Curso RESTful Web Services Development

  • Development

Curso RESTful Web Services Development

Visão Geral

Este curso ensina os alunos a desenvolver, implantar e proteger serviços da Web. Os recursos do Eclipse que otimizam o desenvolvimento e a implementação de serviços da Web são abordados em detalhes. Os serviços da Web SOAP e RESTful estão incluídos. Os conceitos ensinados neste curso são reforçados por exercícios práticos de laboratório.


Após concluir o Curso você será capaz de:

  • Desenvolva Web Services usando etapas que incluem desenvolver, proteger, implantar, publicar e consumir ferramentas de Web Services simples e avançadas, incluindo AXIS2.
  • Entenda a publicação e a recuperação de definições de serviço da Web de um registro UDDI.
  • Use as ferramentas de desenvolvimento de aplicativos fornecidas pelo Eclipse que automatizam o desenvolvimento de serviços da Web.
Publico Alvo
  • Programadores, Analistas e Gerentes interessados ​​no desenvolvimento e implantação de Web Services.
  • Experiência em programação Java ou C# e familiaridade com XML.
Informações Gerais

Carga Horária: 40h

  • Se noturno este curso é ministrado de Segunda-feira à sexta-feira, das 19h às 23h
  • Se aos sábados este curso é ministrado das 9h às 18h
  • Se in-company por favor fazer contato para mais detalhes.

Formato de entrega: 

  • 100% on-line ao vivo, via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor ativo no mercado.
  • Nota: não é curso gravado. 


  • Laboratório + Exercícios práticos
Português | Inglês
Conteúdo Programatico

Java/Eclipse Review

  1. Java Development
  2. Tools
  3. Perspectives and Editors
  4. Server Configurations
  5. Debugging Tools
  6. Project Properties

Web Services Basics

  1. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  2. What are Web Services?
  3. Web Services Advantages
  4. Interactions and Component
  5. Web Services Standards: XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI
  6. Web Services Interoperability (WS-I)
  7. Java Web Services Developer Pack (Java WSDP)

Web Service Development

  1. Development Approaches
  2. Runtime Environments: Apache Axis2, Weblogic, and IBM WebSphere
  3. WS-I Compliance
  4. Creating a Web Service from a JavaBean
  5. Exposing a Stateless Session Bean as a Web Service
  6. Creating an Axis2 Web Service
  7. Generated Files
  8. Testing the Web Service
  9. Defining Deployment: webservices.xml, ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi and ibmwebservices-ext.xmi
  10. Editing WSDL
  11. Using the Web Services Explorer


  1. SOAP Processing Model
  2. SOAP Messages
  3. SOAP Message Elements (Envelope, Header, Body and Fault)
  4. Communication Styles (Document Style & RPC Style)
  5. Encoding
  6. Java/SOAP Mappings
  7. SOAP Bindings
  8. Error Handling
  9. SOAP Implementations

TCP/IP Monitor

  1. Overview
  2. TCP/IP Monitor Configuration
  3. Controlling the Monitor
  4. Using the TCP/IP Monitor View
  5. Examining Requests and Responses
  6. Examining SOAP Messages


  1. Overview
  2. Java/WSDL Mapping
  3. Abstract vs. Concrete Descriptions
  4. WSDL Document Structure
  5. WSDL Elements (Types, Ports, Services, Messages, Operations and Port Types)
  6. Bindings and Extensibility Elements
  7. WSDL Style/Use
  8. Service and Port Definitions
  9. Binding to a Service (Early vs. Late Binding)


  1. Overview
  2. Registries
  3. UDDI Interactions
  4. UDDI Data Model
  5. UDDI4J
  6. UDDI Clients

Web Services Explorer

  1. Overview of the Publishing Process
  2. Web Services Explorer Functions
  3. Launching the Web Services Explorer
  4. Accessing a UDDI Registry
  5. Publishing a Business Entity, Business Service and Service Interface
  6. Locating Web Services


  1. Overview
  2. JAX-RPC Model
  3. Service Endpoint Definition
  4. Development Steps
  5. The Service Life Cycle Interface
  6. Service Deployment
  7. Java/XML Mappings
  8. Web Service Clients (Static Stub, Dynamic Proxy and Dynamic Invocation Interface)
  9. The javax.xml.rpc.Service Interface
  10. Handlers
  11. Data Type Mapping
  12. JAX-RPC Implementations

Web Services Client Development

  1. Web Service Client Wizard
  2. Generating a Proxy
  3. Client Types
  4. Generating Sample JSPs
  5. Testing the Proxy
  6. Generated Files
  7. Using the Generated Proxy
  8. Web Services Client Editor


  1. History
  2. Engine
  3. Framework
  4. Handler Chains
  5. Services
  6. Deployment Options (JWS and WSDD)
  7. Mapping Tools (Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java)
  8. Generated Files
  9. Development Process
  10. Handlers
  11. Clients
  12. Custom Type Mapping
  13. TCP Monitor Tool (tcpmon)

Web Services for JEE

  1. JEE Architecture
  2. Port Definition
  3. Managing Ports
  4. Requirements for Exposing Session Beans and Java Classes
  5. Service Implementation Bean Lifecycle
  6. Container Responsibilities
  7. Web Services Deployment Descriptor (webservices.xml)
  8. JAX-RPC Mapping
  9. Client Development
  10. Client Deployment Descriptors
  11. Security

Application Assembly Overview

  1. Application Assembly and Packaging
  2. Deployment Descriptors
  3. Bindings

Web Services Security Concepts

  1. Web Service Security Risks
  2. Encryption and Decryption
  3. Cryptography
  4. Certificates
  5. Digital Signatures
  6. Security: Message Level vs. Transport Level
  7. SSL/TLS
  8. WS-Security

Defining Web Services Security

  1. App Server Security Model for Web Services
  2. WS-Security Authentication
  3. Enabling Authentication
  4. Message Integrity Using XML Signatures
  5. Configuring Integrity
  6. WS-Security Confidentiality
  7. Configuring Confidentiality

Deploying Web services in an Application Server

  1. Architecture
  2. Administrative Console
  3. Web Services Support
  4. Creating Required Resources
  5. Deploying a Web Service to an Application Server
  6. Managing Deployed Applications

SOAP Messages with Attachments

  1. The Need for SOAP Attachments
  2. Attachments vs. Encoding
  3. MIME defined
  4. MIME Header Fields
  5. Multipart/Related Content Type
  6. SOAP Message Package
  7. Referencing Attachments
  8. Related Java APIs
  9. JAX-RPC Mappings: MIME to Java
  10. WSDL MIME Binding

RESTful Web Services

  1. The Big picture
  2. RESTful Events and Event Handlers
  3. An Example RESTful Service

Appendix: XML Basics

  1. The History of XML
  2. XML Documents: Markup and Data
  3. XML Document Components and Structure
  4. XML Tags
  5. Well-Formed XML
  6. Elements and Attributes
  7. Names and Name Tokens
  8. Namespaces
  9. Entities and Escape Sequences
  10. CDATA Sections and Comments

Appendix: Namespaces

  1. The Need for Namespaces
  2. Declaring Namespaces
  3. Qualified Names
  4. Namespace Scoping
  5. Default Namespaces

Appendix: Validating XML With DTDs

  1. Approaches to Validation
  2. DOCTYPE Declaration
  3. Element Declarations and Element Content
  4. Modifiers
  5. Mixed Content
  6. Attribute Declarations
  7. Entities
  8. Notation Declarations
  9. Validating vs. Non-Validating Parsers

Appendix: Validating XML With XML Schemas

  1. XML Schema Structure
  2. Element Declarations
  3. Built-in Data Types
  4. Creating and Extending Types
  5. Defining Restrictions
  6. List Types and Union Types
  7. Anonymous Types
  8. Complex Types
  9. Occurrence Constraints
  10. Defining Attributes and Attribute Groups
  11. Global Elements & Attributes
  12. Declaring Mixed Content

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