Curso Intro to IP Telephony

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Curso Intro to IP Telephony

Visão Geral

Neste curso, os alunos irão rever o protocolo TCP/IP e o encaminhamento básico e cobrir elementos VoIP tais como interfaces analógicas e digitais, planos de numeração e marcação, gateways e gatekeepers, e os diferentes protocolos utilizados no funcionamento VoIP. Após a conclusão deste curso, os alunos serão capazes de abordar as principais questões de qualidade, tais como atrasos e trepidação, bem como questões de segurança, tais como confidencialidade e falsificação.


Após a conclusão do Curso Intro to IP Telephony, realizará o seguimento:

  • Fundamentos de PSTN e VoIP
  • Tecnologias VoIP
  • Qualidade e Segurança VoIP
Publico Alvo
  • Profissionais de TI com conhecimentos de Networking e também familiarizados com a Tecnologia VoIP.
  • Conhecimentos básicos de informática.
Informações Gerais

Carga Horária: 16h

  • Se noturno este curso é ministrado de Terça-feira à sexta-feira, das 19h às 23h
  • Se aos sábados este curso é ministrado das 9h às 18h
  • Se in-company por favor fazer contato para mais detalhes.

Formato de entrega: 

  • 100% on-line ao vivo, via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor ativo no mercado.
  • Nota: não é curso gravado. 


  • Laboratório + Exercícios práticos
Português | Inglês
Conteúdo Programatico

Overview of the PSTN and Comparisons to Voice over IP

  1. The Beginning of the PSTN
  2. Understanding PSTN Basics
  3. PSTN Services and Applications
  4. Drivers Behind the Convergence Between Voice and Data Networking
  5. Packet Telephony Network Drivers
  6. New PSTN Network Infrastructure Model

Enterprise Telephony Today

  1. Similarities Between PSTN and ET
  2. Differences Between PSTN and ET
  3. Common ET and PSTN Interworking

Basic Telephony Signalling

  1. Signalling Overview
  2. E&M Signalling
  3. CAS
  4. ISDN
  5. QSIG
  6. DPNSS

Signalling System 7

  1. SS7 Network Architecture
  2. SS7 Protocol Overview
  3. SS7 Examples
  4. List of SS7 Specifications

PSTN Services

  1. Plain Old Telephone Service
  2. Business Services
  3. Service Provider Services

IP Tutorial

  1. OSI Reference Model
  2. Internet Protocol
  3. Data Link Layer Addresse
  4. IP Addressing
  5. Routing Protocols
  6. IP Transport Mechanisms

VoIP: An In-Depth Analysis

  1. Delay/Latency
  2. Jitter
  3. Pulse Code Modulation
  4. Voice Compression
  5. Echo
  6. Packet Loss
  7. Voice Activity Detection
  8. Digital-to-Analog Conversion
  9. Tandem Encoding
  10. Transport Protocols
  11. Dial-Plan Design

Quality of Service

  1. QoS Network Toolkit
  2. Edge Functions
  3. Traffic Policing
  4. Backbone Networks
  5. Rules of Thumb for QoS
  6. Cisco Labs’ QoS Testing

Billing and Mediation Services

  1. Billing Basics
  2. Case Study: Cisco SIP Proxy Server and Billing
  3. Challenges for VoIP Networks
  4. Mediation Services

Voice Security

  1. Security Requirements
  2. Security Technologies
  3. Protecting Voice Devices
  4. Protecting IP Network Infrastructure
  5. Security Planning and Policies


  1. H.323 Elements
  2. H.323 Protocol Suite
  3. H.323 Call-Flows


  1. SIP Overview
  2. SIP Message Building Blocks
  3. Basic Operation of SIP
  4. SIP Procedures for Registration and Routing
  5. SIP Extensions

Gateway Control Protocols

  1. MGCP Overview
  2. MGCP Model
  3. MGCP Commands and Messages
  4. MGCP Call Flows
  5. Advanced MGCP Features
  6. H.248/MEGACO

PSTN and VoIP Interworking

  1. Cisco Packet Telephony
  2. Packet Voice Network Overview
  3. PGW2200 Architecture and Operations
  4. PGW2200 Implementation
  5. PSTN Signalling Over IP
  6. Changing Landscape of PSTN-IP Interworking
  7. Session Border Controller (SBC)

Service Provider VoIP Applications and Services

  1. The Service Provider Dilemma
  2. Service Provider Applications and Benefits
  3. Service Provider VoIP Deployment: Vonage
  4. Service Provider Case Study: Prepaid Calling Card
  5. Session Border Control: Value Addition
  6. VoIP Peering: Top Priority for the Service Providers
  7. Service Provider VoIP and Consumer Fixed Mobile Convergence

Enterprise Voice over IP Applications and Services

  1. Migrating to VoIP Architecture
  2. Enterprise Voice Applications and Benefits
  3. Advanced Enterprise Applications
  4. Wi-Fi–Enabled Phones
  5. Better Voice Quality Using Wideband Codecs

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