Curso CISM Certified Information Security Manager

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Curso CISM Certified Information Security Manager

24 horas
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O Curso CISM Certified Information Security Manager equipa os profissionais com as habilidades e o conhecimento para proteger ativos de informações valiosos. É uma disciplina altamente relevante e crucial em um cenário impulsionado pela tecnologia. O CISM, oferecido pela ISACA, é uma certificação reconhecida mundialmente que garante que os indivíduos sejam bem versados ​​na gestão e governança da segurança da informação de uma organização.

A proficiência no Curso CISM Certified Information Security Manager é vital, pois capacita os profissionais a navegar no complexo cenário da Segurança da Informação, garantindo a confidencialidade, integridade e disponibilidade dos dados. Especialistas em TI e segurança cibernética, gerentes de risco, diretores de conformidade e aqueles que aspiram a liderar e gerenciar equipes de segurança da informação devem ter como objetivo dominar o CISM.

Este Curso CISM Certified Information Security Manager oferece aos participantes uma compreensão abrangente do gerenciamento de segurança da informação. Os participantes ganharão experiência em gestão de riscos, governança, resposta a incidentes e desenvolvimento de segurança. Através de estudos de caso reais e exercícios práticos, os participantes aprenderão como aplicar os seus conhecimentos de forma eficaz, tornando-os ativos inestimáveis ​​para as suas organizações.


Após realizare este Curso CISM Certified Information Security Manager com êxito você será capaz de:

  • Compreender os princípios fundamentais da governança da Segurança da Informação
  • Aprender a desenvolver e gerenciar uma Segurança da Informação alinhada aos objetivos de negócio
  • Dominar os processos de gestão de risco para proteger os ativos de uma organização
  • Adquirir habilidades para resposta e recuperação de incidentes
  • Para obter a capacidade de estabelecer e manter políticas e procedimentos de Segurança da Informação
  • Desenvolver a competência para alinhar a Segurança da Informação com os requisitos regulamentares e de conformidade
  • Aprender como gerenciar e governar equipes de Segurança da Informação de forma eficaz
  • Para se preparar para o exame CISM e melhorar suas perspectivas de carreira
Publico Alvo
  • Gerentes de Segurança da Informação
  • Auditores internos
  • Especialistas em Gestão de Risco
  • Diretores de Conformidade
  • Analistas de segurança
  • Consultores de TI
  • Não há pré-requisitos formais para este Curso CISM Certified Information Security Manager. No entanto, uma compreensão básica de Segurança da Informação e experiência em funções relacionadas a ela pode ser benéfica para os delegados.
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Information Security Governance

Introduction to Information Security Governance

  1. About Information Security Governance
  2. Reason for Security Governance
  3. Security Governance Activities and Results
  4. Risk Appetite
  5. Organisation Culture

Legal, Regulatory and Contractual Requirements

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements for Content and Retention of Business Records

Organisational Structures, Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Roles and Responsibilities
  2. Monitoring Responsibilities

Information Security Strategy Development

  1. Introduction
  2. Business Goals and Objectives
  3. Information Security Strategy Objectives
  4. Ensuring Objective and Business Integration
  5. Avoiding Common Pitfalls and Bias
  6. Desired State
  7. Elements of a Strategy

Information Governance Frameworks and Standards

  1. Security Balanced Scorecard
  2. Architectural Approaches
  3. Enterprise Risk Management Framework
  4. Information Security Management Frameworks and Models

Strategic Planning

  1. Workforce Composition and Skills
  2. Assurance Provisions
  3. Risk Assessment and Management
  4. Action Plan to Implement Strategy
  5. Information Security Program Objectives

 Information Security Risk Management

Emerging Risk and Threat Landscape

  1. Risk Identification
  2. Threats
  3. Defining a Risk Management Framework
  4. Emerging Threats
  5. Risk, Likelihood and Impact
  6. Risk Register

Vulnerability and Control Deficiency Analysis

  1. Introduction
  2. Security Control Baselines
  3. Events Affecting Security Baselines

Risk Assessment and Analysis

  1. Introduction
  2. Determining the Risk Management Context
  3. Operational Risk Management
  4. Risk Management Integration with IT Life Cycle Management Processes
  5. Risk Scenarios
  6. Risk Assessment Process
  7. Risk Assessment and Analysis Methodologies
  8. Other Risk Assessment Approaches
  9. Risk Analysis
  10. Risk Evaluation
  11. Risk Ranking

Risk Treatment or Risk Response Options

  1. Risk Treatment/Risk Response Options
  2. Determining Risk Capacity and Acceptable Risk
  3. (Risk Appetite)
  4. Risk Response Options
  5. Risk Acceptance Framework
  6. Inherent and Residual Risk
  7. Impact
  8. Controls
  9. Legal and Regulatory Requirements
  10. Costs and Benefits

Risk and Control Ownership

  1. Risk Ownership and Accountability
  2. Risk Owner
  3. Control Owner

Risk Monitoring and Reporting

  1. Risk Monitoring
  2. Key Risk Indicators
  3. Reporting Changes in Risk
  4. Risk Communication, Awareness and Consulting
  5. Documentation

Information Security Programme Development and Management

Information Security Program Resources

  1. Introduction
  2. Information Security Program Objectives
  3. Information Security Program Concepts
  4. Common Information Security Program Challenges
  5. Common Information Security Program Constraints

Information Asset Identification and Classification

  1. Information Asset Identification and Valuation
  2. Information Asset Valuation Strategies
  3. Information Asset Classification
  4. Methods to Determine Criticality of Assets and Impact of Adverse Events

Industry Standards and Frameworks for Information Security

  1. Enterprise Information Security Architectures
  2. Information Security Management Frameworks
  3. Information Security Frameworks Components

Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines

  1. Policies
  2. Standards
  3. Procedures
  4. Guidelines

Information Security Program Metrics

  1. Introduction
  2. Effective Security Metrics
  3. Security Program Metrics and Monitoring
  4. Metrics Tailored to Enterprise Needs

Information Security Control Design and Selection

  1. Introduction
  2. Managing Risk Through Controls
  3. Controls and Countermeasures
  4. Control Categories
  5. Control Design Considerations
  6. Control Methods

Security Programme Management

  1. Risk Management
  2. Risk Management Programme
  3. Risk Treatment
  4. Audit and Reviews
  5. Third-Party Risk Management

Security Programme Operations

  1. Event Monitoring
  2. Vulnerability Management
  3. Security Engineering and Development
  4. Network Protection
  5. Endpoint Protection and Management
  6. Identity and Access Management
  7. Security Incident Management
  8. Security Awareness Training
  9. Managed Security Service Providers
  10. Data Security
  11. Cryptography
  12. Symmetric Key Algorithms

IT Service Management

  1. Service Desk
  2. Incident Management
  3. Problem Management
  4. Change Management
  5. Configuration Management
  6. Release Management
  7. Service Levels Management
  8. Financial Management
  9. Capacity Management
  10. Service Continuity Management
  11. Availability Management
  12. Asset Management


  1. Internal Control Objectives
  2. Information Systems Control Objectives
  3. General Computing Controls
  4. Control Frameworks
  5. Controls Development
  6. Control Assessment

Metrics and Monitoring

  1. Types of Metrics
  2. Audiences
  3. Continuous Improvement

 Information Security Incident Management

Security Incident Response Overview

  1. Phases of Incident Response

 Incident Response Plan Development

  1. Objectives
  2. Maturity
  3. Resources
  4. Roles and Responsibilities
  5. Gap Analysis
  6. Plan Development

Responding to Security Incidents

  1. Detection
  2. Initiation
  3. Evaluation
  4. Recovery
  5. Remediation
  6. Closure
  7. Post-Incident Review

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning

  1. Business Continuity Planning
  2. Disaster
  3. Disaster Recovery Planning
  4. Testing BC and DR Planning

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