Curso Introduction to Building And Deploying Openstack Cloud Systems

  • Cloud Computing

Curso Introduction to Building And Deploying Openstack Cloud Systems

32 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Introduction to Building And Deploying Openstack Cloud Systems. OpenStack é uma estrutura de computação em nuvem de código aberto amplamente utilizada. Desenvolvido originalmente em conjunto com a NASA e a Rackspace, agora é uma parte importante dos produtos de serviços web da Rackspace. A Rackspace está ativamente envolvida no desenvolvimento do OpenStack e versões mais recentes estão sendo lançadas em intervalos regulares. A versão mais atual é o Grizzly, e seu sucessor, Havana, está em processo de desenvolvimento e testes. O Openstack é adequado para pequenas empresas e também está sendo usado por algumas grandes corporações. RedHat, Dell e HP também apoiam ativamente a iniciativa Openstack. Tal como acontece com muitas estruturas de código aberto grandes e complexas, existem várias “ramificações comerciais” que fornecem suporte técnico e produtos complementares. Este curso se concentra nos elementos de código aberto do Openstack e é independente de qualquer organização específica que forneça produtos comerciais baseados em openstack.

  • Conhecimento básico de Linux, ferramentas e utilitários de linha de comando Linux, redes Linux e TCP/IP e programação shell. Alguma experiência prática em administração de sistemas seria vantajosa. 
  • Este Curso Introduction to Building And Deploying Openstack Cloud Systems é destinado a administradores técnicos de sistemas, gerentes técnicos de TI e data centers e planejadores estratégicos.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico
  • Overview of history, concepts and terminology
    • Concepts and components of Cloud Computing Frameworks
      • Internet as a Service (IaaS)
      • Virtualisation and Hypervisors - architecture and technology
      • Why use virtual machines in cloud computing frameworks ?
      • Components and services needed for a functioning cloud computing framework
      • Overview of the key components of OpenStack - Projects/Services
        • OpenStack Compute (Nova,Glance)
        • OpenStack Storage (Swift, Cinder)
        • OpenStack Networks (Quantum)
        • OpenStack Security (Keystone)
        • OpenStack Tools (Horizon, Ceilometer, Heat)
      • Logical overview of how the components work together
      • Physical deployment of components - Computers, Networks (interfaces, switches and routers), File systems (RAID, NAS, SAN)
      • TCP/IP and OpenStack (IPv4, IPv6, Virtual Networks, Routing protocols, Application layer protocols)
  • Introduction to open source Virtualisation technologies KVM, XenServer and Qemu
    • Installation, Configuration and Usage of KVM, XenServer and Qemu
    • Comparison and Relationship with VWWare, Citrix, and commercial technologies
    • Installing an OpenStack distribution on a virtual machine
    • Runnning multiple virtual machine instances on a single machine
    • Setting up a cloud running multiple virtual instances on multiple machines
  • OpenStack usage concepts
    • Multi-tenancy
    • On demand provisioning of virtual machines
      • Self service provisioning
      • Snapshotting
    • Storage volumes
      • Block storage for VM images
      • Object storage for VM images and arbitrary files
    • Dashboard
    • Openstack as a Cloud Operating System
  • OpenStack Architecture (currently Grizzly version)
    • A graph model
      • Relationships between components and services
    • APIs to provide access
    • Drivers to underlying host operating system
    • Nova compute as a worker daemon and the creation and termination of Virtual Machines via the Hypervisor API
    • Glance - virtual machine discovery, retrieval and registration
    • Horizon Dashboard - baseline user interface for managing OpenStack services
    • Keystone - OpenStack security - policy, catalog, token authentication
      • LDAP - overview and usage
      • SQL database - overview and usage
      • KeyValue Stores (KVS) - overview and usage
      • Understanding how Keystone relates to other OpenStack elements
      • Keystone and user management
      • Keystone and provision of a service catalog
      • Keystone use cases and scenarios - Keystone Architecture flow
    • Openstack storage
      • Types of storage
        • Ephemeral storage
        • Block storage
        • Object storage
      • Storage use cases and scenarios
      • Object storage (Swift) - location and retrieval of data
      • Object storage architecture
        • Single node cluster
        • Small clusters (server/node)
        • Large clusters (multiple zones and regions)
      • Swift System components
        • Ring
        • Proxy Server
        • Object Server
        • Use Case Analysis and Scenarios the Swift System in use
      • Cinder Architecture - Block Storage
        • Cinder deployment
        • Cinder interaction with Nova
    • Openstack - Network as a Service - Quantum
      • Quantum subnetworks and quantum deployment
        • Management network
        • Data network
        • External network
        • API network
      • Plugins and agents
    • Use cases and scenarios showing how the openstack components fit together
  • Openstack Deployment - Practical case studies
    • Context and soft systems analysis - construcing the rich picture
    • Defining context and boundary
    • Goals and objectives
    • Intensive revision of TCP/IP networking
    • Establishing network architecture requirements
    • Sketching out initial network architectures
      • Layer 3 and Virtual networking
    • Sketching out a deployment automation network diagram
    • Gaining management support and analysis of cross-organisational changes associated with openstack deployment
    • Identifying and building necessary in house skills
    • Scalability issues
      • The rack as a base unit for scaling
      • Scaling horizontally vs. scaling vertically
    • Automation - design, planning, implementation, monitoring and maintenance
    • Planning for the future - Havana architecture
      • MaaS
      • Juju
      • Puppet/Chef
  • Building and deploying a basic OpenStack system on a small collection of Virtual machines
    • Setting up a VirtualBox sandbox environment
    • Installing OpenStack and configuring OpenStack compute
    • Basic administration
      • Stopping and starting Nova services
      • Setting up a cloudadmin account and project
      • Installing and using euca2ools for command line administration
      • launching and terminating a cloud instance
      • Creating and modifying user accounts
      • Managing security groups
      • Creating and managing keypairs
      • Creating custom Windows and Linux images
    • Mastering and understanding Keystone
      • Installing OpenStack Identity Service
    • Configuring roles
    • Creating tenants
    • Adding users
      • Defining service endpoints 62
      • Configuring the service tenant and service users
      • Configuring OpenStack Image Service and OpenStack Compute to use the OpenStack Identity Service
    • OpenStack storage
      • Creating an OpenStack Storage sandbox environment and installing the OpenStack Storage services
      • Configuring storage
        • Replication
        • Storage service and storage proxy server configuration
        • Account server setup
        • Container and Object server setup
        • Creating Object, Account, and Container rings
        • Stopping starting and testing OpenStack Storage
        • SSL access to OpenStack storage
        • OpenStack Storage with OpenStack Identity Service
        • Object storage - iInstalling the swift client tool
          • Creating containers
          • Uploading, downloading and listing containers and objects
          • Deleting containers and objects
        • Understanding and using OpenStack Storage ACLs
        • Openstack Storage administration
          • Preparing and managing clusters and drives
          • Cluster monitoring, capacity management and node management
          • Monitoring usage
    • Glance OpenStack Image Service
      • Installation and configuration
      • Registering remotely stored images
    • Nova volumes
      • Configuring nova-volume services and configuring OpenStack Compute for nova-volume
      • Creating volumes
      • Attaching and detaching volumes to instances
      • Deleting volumes
    • Horizon - OpenStack Dashboard
      • Installation
      • Keypair management
      • Security group management
      • Launching and terminating instances via the Dashboard
      • Adding new tenants and managing users via the Dashboard
    • OpenStack Networking - configuration and administration
      • Flat networking
      • Flat networking with DHCP
      • VLAN Manager networking
      • Configuring per-project (tenant) IP ranges
      • Automatically assigning fixed networks to tenants
      • Modifying a tenant's fixed network
      • Manually associating floating IPs to instances
      • Manually disassociating floating IPs from instances
      • Automatically assigning floating IPs
  • Installing and Deploying OpenStack in Datacentres
    • Installing and using MAAS (Metal as a service) for bare-metal provisioning
    • Installing and configuring Juju and using Juju to install OpenStack services
    • Managiong and scaling OpenStack compute capacity
    • MySQL and PostgreSQL clustering
    • Load balancing
    • Designing for fault tolerance and bonding network interfaces
  • Basic Troubleshooting
    • Making use of logging
    • Learning from case studies, strategies and scenarios
      • Troubleshooting OpenStack Compute Services
      • Troubleshooting OpenStack Storage Service
      • Troubleshooting OpenStack Authentication

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