Curso Java Advanced Programming

  • Development

Curso Java Advanced Programming

32 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso Java Advanced Programming é para indivíduos e pequenos grupos que desejam aprender tópicos avançados de Java. Nesta aula de treinamento avançado em Java, os alunos aprendem que os aplicativos cliente/servidor podem ser escritos utilizando os pacotes e java.rmi.

A segurança também é abordada em detalhes em vários capítulos, incluindo políticas de segurança e criptografia de dados. A análise XML é feita usando a API JAXP. Os programadores podem usar funções C e C++ de seus programas Java usando JNI. O curso termina com vários capítulos sobre padrões de projeto e como eles podem ser melhor utilizados em diferentes tipos de aplicativos Java.  Os desenvolvedores Java aprendem aplicativos cliente/servidor escritos utilizando os pacotes e java.rmi. Os desenvolvedores Java aprendem sobre políticas de segurança Java e criptografia de dados. A análise XML é feita usando a API JAXP. Os programadores podem usar funções C e C++ de seus programas Java usando JNI.

Publico Alvo

Programadores Java que desejam aprofundar seus conhecimentos em programação Java e explorar os usos dos vários pacotes avançados.

Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Advanced I/O – Object Serialization

  1. What is Serialization?
  2. Serializable Object
  3. Writing an Object
  4. Reading an Object
  5. Handling Exceptions
  6. Customizing Serialization
  7. Controlling Serialization
  8. Versioning

Advanced I/O – New I/O

  1. The java.nio package
  2. Buffers and Channels
  3. Buffer Implementations
  4. Buffer Methods
  5. ByteBuffer Methods
  6. FileChannel
  7. File Locking
  8. MappedByteBuffer
  9. Transferring Data Between Channels
  10. Character Sets


  1. Introduction to Reflection
  2. The Class Class
  3. The reflect Package
  4. Constructors
  5. Fields
  6. Methods
  7. Exception Handling and Reflection
  8. JavaBeans
  9. Dynamic Programming

Advanced JDBC

  1. JDBC SQL Escape Syntax
  2. The execute() Method
  3. Batch Updates
  4. Updatable Result Sets
  5. Large Objects
  6. Working with Savepoints
  7. RowSets
  8. CachedRowSets
  9. DataSources

Networking with Sockets

  1. Clients and Servers
  2. Ports, Addresses and Protocols
  3. The Socket Class
  4. Communication Using I/O
  5. Servers
  6. The ServerSocket Class
  7. Concurrent Servers
  8. The URL Class
  9. The URLConnection Class

Remote Method Invocation

  1. Distributed Applications
  2. Stubs
  3. Steps to Create a Remote Object
  4. An RMI Client
  5. An RMI Server
  6. RMI Classes and Interfaces
  7. Class Distribution
  8. RMI Utilities
  9. Parameter Passing and Serialization

Advanced RMI

  1. Client Callbacks
  2. Dynamic Class Loading
  3. Activation
  4. Activatable Objects
  5. Registering Activatable Objects
  6. Security and Activation
  7. JNDI and RMI Registry

Managing Security Policies

  1. Untrusted Code
  2. Security Managers
  3. The Java Security Model
  4. Policy Entries
  5. Policy Files
  6. Using the Policy Tool
  7. Securing Applets
  8. Securing Applications

Keys, Signatures, and Certificates

  1. Jar Files
  2. Data Security Concerns
  3. Message Digests
  4. Digital Signatures
  5. Using keytool
  6. Using jarsigner
  7. Certificates
  8. Certificate Chains
  9. Managing Keys and Certificates
  10. Security Policies for Signed Code
  11. Java Cryptography Architecture

Encryption with the javax.crypto Package

  1. Cryptography Concepts
  2. Encryption Keys
  3. Cipher Algorithms
  4. Modes and Padding Schemes
  5. The Cipher Class
  6. Encrypting and Decrypting Data
  7. Cipher Output Stream
  8. Cipher Input Stream
  9. Encryption using Password Ciphers
  10. Exchanging Encrypted Keys
  11. Sealed Objects

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)

  1. Authentication and Authorization
  2. JAAS Overview
  3. LoginContext
  4. Subjects, Principals, and PrivilegedActions
  5. Authentication with the NTLoginModule
  6. Defining Permissions in Policy Files
  7. KeyStoreLoginModule
  8. Callbacks
  9. NameCallback and PasswordCallback
  10. The Policy Class

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)

  1. Naming and Directory Services
  2. Namespaces and Contexts
  3. Naming Operations
  4. Bindings
  5. Attributes
  6. Directory Operations
  7. DNS Lookups with JNDI
  8. JNDI in J2EE

Parsing XML with Java – JAXP

  1. Naming and Directory Services
  2. Namespaces and Contexts
  3. Naming Operations
  4. Bindings
  5. Attributes
  6. Directory Operations
  7. DNS Lookups with JNDI
  8. JNDI in J2EE

Parsing XML with Java – JAXP

  1. The Java API for XML Processing
  2. Introduction to SAX Parsing
  3. SAXParser and JAXP
  4. SAX Event Methods
  5. Introduction to DOM
  6. Parsing DOM with JAXP
  7. The DOM API
  8. Validation
  9. Transformation

Native Methods

  1. Overview of Java Native Methods and JNI
  2. How to Create and Use Native Methods
  3. Native Method Declaration
  4. Using javah
  5. Creating the Implementation Code
  6. Compilation
  7. Distribution
  8. Using the Native Methods
  9. JNI
  10. Passing Arguments
  11. Calling Java Methods in Native Code
  12. JNI Signatures

Java Design Patterns – Creational Patterns

  1. What are Design Patterns?
  2. What are Creational Patterns?
  3. Singleton – Introduction
  4. Singleton – Implementation
  5. Singleton – When to Use?
  6. Factory Method – Introduction
  7. Factory Method – Implementation
  8. Factory Method – When to Use?
  9. Builder – Introduction
  10. Builder – Implementation
  11. Builder – When to Use?

Java Design Patterns – Structural Patterns

  1. What are Structural Patterns?
  2. Façade – Introduction
  3. Façade – Implementation
  4. Façade – When to Use?
  5. Adapter – Introduction
  6. Adapter – Implementation
  7. Adapter – When to Use?
  8. Composite – Introduction
  9. Composite – Implementation
  10. Composite – When to Use?

Java Design Patterns – Behavioral Patterns

  1. What are Behavioral Patterns?
  2. Template – Introduction
  3. Template – Implementation
  4. Template – When to Use?
  5. State – Introduction
  6. State – Implementation
  7. State – When to Use?
  8. Observer – Introduction
  9. Observer – Implementation
  10. Observer – When to Use?

Appendix A – JDBC SQL Programming

  1. Error Checking and the SQLException Class
  2. The SQLWarning Class
  3. JDBC Types
  4. Executing SQL Queries
  5. ResultSetMetaData
  6. Executing SQL Updates
  7. Using a PreparedStatement
  8. Parameterized Statements
  9. Stored Procedures
  10. Transaction Management

Appendix B – Eclipse

  1. Introduction to Eclipse
  2. Installing Eclipse
  3. Running Eclipse for the First Time
  4. Editors, Views, and Perspectives
  5. Setting up a Project
  6. Creating a New Java Application
  7. Running a Java Application
  8. Debugging a Java Application
  9. Shortcut Key Sequences
  10. More Shortcut Key Sequences
  11. Setting the Classpath
  12. Importing Existing Java Code into Eclipse

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