Curso NGINX Fundamentals

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso NGINX Fundamentals

16 horas
Visão Geral

O Curso NGINX Fundamentals é destinado a alunos que estão começando com o NGINX. Você aprenderá como instalar, configurar e personalizar o NGINX para uma ampla variedade de usos.
Todos esses recursos serão explicados e demonstrados com exemplos práticos em laboratórios práticos.

Publico Alvo
  • Engenheiros DevOps
  • Administradores de sistemas Linux
  • Arquitetos
  • Não há pré-requisitos para este curso.
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Serve Static Content

  1. What is NGINX?
  2. Use Cases
  3. Overview of web application communication elements
  4. What are HTTP and HTTPS?
  5. HTTP Request Structure and components
  6. HTTP Response Status Codes
  7. What is an URL?
  8. Installing NGINX guide
  9. NGINX Directives, Contexts and Virtual Servers explained
  10. NGINX Files and Directories
  11. NGINX Commands
  12. How to serve static content

Hands-on Lab: Installing NGINX

Proxy connections to upstream servers

  1. What is a proxy connection?
  2. Upstream servers
  3. Configuring upstream servers

Hands-on Lab: Serve static content & configure upstream servers

Configure and customize logging

  1. Setting up the error log
  2. Setting up the access log
  3. Access log variable
  4. Integrate NGINX Logging with other vendors

Hands-on Lab: Customize Logging and integrate NGINX with Splunk and Kibana

Live Activity Monitoring

  1. Live Activity Monitoring
  2. Live activity monitoring – dashboard
  3. Gathering Data to appear in statistics

Demo: Live Activity Monitoring

Configure HTTPS & Site Security

  1. How does SSL work
  2. Setting up an HTTPS Server
  3. SSL Termination for TCP Upstream Servers
  4. Securing HTTP Traffic to Upstream Servers (Re-Encryption)
  5. NGINX mutual authentication

Hands-on Lab: HTTPS Security

Use Variable in Rewrites, Routing and Maps

  1. What are rewrite rules?
  2. The return directive
  3. The rewrite directive
  4. The try_files directive

Hands-on Lab: Rewrites, Routing and Maps

Module 7: Route Connections

  1. Passing request headers
  2. Choosing an outgoing IP address

Load Balancing

  1. What is a load balancer?
  2. Load Balancing algorithms
  3. Configuring round robin algorithm
  4. Configuring least connections algorithm
  5. Configuring IP Hash algorithm
  6. Load balancing – server weights

Hands-on Lab: Configure and troubleshoot different load balancing methods like round robin/ least connection/ IP hash

Implement & Manage Caching

  1. What is Caching?
  2. How does Caching Work?
  3. Configuring basic caching
  4. Fine-tuning the cache
  5. What is compression?
  6. Compression directives

Hands-on Lab: Implement & manage caching by configuring NGINX to save responses in a disk cache and use them to respond to clients

Leverage NGINX API to Dynamically Configure servers at runtime

  1. Dynamic Configuration with NGINX Plus API
  2. Enabling Dynamic Configuration
  3. Using API for Dynamic Configuration

Install NGINX from binary & from source files

  1. Installing NGINX from binary
  2. Installing NGINX from source files

Hands-on Lab: Build NGINX from source files


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