Curso K2 Citizen Developer

  • ITIL Gestão & Governança

Curso K2 Citizen Developer

16 horas
Visão Geral

O Curso K2 Citizen Developerexplica como desenvolver aplicativos simples com o K2 Apps Wizard ou aplicativos K2 pré-construídos. Você aprenderá como editar aplicativos K2 ou criar soluções que combinem dados, formulários, fluxos de trabalho e relatórios, criando um aplicativo de amostra do mundo real do zero usando K2 SmartForms, K2 Workflow, SmartObjects e Reports.


Ao participar do Curso K2 Citizen Developer, o Citizen Developer será capaz de criar um aplicativo usando o K2 Apps Wizard, baixar e instalar um aplicativo K2 pré-construído e modificar os aplicativos gerados ou instalados. Você também poderá criar seu próprio aplicativo com formulários, fluxos de trabalho e relatórios SmartBox SmartObjects (ou Advanced SmartObjects existentes) usando ferramentas de design K2.

Publico Alvo
  • Usuários finais ou desenvolvedores de processos
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

K2 Designer

  1. Learn the ins and outs of the K2 Designer: what it does and how to use and navigate through it. Also get a better understanding of the the Category Browser.

K2 Elements

  1. Understand the four key K2 elements: SmartObjects, SmartForms, Workflow, and Reports.

Data Interactions (using SmartBox SmartObjects)

  1. Deep dive into data integration with K2’s SmartBox SmartObjects technology. Learn how to create a SmartBox SmartObject, attach properties to the element, and define what kind of data types are available for use. Learn how to edit SmartBox SmartObjects and its properties post-creation.


  1. Learn what SmartForms are and how to use the K2 Designer to build them. This section will also cover SmartForm types and their features and capabilities including: List Views, Item Views, Controls, Rules, and integration with workflows.


  1. This module will provide everything you need to know about workflows within K2: the makeup of workflows through workflow patterns and concepts, using the Workflow Designer and starting a workflow, and how to start a workflow. Additionally, You will get a better understanding of Server Tasks, User Tasks, Actions and Notifications as well different decision steps and their outcomes.


  • This module will cover all things about reports - the different types of reports available as well as how to access and use them to troubleshoot any issues with your app. You will also see what security measures are available around reporting in K2.

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