Curso Distributed Broker Programming

  • Development

Curso Distributed Broker Programming

Visão Geral

O curso foi desenvolvido especificamente para que o cliente instrua os participantes do curso a projetar, programar e manter os fluxos existentes de maneira eficiente até a versão 8, em um ambiente Linux, UNIX ou Windows.

O curso conterá inúmeros exercícios práticos para consolidar as sessões de ensino e está totalmente documentado.

Publico Alvo
  • O Curso foi desenvolvido para o pessoal de TI que possui a experiência de plataforma necessária e que está familiarizado com o envio e recebimento de mensagens em um Sistema MQ.
Informações Gerais

Carga Horária: 40h

  • Se noturno este curso é ministrado de Segunda-feira à sexta-feira, das 19h às 23h
  • Se aos sábados este curso é ministrado das 9h às 18h
  • Se in-company por favor fazer contato para mais detalhes.

Formato de entrega: 

  • 100% on-line ao vivo, via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor ativo no mercado.
  • Nota: não é curso gravado. 


  • Laboratório + Exercícios práticos
Português | Inglês
Conteúdo Programatico


  1. Terms
  2. IBM?S Websphere Message Broker
  3. Versions
  4. IBMs Websphere Product list
  5. Message Broker Toolkit
  6. Message Broker Environment (Prior to Version 7)
  7. Components
  8. The Configuration Manager
  9. The Broker
  10. The Repository
  11. Message Broker Version 7/8
  12. Message Flow
  13. Introduction
  14. Structure of a Message Flow
  15. Nodes
  16. Terms within the message broker
  17. Perspective
  18. Pane
  19. Logical & Physical Message
  20. Development Overview pre version 8
  21. Message Flow Project
  22. Message Set Project
  23. Execution Group
  24. Broker Archive File
  25. Deployment
  26. Message Broker Project
  27. Development Overview version 8
  28. Perspective
  29. Application
  30. Libraries
  31. Rules
  32. Message Model
  33. Execution Group
  34. Broker Archive File
  35. Deployment
  36. XML Overview
  37. Parsers
  38. Standards
  39. Resource/Workspace
  40. Types of Resources
  41. Files
  42. Folders
  43. Projects
  44. Working Sets
  45. Library
  46. Applications
  47. File Extensions
  48. Message Broker Explorer


  1. The Command Console
  2. Broker Domain Pre Version 7
  3. Requirements
  4. Broker Domain Version 7/8
  5. Requirements
  6. Definition
  7. Websphere MQ Queue Manager
  8. The Broker Creation
  9. Other Broker Commands
  10. Starting/Stopping the Broker
  11. The Default Configuration Pre Version 7
  12. The Default Configuration Version 7 / 8
  13. WebSphere Message Broker Explorer
  14. Libraries/Applications Version 8

Message Broker Toolkit Example

  1. Developing Applications
  2. Pre Version 8
  3. Creating the Working Set
  4. Defining the Message Definition
  5. Message Flow
  6. Defining the Node Properties
  7. ESQL and the Editor
  8. Creating the BAR file and the Execution Group
  9. Create the Broker Archive File
  10. Build the Broker Archive File
  11. Create an Execution Group
  12. Deploying an Execution Group
  13. Development Version 7 Differences
  14. Version 8
  15. Creating the Working Set
  16. Library/Application
  17. Create the Message Model including DFDL
  18. Message Flow
  19. Defining the Node Properties
  20. ESQL
  21. Creating the BAR file and the Execution Group
  22. Build the Broker Archive File
  23. Create an Execution Group
  24. Testing

Input and Output

  1. Message Format
  2. Physical Representations
  3. Conversion
  4. Selecting a Parser
  5. Available Parsers
  6. Messages
  7. Message Queue Message Descriptor
  8. MQRFH2
  9. Nodes
  10. Message Tree Structure
  11. Environnent Tree Structure
  12. Local Tree Structure
  13. Environment List Tree Structure
  14. Input Nodes
  15. Output Nodes
  16. Configuring Nodes

Error Handling And Debugging

  1. Failure Terminal
  2. Try Catch Node
  3. Backout Queue
  4. Dead Letter Queue
  5. Transactional / Outside Transaction Control Messages
  6. Logs
  7. XPath
  8. User Trace
  9. To Start a User Trace
  10. Using the Output
  13. User Trace Node
  14. Service Trace
  15. ODBC Trace
  16. The Flow Debugger
  17. Setting the Breakpoints
  18. Creating The Port
  19. Debugging
  20. Debugging perspective


  1. Filter Node
  2. Route Node
  3. Route to Label and Label Node
  4. Label Node
  5. Aggregation Node
  6. Collector Node
  7. Subflows
  8. Subflows Version 8
  9. .subflow extention
  10. .msgflow
  11. Sequence Node
  12. Resequence Node

Message Transformation

  1. ESQL
  2. Message Tree
  3. Correlation Names
  4. The Compute Node


  1. Tree Structure
  2. Properties Node/Folder
  3. Message Queue Message Descriptor
  4. XMLNSC Parser
  5. Tree Structure Nodes/ Folders
  6. Field Reference
  7. Correlation Name
  8. Field Name Expression
  9. Field Names
  10. Syntax
  11. Basic Statements
  12. Message Tree Manipulation Statements
  13. Database Update Statements
  14. Node Interaction Statements
  15. Other Statements
  16. Index Expression
  17. Node List
  18. Message Tree Reference
  19. Move Statement
  20. Detach Statement
  21. Attach Statement
  22. Create Statement
  23. Data Types
  24. Deleting Fields
  25. Create Field
  26. Functions
  27. If
  28. Case
  29. While
  30. Module
  31. Functions and Procedures
  32. Call
  33. Propagate

Databases & Maps

  1. Database Nodes
  2. Adding a Database Definition
  3. Database Nodes
  4. DataUpdate Node
  5. DataInsert Node
  6. DataDelete Node
  7. Selecting Data From a Database
  8. Defining the ESQL
  9. Using a where Command
  10. Using Variables
  11. Defining and Using Maps
  12. Mapping Version 8

Advanced Message Flow Topics

  1. Accounting and statistics
  2. Statistics Data Details
  3. Commands
  4. Turning on and off accounting Information
  5. Setting the Interval
  6. Reviewing accounting and Statistics Setting
  7. Reviewing interval settings
  8. Retrieving Snapshot Statistics

Publish and Subscribe

  1. Publish and Subscriber applications
  2. Publish and Subscriber Terms
  3. Writing Publish and Subscribe Applications
  4. Creating
  5. Registering
  6. Listing Subscriptions
  7. Publication Flows
  8. The Publication Node
  9. Controlled of throwing of Exceptions

Additional Processing Nodes

  1. Request/Reply
  2. Introduction
  3. MQReply Node
  4. MQGet Node
  5. Timer Node
  6. Email Output Node

Processing Data in Files

  1. File Input node
  2. File Output Node

Java Message Service

  1. Enterprise Messaging System
  2. The JMS Programming Model
  3. JMS Administered Objects
  4. JNDI Namespace
  5. Connection Factory
  6. Rules And Format Header Version 2
  7. JMS Messages
  8. Field Relationships
  9. Message Types
  10. Message Representation
  11. JMS Nodes

Service Orientated Architecture

  1. Service
  2. WEB Services Description Language
  3. SOAP
  4. The Structure of a Soap Message
  5. SCA Nodes


  1. Pattern Parameters
  2. Pattern Instance Project
  3. Patterns Available
  4. Message-Based Integration Patterns
  5. Enablement Patterns
  6. Service Virtualization Patterns
  7. File Processing Patterns
  8. Application Integration Patterns
  9. Pattern Explorer

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