Curso Continuous Integration with Maven, Jenkins and Nexus

  • Development

Curso Continuous Integration with Maven, Jenkins and Nexus

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Continuous Integration with Maven, Jenkins and Nexus, ensina aos alunos o processo de construção do Apache Maven, os princípios da integração contínua e como implementar a integração contínua com a execução automatizada de testes usando Jenkins, Maven e o gerenciador de repositório Sonatype Nexus OSS. Os alunos usam uma cópia local do Jenkins e para criar e executar trabalhos Maven, vincular a um sistema de controle de versão, executar testes automatizados e gerar relatórios de desenvolvimento. Os participantes configuram o sistema para registrar relatórios de construção e artefatos gerados em um repositório Nexus.


Após realizar este Curso Continuous Integration with Maven, Jenkins and Nexus, você será capaz de:


  • Baixe e instale o Maven
  • Construir um projeto
  • Trabalhe com a estrutura de diretórios, plug-ins, repositórios e muito mais do Maven
  • Compreender o modelo de objeto do projeto (POM)
  • Crie um aplicativo da Web completo usando o Maven
  • Crie e ative perfis
  • Use o Maven do Eclipse por meio do plug-in m2eclipse
  • Instalar e configurar Jenkins em um contêiner de servlet
  • Criar compilações do Jenkins
  • Configurar e usar Apache Ant e Apache Maven com Jenkins
  • Use Jenkins para gerar relatórios de padrões de codificação Java, relatórios de cobertura de código e avisos de alteração
  • Use Jenkins para implantar software automaticamente em um ambiente de teste
  • Configurar Maven e Jenkins para implantar os artefatos gerados no Nexus
  • Os participantes devem ter familiaridade com as práticas de desenvolvimento Java.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction To Continuous Integration And Jenkins-Ci

  1. Agile Development
  2. Agile Development (cont'd)
  3. What is Continuous Integration
  4. What is Continuous Integration (cont'd)
  5. What is Continuous Integration (cont'd)
  6. Typical Setup for Continuous Integration
  7. Jenkins Continuous Integration
  8. Jenkins Features
  9. Running Jenkins

Introduction To Apache Maven

  1. Build Tools for Java
  2. Build Tools for Java (cont'd)
  3. History of Build Tools
  4. Traditional Scripting
  5. 'make'
  6. Problems with Make
  7. Manual Build with JavaC
  8. ANT
  9. Pros and Cons of Ant
  10. Apache Maven
  11. Goals of Maven
  12. What is Apache Maven?
  13. What is Apache Maven (cont'd)
  14. Why Use Apache Maven?
  15. The Maven EcoSystem
  16. Consistent Easy-to-Understand Project Layout
  17. Convention Over Configuration
  18. Maven is Different
  19. Maven Projects have a Standardized Build
  20. Effect of Convention Over Configuration
  21. Importance of Plugins
  22. A Key Point on Maven!

Installing And Running Apache Maven

  1. Downloading Maven
  2. Installing Maven
  3. Run From Command Line
  4. Running Inside an IDE
  5. Settings.xml
  6. Local Repository

Installing and Running Jenkins

  1. Downloading and Installing Jenkins
  2. Running Jenkins as a Stand-Alone Application
  3. Running Jenkins on an Application Server
  4. Installing Jenkins as a Windows Service

A Jenkins Job

  1. Different types of Jenkins job
  2. Configuring Source Code Management (SCM)
  3. Working with Subversion
  4. Build Triggers
  5. Schedule Build Jobs
  6. Polling the SCM
  7. Maven Build Steps

Getting Started with Maven

  1. Terminology and Basic Concepts
  2. Artifacts
  3. Lifecycle
  4. Default Lifecycle
  5. Plugins
  6. Running Maven - the Story So Far
  7. Running Maven from an IDE
  8. Common Goals
  9. pom.xml
  10. Example
  11. Example (cont'd)
  12. Artifact Coordinates
  13. Standard Layout for Sources

A Web Application in Maven

  1. A More Complex Project
  2. Putting it Together With Maven
  3. Packaging the Target Artifact
  4. The Source Tree
  5. Dependencies
  6. Transitive Dependencies
  7. Dependency Scope
  8. Working With Servers
  9. Declaring and Configuring Plugins
  10. Running the Plugin
  11. Binding a Plugin Goal to the Lifecycle
  12. Archetypes

Commonly Used Plugins

  1. Maven Plugins
  2. Declaring and Configuring Plugins
  3. Running the Plugin
  4. Binding a Plugin Goal to the Lifecycle
  5. Maven Surefire Test Plugin
  6. Failsafe Plugin
  7. Site Plugin
  8. JavaDoc Plugin
  9. PMD Plugin
  10. Code Coverage – Cobertura
  11. Summary

Multi-Module Builds

  1. Introduction
  2. The Reactor
  3. Reactor Sorting
  4. Multi-Module Build by Example

Pom Projects

  1. Project Object Model (POM)
  2. The overall POM structure
  3. Storing POM

Writing Plugins (Maven)

  1. What is Maven Plugin
  2. Example of Using a Plugin
  3. Create a Custom Plugin
  4. Create a Custom Plugin (cont.)
  5. Plugin Management

Creating Archetypes

  1. Introduction to Maven Archetypes
  2. Introduction to Maven Archetypes (cont.)
  3. Using Interactive Mode to generate Goal
  4. Common Maven Archetypes

Repository Management

  1. Introduction
  2. Proxy Remote Repositories
  3. Release Artifacts
  4. Snapshot Artifacts
  5. Reasons to Use a Repository Manager
  6. Repository Coordinates
  7. Addressing Resources in a Repository

Release Management

  1. What is release Management?
  2. Release Management with Nexus
  3. Release Management with Maven

Jenkins Plugin

  1. Introduction
  2. Jenkins Plugins - SCM
  3. Jenkins Plugins – Build and Test
  4. Jenkins Plugins – Analyzers
  5. Jenkins for Teams
  6. Installing Jenkins Plugins

Securing Jenkins

  1. Jenkins Security - Overview
  2. Jenkins Security
  3. Authentication
  4. Authorization
  5. Confidentiality
  6. Activating Security
  7. Configure Authentication
  8. Using Jenkins's Internal User Database
  9. Creating Users
  10. Authorization
  11. Matrix-Based Security
  12. Note – Create the Administrative User
  13. Project-based Matrix Authorization
  14. Project-Based Authentication
  15. Role Based Access Control

Distributed Builds with Jenkins

  1. Distributed Builds - Overview
  2. Distributed Builds – How?
  3. Agent Machines
  4. Configure Jenkins Master
  5. Configure Projects

Continuous Delivery and the Jenkins Pipeline

  1. Continuous Delivery
  2. Continuous Delivery (cont'd)
  3. DevOps and Continuous Delivery
  4. Continuous Delivery Challenges
  5. Continuous Delivery with Jenkins
  6. The Pipeline Plugin
  7. The Pipeline Plugin (cont'd)
  8. Defining a Pipeline
  9. A Pipeline Example
  10. Pipeline Example (cont'd)
  11. Parallel Execution
  12. Creating a Pipeline
  13. Invoking the Pipeline
  14. Interacting with the Pipeline
  15. Pipeline vs Traditional Jobs

Best Practices For Jenkins

  1. Secure Jenkins
  2. Users
  3. Backups
  4. Reproducible Builds
  5. Testing and Reports
  6. Large Systems
  7. Distributed Jenkins
  8. Summary

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