sua carreira, eles poderão escolher nosso outro curso popular, Certified Service Desk Manager (CSDM) , para atingir os objetivos desejados.

  • Objetivo da central de atendimento
  • Analista de service desk
  • Políticas e governança
  • Gerenciamento de tempo
  • Trabalho em equipe
Publico Alvo
  • Aspirantes a analistas de service desk
  • Analistas atuais de Service Desk
  • Técnicos de suporte de TI
  • Técnicos de Suporte ao Cliente
  • Gerentes de TI
  • Gerentes de Incidentes
  • Analistas de negócios
  • Não há pré-requisitos formais para participar deste Curso Service Desk Analyst SDA. No entanto, alguma experiência na gestão de um Service Desk de primeira ou segunda linha será benéfica.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Professionalism and Roles

Service Desk

  1. Purpose of the Service Desk
  2. Activities of the Service Desk that Demonstrate its Values
  3. Role of Service Desk Leadership and Management

Service Desk Analyst

  1. Role of the Service Desk Analyst
  2. Responsibilities of the Service Desk Analyst

Best Practice

  1. Sources of Service Desk and IT Methodologies and Best Practice
  2. Maintain Knowledge of IT Standards, Frameworks, and Methodologies

Policies and Governance

  1. Purpose of Organisational Policies
  2. Areas Covered by Organisational Policies

Personal Accountability

  1. Importance of Making and Honouring Commitments
  2. How to Protect and Enhance the Image of the Service Desk?

Service Attitude

  1. Explain the Terms: Attributes, Skills and Knowledge
  2. Characteristics of a Good Service Attitude
  3. Impact of a Good Service Attitude
  4. Skills Required to Deliver Excellent Customer Service


  1. Basic Concepts of Teamwork
  2. Responsibilities of People Working in a Team Environment
  3. Benefits of Teamwork
  4. Characteristics of an Effective Team
  5. Features Found in a Supportive Workplace

Business Relationships

  1. Behaviours for Establishing Effective Relationships with Customers

Cultural Awareness

  1. Demonstrate Sensitivity and Respect for Other Cultures
  2. Practice Techniques for Communicating Cross-Culturally

Analyst Skills


  1. Describe Ways People Communicate
  2. Difference Between Formal and Informal Communications
  3. Barriers to Effective Communication

Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skill

  1. Principles of Good Verbal skills
  2. Principles of Good Non-Verbal Communication Skills

Listening Skills

  1. Principles of Active Listening
  2. Paraphrasing and its Significance
  3. Advantages of Active Listening
  4. Barriers to listening and Understanding

Written Communication

  1. Using Correct Grammar and Spelling is Essential in Documentation and Written Communications
  2. Components Needed for Writing Professional Business Communications and Documentation

Questioning Skills

  1. Difference Between Open and Closed Questioning
  2. Structured Questioning Technique

Problem Solving

  1. Skills Needed for Effective Problem Solving
  2. Steps in a Typical Problem-Solving Technique

Rapport Techniques

  1. Emotional Intelligence
  2. Elements of Emotional Intelligence
  3. Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
  4. Common Customer Emotions or Actions that an Analyst Requires to Manage
  5. Methods for Acknowledging the Customer’s
  6. Techniques for Dealing with Negative Reactions from Customers

Conflict and Negotiation Skills

  1. Signs that Conflict is Developing
  2. Appropriate Actions to Reduce and Eliminate Conflict
  3. Define the Negotiation
  4. Elements of Negotiation

Interaction Management Skills

  1. Benefits of Professionally Managing Interactions
  2. Benefits of Using a Standard Greeting
  3. Actions for Managing and Redirecting Issues Related to Unsupported Items
  4. Behaviours and Situations to Avoid When Interacting with Customers
  5. How to Manage an Abusive Customer?
  6. How to Manage an Angry Customer?
  7. How to Manage an Inconvenienced Customer?
  8. How to Manage an Over talkative Customer?
  9. How to Manage an Emotionally Distressed Customer?
  10. How to Manage a Customer that is Reluctant to End an Interaction?
  11. How to Professionally Disengage from a Support Interaction?


  1. Importance of Emotional Resilience
  2. Common Causes of Stress
  3. Signs of Positive Stress
  4. Signs of Negative Stress
  5. Describe the responsibility we have to Manage Stress for Ourselves and our Colleagues
  6. Actions that Reduce Stress

Time Management

  1. What Multitasking Means in a Support Environment?
  2. Techniques to Improve Time Management
  3. Benefits of Effective Time Management

Positive Approach and Attitude

  1. Differences Between Aggressive, Assertive and Passive Behaviour
  2. Importance of Demonstrating Confidence
  3. How Confidence is Demonstrated?

Professional Development

  1. Methods for Enhancing Personal Professional Development

Practices, Processes and Procedures

Practices, Processes and Procedures

  1. Practice, Process, and Procedure Management
  2. Importance of Documenting Practices, Processes, and Procedures

Incident Management

  1. Purpose of Incident Management
  2. Incident
  3. Objectives of Incident Management
  4. Principal Activities that the Service Desk Analyst Performs in Incident Management
  5. Benefits of Effective Incident Management
  6. Common Measures of Success for Incident Management

Service Request Management

  1. Purpose of Service Request Management
  2. Service Request
  3. Objectives of Service Request Management
  4. Common Measures of Success for Service Request Management

Recording Incidents and Requests

  1. Primary Reasons for Recording Incidents and Requests
  2. Procedure for, Information Required, to Raise an Incident or Service Request
  3. Determine the Priority of an Incident or Service Request
  4. Steps Required to Resolve an Incident or Service Request

Explain the Two Types of Escalation

  1. Two Types of Escalation
  2. Circumstances in which Escalation is Suitable

Status Updates

  1. Importance of Status Updates
  2. Information to Provide in a Status Update

Problem Management

  1. Purpose of Problem Management
  2. Problem
  3. Reactive and Proactive Problem Management
  4. Objectives of Problem Management
  5. Service Desk’s Responsibilities in Problem Management:
  6. Three Phases of Problem Management
  7. Primary Activities of Problem Management
  8. Common Measures of Success for Problem Management

Change Enablement

  1. Purpose of Change Enablement
  2. Describe a Change
  3. Types of Change
  4. Objectives of Change Enablement
  5. Service Desk’s Responsibilities in Change Enablement
  6. Activities in Change Enablement
  7. Common Measures of Success for Change Enablement

Service Level Management

  1. Purpose of a Service Level Management
  2. Objectives of Service Level Management
  3. Service Level Agreement
  4. Typical Content of a Service Level Agreement that is Relevant to the Service Desk (SLA)

Service Catalogue Management

  1. Purpose of Service Catalogue Management
  2. Service Catalogue
  3. Objectives of Service Catalogue Management
  4. Necessary Components of an Entry in the Service Catalogue

Service Delivery Model

  • Different Kinds of Sourcing Methodologies and Models Available for Delivering IT Services

Knowledge Management

  1. Purpose Knowledge Management
  2. Objective of Knowledge Management
  3. Why Knowledge Management is Important to the Service Des
  4. Why it is Essential to Maintain Knowledge?
  5. Common Measures of Success for Knowledge Management

Information Security Management

  1. Purpose of Information Security Management
  2. Objective of Information Security Management
  3. Importance of Information Security Policies
  4. Service Desk’s Responsibilities in Information Security Management
  5. Potential Security Threats to the Organisation that Might Occur through the Service Desk
  6. Types of Security Policies
  7. Importance of Reporting Security Compromises
  8. Importance of Legal Compliance
  9. Importance of Software License Management
  10. Importance of Confidentiality

Service Continuity Management

  1. Purpose and Responsibility of the Service Continuity Management
  2. Purpose of a Service Continuity Plan
  3. Components of a Service Continuity Plan

Quality Assurance Program

  1. Purpose of a Quality Assurance (QA) Program
  2. Objectives of a Quality Assurance (QA) Program
  3. Common QA Practices used by a Service Desk
  4. Methods for Monitoring Calls and Other Interactions
  5. What is Meant by Incident and Service Request Monitoring
  6. Methods for Monitoring Incidents and Service Requests
  7. Benefits of Interaction, Incident, and Service Request Monitoring

Managing Customer Feedback

  1. Purpose Managing Customer Feedback
  2. Objectives of Managing Customer Feedback
  3. Common Sources of Customer Feedback
  4. Components of Managing Customer Feedback
  5. Three Most Common Types of Surveys and the Importance of Each Type

Service Desk Metrics and Statistics

  1. Reason for Compiling Service Desk Metrics
  2. Common Service Desk Metrics


Support Methods

  1. Methods Used for Delivering Service and Support
  2. Purpose of Using IT Service Management Systems in a Service Desk Environment
  3. Primary Objectives of Using IT Service Management Tools
  4. Benefits of Remote Support
  5. Common Disadvantages of Using Remote Support Tools
  6. Benefits of Using Live Chat and Collaboration Tools
  7. Commons Risks of Using Live Chat and Collaboration Tools
  8. Describe Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
  9. Common Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Features


  1. Describe Self-Service
  2. Benefits of Self-Service
  3. Risks of Self-Service
  4. Common Examples of Self-Service


  1. Describe Automation
  2. Examples of Automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  1. Describe AI
  2. Common Examples of AI
  3. Benefits of AI
  4. Challenges of AI

Social Media

  1. What is Meant by Social Media?
  2. How to Use Social Media Tools Effectively

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