Curso Linux System Administration

  • Linux & Suse

Curso Linux System Administration

32 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Linux System Administration. A administração do Linux envolve uma boa interação com o hardware do sistema e o kernel, bem como a aplicação de um grande número de ferramentas e aplicativos. Este curso fornece uma abordagem prática para adquirir as principais habilidades de administração e gerenciamento de sistemas. À medida que percorremos os tópicos administrativos, de rede e de solução de problemas, incorporamos elementos de boas práticas, desempenho e segurança, todos visando alcançar um alto nível de proficiência no trabalho na linha de comando. Com sua abordagem de design diferenciada, este curso também é adequado como uma conversão de Unix para Linux para administradores Unix existentes. É um evento de desenvolvimento de habilidades em ritmo acelerado, repleto de exercícios práticos e solução de problemas. A plataforma do curso será um dos derivados da Red Hat, como CentOS ou ScientificLinux. No entanto, as discussões e o material abordam todas as principais vertentes do Linux e, sempre que uma ferramenta, técnica ou método específico for relevante, serão abordadas especificidades do SUSE, Debian e Ubuntu. Por exemplo, discutimos a abordagem única adotada por vários sistemas em áreas como inicialização de sistemas e gerenciamento de software.


Ao final deste Curso Linux System Administration, você será capaz de:

  • Compare várias distribuições Linux
  • Entenda a administração do Linux versus UNIX
  • Entenda os métodos e formas de instalação de um sistema Linux
  • Use a arquitetura modular do kernel e reconfigure-a para atender a uma necessidade específica
  • Interrogue, gerencie e configure hardware
  • Instale software adicional: pré-empacotado e do código-fonte
  • Execute atualizações automatizadas de software
  • Configurar e solucionar problemas do processo de inicialização e inicialização do sistema operacional
  • Implemente e gerencie partições e sistemas de arquivos, incluindo LVM
  • Manter a segurança do sistema de arquivos, inclusive usando chattr e ACL
  • Entenda o controle de acesso obrigatório com Selinux e Apparmour
  • Aumente a segurança do usuário e da sessão com PAM
  • Conecte-se com SAMBA e CIFS
  • Use SSH para conectividade segura
  • Execute configuração básica de rede, segurança e solução de problemas
  • Lidar com filtragem de pacotes com iptables e firewalld
Publico Alvo
  • Todos os administradores, desenvolvedores, analistas existentes, na verdade, todos os usuários que cuidam de uma máquina Linux. Além disso, administradores Unix experientes que precisam migrar suas habilidades para Linux.
  • Os delegados deverão ter frequentado previamente o curso 'QALXESS-2, Linux System Fundamentals', seguido de vários meses de experiência prática de trabalho com Linux (ou ter competências equivalentes)
  • Alternativamente, deverão ter sólida experiência de administração de qualquer versão Unix
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Getting Started
Linux server market; Introduction to distributions considered in our courses; Red Hat, Debian (and their derivatives) and SUSE; Understanding kernel versions; Web resources and forums

Preparing For Installation
Understanding PC hard disks: PC hard disk drives: IDE and SCSI; Disk preparation: primary, extended and logical partitions; Understanding memory; Linux swapping and paging: planning swap area, adding swaps; Disk tools: fdisk, parted, hdparm

Installation Methods
Preparing for installation; Installation sources; Selecting system 'personality'; Gathering information; Installation planning and process; Installing Linux from CD-ROM; Post-installation steps; Repeatable installation with installer script

Software Management

  1. Linux software and source code;
  2. Shared and static libraries;
  3. Library related tools: ldd,
  4. ldconfig;
  5. Using 'tarballs' and related tools
  6. Packages in SUSE,
  7. Red Hat and derivatives;
  8. Packaging method: RPMs;
  9. Package management tools: rpm and yum;
  10. SUSE management tool: zypper
  11. Packages in Debian derivatives;
  12. Packaging method - DEBs; Package management tools: dpkg, apt-get, aptitude, tasksel

Boot Management

  1. Bootstrap procedure; Traditional BIOS and MBR; Comparison with modern UEFI and GPT; Using and configuring GRUB 'Legacy' bootloader; GRUB disk numbering; GRUB configuration; Using and configuring GRUB 2; grub2 'global' directives configuration; /boot/grub/grub.cfg; initrd versus initramfs; grub2 tools; Recovering from boot problems; GRUB Legacy vs. GRUB 2 CLI commands

Hardware and Architecture

  1. Types of platforms Linux will run on;
  2. Minimum hardware requirements;
  3. Selected 3.X onwards features;
  4. Supported devices;
  5. Configuring sysfs devices with udev;
  6. Hardware troubleshooting tools

Kernel Configuration

  1. Kernel runtime parameters; /proc/sys/* and /etc/sysctl.conf;
  2. Device drivers in the kernel;
  3. Monolithic vs. modular design;
  4. Handling modules with lsmod, depmod and modprobe;
  5. Creating a customised Kernel;
  6. Why rebuild?;
  7. Prescriptive sequence of steps;
  8. Kernel interesting locations: /usr/src/*, /boot, /lib/modules/$(uname -r)‏

System Service Control

  1. SysVinit startup sequence;
  2. Single and multi-user run levels;
  3. The init process and its configuration in /etc/inittab;
  4. SysVinit startup files (rc files);
  5. Systemd method for service control;
  6. Units and targets;
  7. Configuration files;
  8. Using systemctl tool;
  9. Integration with SysVinit method

System Logging

  1. Auditing and logging;
  2. Basic Unix log files;
  3. Simple data tools for working with logs - touch, tail,
  4. tail -f, grep;
  5. Syslog daemon;
  6. Rotating logs;
  7. Monitoring logs.
  8. Brief Introduction to journald

User Accounts

  1. User-related configuration files: /etc/passwd, /etc/group, /etc/shadow;
  2. Creating an account;
  3. Basic attributes;
  4. Secondary group membership;
  5. Password requirement;
  6. Customising an account;
  7. User home directory;
  8. Start-up files

User Account Security, incl PAM

  1. Security aspects of basic accounts;
  2. Terminal and shell control files;
  3. Testing account usage and activity:
  4. lastlog, last, lastb; Identity power as dictated by UID;
  5. Role based identity;
  6. PAM; User authentication principles;
  7. User account control

Extended File Attributes

  1. Recap of basic file and directory permissions:
  2. r/w/x, SUID,
  3. SGID and sticky bit;
  4. File Access Control List (ACL);
  5. Making use of individual user and group assignments;
  6. Understanding mask property;
  7. Using setfacl and getfacl of files and directories;
  8. Applying additional file attributes through chattr;
  9. Using chattr to set additional attributes;
  10. Applying privileged attributes;
  11. Using lsattr to explore extended attributes

Managing Filesystems

  1. Linux native filesystems:
  2. ext*,
  3. reiserfs,
  4. xfs,
  5. btrfs ;
  6. Configuring filesystems;
  7. Performance -
  8. mkfs command;
  9. Security - mount command;
  10. Troubleshooting and diagnosing filesystems:
  11. fsck,
  12. tune2fs,
  13. debugfs,
  14. fuser,
  15. dumpe2fs,
  16. xfs*;
  17. Restricting disk assignments with user/group

Storage Management with LVM

  1. Overview of disk partitioning;
  2. Using fdisk to create physical partitions;
  3. LVM structure:
  4. PV,
  5. VG,
  6. LV;
  7. Logical volumes must have filesystem created;
  8. Standard mkfs, mount and /etc/fstab treatment applies;
  9. Logical volumes can be dynamically resized

Networking Infrastructure

  1. Number crunching;
  2. Network related files and directories:
  3. interface configuration files,
  4. name resolving;
  5. Modern tools - the ip and ss command:
  6. general syntax and usage;
  7. Network parameters in the kernel;
  8. Configuring proxy;
  9. Static routes;
  10. Interface parameters with ethtool;
  11. Interface bonding:
  12. modes and configuration

Perimiter Network Protection

  1. Firewall concepts;
  2. Infrastructure and DMZ;
  3. Types and implementations;
  4. Kernel's role;
  5. Network parameters in /proc/sys/net;
  6. NetFilter module;
  7. Linux firewalls:
  8. iptables and firewalld;
  9. Understanding firewalld zones and firewall-cmd tool;
  10. Alternatives products:
  11. IPCop,
  12. horewall,
  13. ufw and many others...;
  14. knockd to open holes in your firewall on demand

Introduction to SELinux

  1. DAC vs.
  2. MAC security policies;
  3. Problems with traditional,
  4. discretionary, methods;
  5. Products providing mandatory access methods;
  6. Main SELinux features;
  7. Policies, enforcements,
  8. control; Scope,
  9. coverage and availability;
  10. SELinux configuration and management;
  11. SELinux states;
  12. Labelling and access policies;
  13. Policy database and run-time flow;
  14. Modifying existing,
  15. and creating new, policies

Network Services

  1. Protocols & Services;
  2. Network super-daemons:
  3. inetd, xinetd ;
  4. TCP wrapper with tcpd;
  5. Network time protocol;
  6. Hardware vs.
  7. oftware clock;
  8. Daemons and configuration

Samba and CIFS

  1. What is Samba;
  2. SMB and CIFS protocols;
  3. Installing and configuring Samba components;
  4. Configuration file: /etc/samba/smb.conf;
  5. Special and user sections;
  6. Configuring the [global] section;
  7. Samba daemon and diagnostic tools: smbd,
  8. nmbd,
  9. smbstatus,
  10. testparm,
  11. SWAT;
  12. Samba client tools:
  13. nmlookup,
  14. smbclient,
  15. smbtree,
  16. smbtar;
  17. Viewing Samba shares in Windows;

SSH Hints and Tricks

  1. SSH purpose;
  2. Recap of basic SSH use;
  3. SSH client and server configuration ;
  4. Using SSH keys;
  5. Creating public/private key pair;
  6. Configuring and using SSH agent;
  7. Tunnelling X application in SSH;
  8. Port forwarding;
  9. Principles of local and remote port forwarding;
  10. Forwarding through a firewall and multiple gateways

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