Curso Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator

  • Redes & Infraestrutura de TI

Curso Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator

Visão Geral

O Curso Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator, explora como projetar, implementar e operar sistemas de gerenciamento de identidade e acesso de uma organização usando o Microsoft Entra ID. Aprenda a gerenciar tarefas como fornecer autenticação segura e acesso de autorização a aplicativos corporativos. Você também aprenderá a fornecer experiências integradas e recursos de gerenciamento de autoatendimento para todos os usuários. Por fim, aprenda a criar acesso adaptável e governança de suas soluções de gerenciamento de identidade e acesso, garantindo que você possa solucionar problemas, monitorar e gerar relatórios sobre seu ambiente. O Administrador de Identidade e Acesso pode ser um único indivíduo ou membro de uma equipe maior. Saiba como essa função colabora com muitas outras funções na organização para impulsionar projetos estratégicos de identidade. O objetivo final é fornecer-lhe conhecimento para modernizar soluções de identidade, implementar soluções de identidade híbridas e implementar governação de identidade.

Publico Alvo

Este curso é para administradores de identidade e acesso que planejam fazer o exame de certificação associado ou que estão executando tarefas de administração de identidade e acesso em seu trabalho diário. Este curso também seria útil para um administrador ou engenheiro que queira se especializar no fornecimento de soluções de identidade e sistemas de gerenciamento de acesso para soluções baseadas no Azure; desempenhando um papel integral na proteção de uma organização.

Inglês/Português/Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Explore identity in Microsoft Entra ID

  1. Explain the identity landscape
  2. Explore zero trust with identity
  3. Discuss identity as a control plane
  4. Explore why we have identity
  5. Define identity administration
  6. Contrast decentralized identity with central identity systems
  7. Discuss identity management solutions
  8. Explain Microsoft Entra Business to Business
  9. Compare Microsoft identity providers
  10. Define identity licensing
  11. Explore authentication
  12. Discuss authorization
  13. Explain auditing in identity

Implement initial configuration of Microsoft Entra ID

  1. Configure company brand
  2. Configure and manage Microsoft Entra roles
  3. Configure delegation by using administrative units
  4. Analyze Microsoft Entra role permissions
  5. Configure and manage custom domains
  6. Configure tenant-wide setting

Create, configure, and manage identities

  1. Create, configure, and manage users
  2. Create, configure, and manage groups
  3. Configure and manage device registration
  4. Manage licenses
  5. Create custom security attributes
  6. Explore automatic user creation

Implement and manage external identities

  1. Describe guest access and Business to Business accounts
  2. Manage external collaboration
  3. Invite external users - individually and in bulk
  4. Demo - manage guest users in Microsoft Entra ID
  5. Manage external user accounts in Microsoft Entra ID
  6. Manage external users in Microsoft 365 workloads
  7. Implement and manage Microsoft Entra Verified ID
  8. Configure identity providers
  9. Implement cross-tenant access controls

Implement and manage hybrid identity

  1. Plan, design, and implement Microsoft Entra Connect
  2. Implement manage password hash synchronization (PHS)
  3. Implement manage pass-through authentication (PTA)
  4. Demo - Manage pass-through authentication and seamless single sign-on (SSO)
  5. Implement and manage federation
  6. Trouble-shoot synchronization errors
  7. Implement Microsoft Entra Connect Health
  8. Manage Microsoft Entra Health

Secure Microsoft Entra users with multifactor authentication

  1. What is Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication?
  2. Plan your multifactor authentication deployment
  3. Configure multi-factor authentication methods

Manage user authentication

  1. Administer FIDO2 and passwordless authentication methods
  2. Explore Authenticator app and OATH tokens
  3. Implement an authentication solution based on Windows Hello for Business
  4. Deploy and manage password protection
  5. Configure smart lockout thresholds
  6. Implement Kerberos and certificate-based authentication in Microsoft Entra ID
  7. Configure Microsoft Entra user authentication for virtual machines

Plan, implement, and administer Conditional Access

  1. Plan security defaults
  2. Plan Conditional Access policies
  3. Implement Conditional Access policy controls and assignments
  4. Test and troubleshoot Conditional Access policies
  5. Implement application controls
  6. Implement session management
  7. Implement continuous access evaluation

Manage Microsoft Entra Identity Protection

  1. Review identity protection basics
  2. Implement and manage user risk policy
  3. Monitor, investigate, and remediate elevated risky users
  4. Implement security for workload identities
  5. Explore Microsoft Defender for Identity

Implement access management for Azure resources

  1. Assign Azure roles
  2. Configure custom Azure roles
  3. Create and configure managed identities
  4. Access Azure resources with managed identities
  5. Analyze Azure role permissions
  6. Configure Azure Key Vault RBAC policies
  7. Retrieve objects from Azure Key Vault
  8. Explore Microsoft Entra Permissions Management

Plan and design the integration of enterprise apps for SSO

  1. Discover apps by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps and Active Directory Federation Services app report
  2. Configure connectors to apps
  3. Design and implement app management roles
  4. Configure preintegrated gallery SaaS apps
  5. Implement and manage policies for OAuth apps

Implement and monitor the integration of enterprise apps for SSO

  1. Implement token customizations
  2. Implement and configure consent settings
  3. Integrate on-premises apps with Microsoft Entra application proxy
  4. Integrate custom SaaS apps for single sign-on
  5. Implement application-based user provisioning
  6. Monitor and audit access to Microsoft Entra integrated enterprise applications
  7. Create and manage application collections

Implement app registration

  1. Plan your line of business application registration strategy
  2. Implement application registration
  3. Register an application
  4. Configure permission for an application
  5. Grant tenant-wide admin consent to applications
  6. Implement application authorization
  7. Manage and monitor application by using app governance

Plan and implement entitlement management

  1. Define access packages
  2. Configure entitlement management
  3. Configure and manage connected organizations
  4. Review per-user entitlements

Plan, implement, and manage access review

  1. Plan for access reviews
  2. Create access reviews for groups and apps
  3. Create and configure access review programs
  4. Monitor access review findings
  5. Automate access review management tasks
  6. Configure recurring access reviews

Plan and implement privileged access

  1. Define a privileged access strategy for administrative users
  2. Configure Privileged Identity Management for Azure resources
  3. Plan and configure Privileged Access Groups
  4. Analyze Privileged Identity Management audit history and reports
  5. Create and manage emergency access accounts

Monitor and maintain Microsoft Entra ID

  1. Analyze and investigate sign-in logs to troubleshoot access issues
  2. Review and monitor Microsoft Entra audit logs
  3. Export logs to third-party security information and event management system
  4. Analyze Microsoft Entra workbooks and reporting
  5. Monitor security posture with Identity Secure Score

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