Curso PRINCE2® Foundation

  • ITIL Gestão & Governança

Curso PRINCE2® Foundation

24 horas
Visão Geral

O Curso PRINCE2® Foundation, oferece uma compreensão abrangente da metodologia PRINCE2, uma abordagem amplamente reconhecida para gerenciamento de projetos. Dominar o PRINCE2 garante o sucesso do projeto e o crescimento organizacional no cenário empresarial dinâmico de hoje. Este Curso PRINCE2® Foundation, fornece aos participantes o conhecimento para gerenciar projetos de forma eficaz usando os princípios do PRINCE2.

A proficiência no PRINCE2® Foundation a nivel global é essencial para gerentes de projetos, membros da equipe e qualquer pessoa em funções de gerenciamento de projetos. Ao dominar o PRINCE2, os profissionais podem aumentar a eficiência do projeto, mitigar riscos e garantir que os objetivos do projeto sejam alcançados dentro das restrições definidas. Seja em TI, construção, saúde ou qualquer setor, a proficiência em PRINCE2 é inestimável para impulsionar o sucesso de projetos e promover perspectivas de carreira.

Este Curso PRINCE2® Foundation, capacita os participantes com habilidades práticas e insights para aplicar os princípios do PRINCE2 em cenários de projetos do mundo real. Os alunos participantes obterão uma compreensão mais profunda dos conceitos, processos e terminologia do PRINCE2, permitindo-lhes contribuir de forma eficaz para o sucesso do projeto. Através de sessões interativas, estudos de caso e exercícios práticos, os participantes adquirirão a confiança e a competência necessárias para se destacarem em funções de gerenciamento de projetos.


Depois de concluir este Curso PRINCE2® Foundation, os participantes receberão um certificado de participação. Além disso, os participantes estarão bem preparados para realizar o exame de certificação PRINCE2® Foundation, uma credencial reconhecida mundialmente que demonstra sua proficiência na metodologia PRINCE2.

  • Compreender os princípios fundamentais da metodologia PRINCE2
  • Compreender os temas e processos do PRINCE2 e suas inter-relações
  • Para aprender como adaptar o PRINCE2 para se adequar a ambientes de projeto específicos
  • Compreender as funções e responsabilidades dentro de uma equipe de gerenciamento de projetos PRINCE2
  • Para obter informações sobre planejamento, monitoramento e controle eficazes de projetos usando PRINCE2
  • Adquirir habilidades práticas para gerenciar riscos, qualidade e mudanças do projeto dentro da estrutura PRINCE2
  • Para se preparar para o exame de certificação PRINCE2® Foundation
Publico Alvo
  • Gerentes de projeto
  • Coordenadores de Projeto
  • Analistas de negócios
  • Profissionais de TI
  • Gerentes de Mudança
  • Gerentes de Risco
  • Líderes de torcida
  • Não há pré-requisitos formais para participar deste curso de treinamento PRINCE2 Foundation.
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Understand Key Concepts Relating to Projects and PRINCE2®

  1. Concepts Related to Project Management
    1. Definition of the Integrated Elements of PRINCE2®
    2. Definition of a Project and Project Management
    3. Aspects of Project Performance
  2. Definition of Delivery Approaches
  3. Describe
    1. Why Project Management is Used?
    2. Common Challenges Designed to Address
    3. Characteristics of a Project
    4. Projects in Context and Project Environment
    5. Features and Benefits of PRINCE2®

How the PRINCE2® Principles Underpin the PRINCE2® Method?

  1. PRINCE2® Principles
    1. Continued Business Justification
    2. Learn from Experience
    3. Defined Roles, Responsibilities, and Relationships
    4. Manage by Stages
    5. Manage by Exception
    6. Focus on Products
    7. Tailor to Suit the Project
  2. Aspects of a Project can Be Tailored, Who is Responsible, and How Tailoring Decisions are Documented?

Importance of People in Successful Projects

  1. Concepts Related to the People Element
    1. Organisational Ecosystem
    2. Project Ecosystem
    3. Change Management
    4. Stakeholder
    5. Culture
    6. Collaboration and Co-Creation
    7. Leadership
    8. Management
  2. Difference Between Concepts Related to the People Element
    1. People Within the Project and People Affected by the Project
    2. Leadership and Management
  3. Key Concepts Related to the People Element
    1. Change Management and Why it is Important
    2. Stakeholder Engagement
    3. Communication
    4. Effective Teams, Including Diversity, Capability, and Competence
  4. Purpose of the Management Products to Support Element of Projects
    1. PID: Change Management Approach
    2. PID: Communication Management Approach
  5. How People Aspects Integrate with Other PRINCE2® Elements?

How PRINCE2® Practices are Applied Throughout the Project?

  1. Purpose of PRINCE2® Management Products
    1. Purpose of the ‘Business Case’ Practice
    2. Relationships Between ‘Business Case’ Practice and Principles
    3. Management Products Required to Support the ‘Business Case’ Practice
    4. Concepts Related to the ‘Business Case’ Practice
    5. Guidance for Effective Management of the Business Case
    6. PRINCE2® Technique for the ‘Business Case’ Practice
  2. Purpose of the ‘Organising’ Practice
    1. Relationships Between the ‘Organising’ Practice and the Principles
    2. Purpose of the Key Management Products
    3. Key Concepts Related to the ‘Organising’ Practice
    4. Guidance for Effective Organising
    5. PRINCE2® Technique for the ‘Organising’ Practice
  3. Purpose of the ‘Plans’ Practice
    1. Relationships Between the ‘Plans’ Practice and the Principles
    2. Management Products Required to Support the ‘Plans’ Practice
    3. Concepts Related to the ‘Plans’ Practice
    4. Guidance for Effective Management of Plans
    5. PRINCE2® Technique for the ‘Plans’ Practice
  4. Purpose of the ‘Quality’ Practice
    1. Relationships Between the ‘Quality’ Practice and the Principles
    2. Management Products Required to Support the ‘Quality’ Practice
    3. Concepts Related to the ‘Quality’ Practice
    4. Guidance for Effective Management of Quality
    5. PRINCE2® Technique for the ‘Quality’ Practice
  5. Purpose of the ‘Risk’ Practice
    1. Relationships Between the ‘Risk’ Practice and the Principles
    2. Management Products Required to Support the ‘Risk’ Practice
    3. Concepts Related to the ‘Risk’ Practice
    4. Guidance for Effective Management of Risk
    5. PRINCE2® Technique for the ‘Risk’ Practice
  6. Purpose of the ‘Issues’ Practice
    1. Relationships Between the ‘Issues’ Practice and the Principles
    2. Management Products Required to Support the ‘Issues’ Practice
    3. Concepts Related to the ‘Issues’ Practice
    4. Guidance for Effective Management of Issues
    5. PRINCE2® Technique for the ‘Issues’ Practice
  7. Purpose of the ‘Progress’ Practice
    1. Relationships Between the ‘Progress’ Practice and the Principles
    2. Management Products Required to Support the ‘Progress’ Practice
    3. Concepts Related to the ‘Progress’ Practice
    4. Guidance for Effective Management of Progress
    5. PRINCE2® Technique for the ‘Progress’ Practice

PRINCE2® Processes and How They are Carried Out Throughout the Project

  1. Purpose of the PRINCE2® Processes
    1. Starting Up a Project
    2. Directing a Project
    3. Initiating a Project
    4. Controlling a Stage
    5. Managing Product Delivery
    6. Managing a Stage Boundary
    7. Closing a Project
  2. Objectives of the PRINCE2® Processes
    1. Starting Up a Project
    2. Directing a Project
    3. Initiating a Project
    4. Controlling a Stage
    5. Managing Product Delivery
    6. Managing a Stage Boundary
    7. Closing a Project
  3. Context of the PRINCE2® Processes
    1. Starting Up a Project
    2. Directing a Project
    3. Initiating a Project
    4. Controlling a Stage
    5. Managing Product Delivery
    6. Managing a Stage Boundary
    7. Closing a Project

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