Curso React and TypeScript

  • Development

Curso React and TypeScript

Visão Geral

Este curso de treinamento ensina aos alunos tópicos introdutórios de React com TypeScript.


Após a conclusão deste curso, você será capaz de:

  • Aprenda como começar com React e TypeScript
  • Trabalhar com componentes
  • Saiba mais sobre o ciclo de vida do componente React
  • Trabalhar com formulários
  • Entenda o roteamento
  • 1-2 anos de experiência em JavaScript. Compreensão avançada de JavaScript, incluindo protótipos e funções como cidadãos de primeira classe.
Informações Gerais

Carga Horária: 24h

  • Se noturno este curso é ministrado de Segunda-feira à sexta-feira, das 19h às 23h
  • Se aos sábados este curso é ministrado das 9h às 18h
  • Se in-company por favor fazer contato para mais detalhes.

Formato de entrega: 

  • 100% on-line ao vivo, via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor ativo no mercado.
  • Nota: não é curso gravado. 


  • Laboratório + Exercícios práticos
Português | Inglês
Conteúdo Programatico


  1. Verifying Node.js and either NPM or yarn
  2. Verifying class libraries
  3. Verifying class files
  4. Verifying TypeScript setup
  5. IDE (WebStorm or Visual Studio Code preferred)

Introduction to React

  1. What problem(s) does React solve?
  2. Traditional, pre-JS web applications
  3. Late-model, MV* and JS web applications
  4. React’s solutions
  5. Single-page apps
  6. View libraries
  7. Helper libraries
  8. React and TypeScript development environment
  9. Simplicity: create-react-app and react-scripts-ts
  10. Build-your-own: an overview
  11. Configuring TypeScript
  12. Hello world
  13. Your first React component
  14. Using React within a page
  15. Making some basic changes
  16. React and JSX and TypeScript


  1. Two types of components
  2. Functional components
  3. Class-based components
  4. Why use one or the other?
  5. Testing basic components
  6. Props and state
  7. Properties and types
  8. Passing in properties
  9. Limitations of properties
  10. State and types
  11. Using state
  12. When to use state, when to use props
  13. Testing components with Enzyme
  14. Event handling
  15. React event handling
  16. Event types
  17. Synthetic events
  18. React vs DOM event handling
  19. Testing events
  20. Children
  21. Component types
  22. Components within components
  23. Known children and unknown children
  24. Testing child components
  25. Parent-child component communication
  26. Communication from parent to child
  27. Communication from child to parent
  28. Container vs presentational components
  29. Using types to validate communication

React Component Lifecycle

  1. Overview
  2. Startup and mounting
  3. Deprecated methods
  4. Updating
  5. Deprecated methods
  6. Unmounting
  7. Calling lifecycle methods in tests
  8. Error handling and error boundaries

Intermediate component usage

  1. Asynchronous data
  2. When should asynchronous fetching be done?
  3. What challenges does async offer?
  4. Working with Promises and generic types
  5. Asynchronous best practices
  6. Testing against async fetches
  7. Lists of data
  8. Iterating over a list
  9. The key property
  10. Sorting data
  11. Testing component interactions


  1. Controlled vs uncontrolled components
  2. Form field types
  3. What does React know about your form field?
  4. Does React control your form field?
  5. When does React find out about changes to your form field?
  6. Form field types
  7. Controlling a text field
  8. Other form fields
  9. Getting data out of a form
  10. Working with form data in tests

Introduction to routing

  1. What problem is routing trying to solve?
  2. How does routing solve this problem?
  3. Tying components to URLs
  4. Passing parameters via the URL
  5. Routing software
  6. React-router
  7. Other routers
  8. Simple router example
  9. Routing types
  10. Testing routing

More complex routing

  1. Top-level routing
  2. Routing at the top of your application
  3. Allowing other parts of the application to manage routing
  4. Redirects
  5. React-router objects and their types
  6. match
  7. history
  8. location
  9. Routing organizational techniques
  10. Testing advanced routing

Advanced React

  1. Understanding and optimizing reconciliation
  2. Best practices for React reconciliation
  3. Recognizing common issues
  4. Making improvements
  5. Refs
  6. What’s a ref?
  7. What problem does it solve?
  8. Ref types
  9. How can I use refs?
  10. Testing refs
  11. Context
  12. What is the context API?
  13. Is the context API public?
  14. How to use the context API
  15. Context API types
  16. Testing the context API

Render props

  1. Rendering in depth
  2. Rendering a function instead of a prop
  3. Using the render prop pattern
  4. Render props, function signatures, and types
  5. Testing render props

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