Curso JEE - Develop Web Services with JAX-WS & JAX-RS

  • Development

Curso JEE - Develop Web Services with JAX-WS & JAX-RS

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O Curso JEE - Develop Web Services with JAX-WS & JAX-RS cobre o design e a criação de clientes e serviços da Web SOAP e RESTful. Você usará o Ambiente de Desenvolvimento Integrado (IDE) NetBeans para desenvolver serviços da web JAX-WS e JAX-RS e implantar esses serviços no Oracle WebLogic Server. A maioria dos tópicos abordados são portáteis em todos os servidores de aplicativos que suportam os padrões de serviço web JEE.



Após concluir este Curso JEE - Develop Web Services with JAX-WS & JAX-RS, você será capaz de:

  • Aplicar a API JAX-WS na criação de Web Services e clientes SOAP
  • Aplicar a API JAX-RS na criação de Web Services RESTful
  • Serviços Web seguros usando WS-Security, Jersey e OAuth
  • Lidar com erros e exceções em serviços Web e clientes
  • Crie documentos XML usando declarações de namespace e esquema XML
  • Produza e consuma conteúdo XML e JSON usando JAXB
  • Crie clientes RESTful Web Service usando a API Jersey Client
  • Entenda a função dos Web Services



Publico Alvo
  • Desenvolvedores JEE
  • Desenvolvedores Java
  • Experiência em Core Java e JEE.



Inglês/Português/Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

An Introduction to Web Services

  1. Explaining the need for web services
  2. Defining web services
  3. Explaining the characteristics of a web service
  4. Explaining the use of both XML and JSON in web services
  5. Identifying the two major approaches to developing web services
  6. Explaining the advantages of developing web services within a Java EE container


  1. Describing the Benefits of XML
  2. Creating an XML Declaration
  3. Assembling the Components of an XML Document
  4. Declaring and Apply XML Namespaces
  5. Validating XML Documents using XML Schemas
  6. Creating XML Schemas


  1. Listing the Different Java XML APIs
  2. Explaining the Benefits of JAXB
  3. Unmarshalling XML Data with JAXB
  4. Marshalling XML Data with JAXB
  5. Compiling XML Schema to Java
  6. Generating XML Schema from Java Classes
  7. Applying JAXB Binding Annotations
  8. Creating External Binding Configuration Files

SOAP Web Services

  1. SOAP message structure
  2. Using WSDL files to define web services
  3. WS-I Basic Profile and WS-Policy

Creating JAX-WS Clients

  1. Using tools to generate JAX-WS client artifacts
  2. Calling SOAP web services using JAX-WS in a Java SE environment
  3. Calling SOAP web services using JAX-WS in a Java EE environment
  4. Using JAXB Binding customization with a SOAP web service
  5. Creating a JAX-WS Dispatch client
  6. Creating a client that consumes a WS-Policy enhanced services (WS-MakeConnection)

RESTful Web Services

  1. Describing the RESTful architecture and how it can be applied to web services
  2. Designing a RESTful web service and identify resources
  3. Navigating a RESTful web service using hypermedia
  4. Selecting the correct HTTP method to use when duplicate requests must be avoided
  5. Identifying Web Service result status by HTTP response code
  6. Version RESTful web services

Creating RESTful Clients in Java

  1. Using Java SE APIs to make HTTP requests
  2. Using the Jersey Client APIs to make HTTP requests
  3. Processing XML and JSON in a RESTful web service client

Bottom-Up JAX-WS Web Services

  1. Describing the benefits of Code First Design
  2. Creating JAX-WS POJO Endpoints
  3. Creating JAX-WS EJB Endpoints

Top-Down JAX-WS Web Services

  1. Describing the benefits of WSDL First Design
  2. Generating Service Endpoint Interfaces (SEIs) from WSDLs
  3. Implementing Service Endpoint Interfaces
  4. Customizing SEI Generation

JAX-RS RESTful Web Services

  1. Download, Install, and Configure Jersey
  2. Creating Application Subclasses
  3. Creating Resource Classes
  4. Creating Resource Methods, Sub-Resource Methods, and Sub-Resource Locator Methods
  5. Producing and Consume XML and JSON content with JAX-RS

Web Service Error Handling

  1. Describing how SOAP web services convey errors
  2. Describing how REST web services convey errors
  3. Returning SOAP faults
  4. Returning HTTP error status codes
  5. Mapping thrown Exceptions to HTTP status codes
  6. Handling errors with SOAP clients
  7. Handling errors with Jersey clients

Security Concepts

  1. Explaining Authentication, Authorization, and Confidentiality
  2. Applying Basic Java EE Security by using deployment descriptors (web.xml)
  3. Creating users and groups and map them to application roles
  4. Detailing possible web service attack vectors


  1. Describing the purpose of WS-Policy, WS-SecurityPolicy, WS-Security
  2. Configuring WebLogic Server for WS-Security
  3. Applying WS-Policy to WebLogic JAX-WS Web Services
  4. Signing and Encrypt SOAP Messages using WS-Security

OAuth with Jersey

  1. Describing the purpose of OAuth
  2. Describing the request lifecycle when using OAuth
  3. Creating OAuth enabled services using Jersey
  4. Creating OAuth enabled clients using Jersey

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