Curso Kanban Workshop

  • ITIL Gestão & Governança

Curso Kanban Workshop

Visão Geral

Os métodos Kanban aumentaram em popularidade. Indo além das origens fabris, cada vez mais equipes de tecnologia da informação estão adotando as práticas. Os métodos Kanban vão além dos aspectos visuais do quadro Kanban. Além de visualizar o trabalho em andamento, o Kanban fornece técnicas para gerenciar o fluxo de trabalho e melhorar continuamente esse fluxo. Você aprende a se concentrar no trabalho necessário e a reduzir o tempo gasto no trabalho errado. Outras vantagens incluem flexibilidade de processo, maior produtividade e maior eficiência. Os conceitos são fáceis de entender, mas difíceis de dominar.


Após concluir o Curso Kanban Workshop, você será capaz de:

  • Origens e evolução do Kanban
  • Os benefícios do Kanban
  • Conceitos, princípios e terminologia Kanban
  • Visualização do Trabalho
  • Limitando o Trabalho em Processo
  • Analisando o fluxo de trabalho
  • Otimizando seu sistema Kanban
  • Cultura de melhoria contínua
  • Mal-entendidos e armadilhas comuns do Kanban
  • Experimentos e análises para melhorar o desempenho da equipe
  • Métricas Kanban e Relatórios Gerenciais
  • Gerenciamento e escalonamento de problemas
Publico Alvo
  • Analista de negócios
  • Analista Técnico
  • Gestor de projeto
  • Engenheiro de Software/Programador
  • Gerente de desenvolvimento
  • Gerente de Produto
  • Analista de Produto
  • Testador
  • Engenheiro de QA
  • Especialista em Documentação
Informações Gerais

Carga Horária: 24h

  • Se noturno este curso é ministrado de Segunda-feira à sexta-feira, das 19h às 23h
  • Se aos sábados este curso é ministrado das 9h às 18h
  • Se in-company por favor fazer contato para mais detalhes.

Formato de entrega: 

  • 100% on-line ao vivo, via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor ativo no mercado.
  • Nota: não é curso gravado. 


  • Laboratório + Exercícios práticos
Português | Inglês
Conteúdo Programatico


  1. Summary: General logistics for the class.
  2. Topics covered:
  3. Housekeeping
  4. Course Objectives
  5. Introductions
  6. Instructor Bio
  7. Agenda
  8. Kanban Parking Lot

The Case for Change

  1. Summary: Gain an overall understanding of the basic principles, and benefits of Kanban along with how it differs from other development methodologies. Review similar methodologies practiced in organizations today. Show how it differs from Scrum as an example.
  2. Topics covered:
  3. What is Lean
  4. What is Agile
  5. What is Kanban
  6. Why Kanban
  7. How Kanban differs from other methodologies
  8. Difference from Scrum
  9. Kanban Team and Roles
  10. Objectives From Summary:
  11. Benefits of Kanban
  12. How Kanban differs from other Agile methodologies

Kanban Overview and Concepts

  1. Summary: Learn the foundation of Kanban concepts, properties, and terminology. Understand the philosophy behind the Kanban framework and how it originated.
  2. Topics covered:
  3. Kanban's 5 Core Properties
  4.  Kanban Emergent Behaviors
  5. General Concepts at high level
  6. Objectives From Summary:
  7. Kanban origins and evolution
  8. The Kanban concepts, principles, and terminology
  9. Understand the Kanban core principles

Implementing Kanban

  1. Summary: The best way to understand Kanban is to go through the process of implementing it. This section goes through the various techniques and ceremonies associated with Kanban.
  2. Topics covered:
  3. Work Item Types
  4. Card Walls
  5. Workflow
  6. Queues and Buffers
  7. Cadences
  8. Work-in-Progress
  9. Bottlenecks
  10. Issues and Blocked Items
  11. Objectives From Summary:
  12. Visualization of Work
  13. How to set up a Card Wall
  14. Setting Work-in-Process Limits
  15. Limiting Work-In-Process
  16. Analyzing the Flow of Work
  17. Learn to build visualization methods like a Kanban board
  18. Understand implementation approaches
  19. How to use Work Item Types
  20. Setting input and output limits

Metrics and Reporting

  1. Summary: Kanban needs to report slightly different metrics than traditional or Agile project management. Understand how metrics and reporting differs in Kanban.
  2. Topics covered:
  3. Metrics Overview
  4. Tracking Work-in-Process
  5. Cumulative Flow Diagram
  6. Lead Time
  7. Trends
  8. Throughput
  9. Objectives From Summary:
  10. Kanban Metrics and Management Reporting
  11. How to use metrics and tracking methods
  12. How to optimize the Flow of Work

Scaling Kanban

  1. Summary: Applying Kanban techniques to other types of efforts. How to track requirements, decouple work, and leverage the Minimal Marketable Release.
  2. Topics covered:
  3. Scaling Kanban for different size efforts
  4. Minimal Marketable Release
  5. Two-Tiered Card Walls
  6. Swim Lanes
  7. Objectives From Summary:
  8. Understand considerations for scaling Kanban
  9. Learn how Kanban is used by software development teams
  10. Using the Minimum Marketable Release to break work down


  1. Summary: Learn how to recognize opportunities for improvement in your Kanban system and what to do about them.
  2. Topics covered:
  3. Three types of Improvement Opportunities
  4. Estimations
  5. Class of Service
  6. Service Level Agreements
  7. Policies
  8. Issue Management and Escalation Policies
  9. Objectives From Summary:
  10. Optimizing your Kanban system
  11. Practices to improve Kanban team performance
  12. Understand Service Level Agreements

Kanban Change Initiative

  1. Summary: Understand the cultural change components of Kanban. Understand the goals behind the Kanban approach to change.
  2. Topics covered:
  3. Kaizen Culture
  4. Kaizen Mindset
  5. Agile Leadership
  6. Servant Leader
  7. Kotter's Model
  8. Objectives From Summary:
  9. Continuous improvement culture
  10. Learn the role of Continuous Improvement


  1. Summary: Summarize key takeaways.
  2. Topics covered:
  3. Review Key Takeaways
  4. Review Kanban objectives board
  5. Survey Information


  1. Summary: In-class exercises help to reinforce the fundamental principles of Kanban and the techniques that will increase its effectiveness. With our exercises, you will learn ways to leverage Kanban and lead your project to success.
  2. Topics covered:
  3. Review Kanban Emergent Behaviors
  4. Building a Kanban board
  5. Documenting a work flow
  6. Change a workflow into a Kanban system
  7. Kanban Simulation


  1. Topics covered:
  2. Kanban pronunciation
  3. High Performing Tree
  4. Building a Kanban Board
  5. Six Sigma Career Day
  6. Changing the World

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