Curso Cisco HyperFlex Implementation and Administration - HXICA

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Curso Cisco HyperFlex Implementation and Administration - HXICA

Visão Geral

As empresas que atuam a qualquer escala precisam de introduzir o melhor mapeamento possível em torno do seu hardware, software e rede, para que as atividades do dia-a-dia decorram sem problemas. A criação destes padrões optimizados de funcionamento permite à empresa introduzir sistemas de eficiência e eficácia, ao mesmo tempo que esculpe o seu segmento dentro dos seus respectivos mercados. Para o fazer, a gigante do software Cisco oferece o sistema Cisco HyperFlex.

Os sistemas Cisco HyperFlex oferecem aos utilizadores uma combinação de armazenamento definido pelo sistema e serviços de dados que podem ser utilizados com o Cisco UCS (sistema unificado de computação). O sistema de infra-estrutura convergente integra recursos informáticos, de rede e de armazenamento, a fim de aumentar a eficiência interna e permitir uma gestão fortemente centralizada. O curso de formação Cisco HyperFlex Implementation and Administration - HXICA é ideal para profissionais que procuram validar as suas capacidades em torno do HX. Veja as datas abaixo para se inscrever neste curso de Implementação e Administração do Cisco HyperFlex - HXICA hoje.


Após concluir o Curso Cisco HyperFlex Implementation and Administration - HXICA, você será capaz de:

  • Compreender de forma abrangente o conceito de Armazenamento Definido por Software em Infra-estruturas hiper-convertidas.
  • Descrever a arquitetura, características componentes, e funcionamento dos sistemas Cisco HyperFlex.
  • Descrever as opções de configuração e pacotes do Cisco HyperFlex.
  • Descrever a solução dos sistemas Cisco HyperFlex informação competitiva.
  • Descrever os casos de utilização dos sistemas HyperFlex da Cisco.
  • Instalar, configurar, gerir, monitorizar, afinar e implementar os sistemas HyperFlex da Cisco.
  • Ter familiaridade com a implementação do Cisco Data Center Storage Server/Compute and Network Virtualization Infrastructure
  • Ter familiaridade com a implementação e configuração dos sistemas Cisco UCS
  • Ter uma compreensão básica da infra-estrutura Privada/Pública/Híbrida Nuvem
  • Ter um conhecimento básico das ferramentas de gestão de centros de dados e de automatização da nuvem
Informações Gerais

Carga Horária: 24h

  • Se noturno este curso é ministrado de Segunda-feira à sexta-feira, das 19h às 23h
  • Se aos sábados este curso é ministrado das 9h às 18h
  • Se in-company por favor fazer contato para mais detalhes.

Formato de entrega: 

  • 100% on-line ao vivo, via Microsoft Teams na presença de um instrutor/consultor ativo no mercado.
  • Nota: não é curso gravado. 


  • Laboratório + Exercícios práticos
Português | Inglês
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI)

  1. Identify the components of a Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI)
  2. Understand the challenges that are being addresses by Hyper-converged Infrastructure
  3. Explain the benefits of an HCI solution
  4. Compare First Generation HCI solutions with Cisco HyperFlex
  5. Overview of the key components and physical topology of the Cisco HyperFlex with Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) solution

Cisco HyperFlex Systems Hardware and Software Architecture

  1. Present the New Features available with the Cisco HX Release 4x
  2. Understand the capabilities and functionality of the HyperFlex All-Flash server platform
  3. Overview of the Cisco HyperFlex HX Data Platform hardware components
  4. Discuss the Cisco HyperFlex system architecture
  5. Understand the advanced storage features and performance enhancements of the HyperFlex cluster
  6. Discuss the hardware functionality of the Hyperflex HX server nodes
  7. Review the management and connectivity details for various HyperFlex HX cluster deployments

Cisco HyperFlex Systems Use Cases, Solutions and Performance

  1. Introduce the Cisco Validated Design (CVD) guides that are available for the HyperFlex HX Data Platform solution
  2. Describe the Cisco HyperFlex All-Flash Systems for Deploying Microsoft SQL Server Database validated design details
  3. Discuss the Cisco HyperFlex M5 All-Flash Hyperconverged System with up to 600 Citrix XenDesktop Users validated design details
  4. Identify and compare the performance advantages of the Cisco HyperFlex HCI solution with other vendors for Oracle OLTP, SQL Server and mixed workload operating environments

HyperFlex Pre-installation Requirements

  1. Review software requirements for VMware ESXi
  2. Discuss the physical requirements for successful HX cluster
  3. Discuss the network requirements for HX Data Platform
  4. Learn about the port requirements for VMware ESXi and vCenter
  5. Learn to identify the HyperFlex external connections

HyperFlex HX Data Platform Installation Best Practices

  1. Understand the requirements of the northbound switches that are connected to the HyperFlex cluster
  2. Overview of Cisco UCS the HyperFlex Data Installer utility
  3. Discuss the VMware vCenter host, licensing and networking parameters that support successful of the HX Data Platform

Installing Cisco HyperFlex Systems Using the HX Installer

  1. Understand the benefits of the HX Data Platform automation function to streamline Cisco UCS and VMware vCenter configuration
  2. Learn about the HyperFlex factory pre-installed hardware and software options
  3. Overview of the steps required to install, deploy and launch the HX Data Platform Installer
  4. Discuss HyperFlex cluster creation validation using UCS Manager and VMware vSphere Client/Web Client

At a glance, post-Install requirements for HX Data Platform

  1. At a glance, review the post installation capabilities of the HX Installer command line interface
  2. Review the post install script as a streamlined to perform cluster administrative functions such as Auto Support, email alerts and password changes
  3. Discuss the HX vSphere Plug-in and the HX Connect utility as two methods to create and manage HyperFlex cluster datastores
  4. Learn about the use of the HX vSphere Plug-in to create snapshots and ReadyClone VM clones

At a glance, post-Install requirements for HX Data Platform

  1. Discuss creation and upgrade activities
  2. Describe the value to validate and correct network connectivity.
  3. Learn about virtual machines
  4. Overview of successful completion of HX cluster and node upgrades and provide corrective measures to complete

Upgrading the HX Data Platform

  1. Overview of an upgrade and key features for HX Data Platform v4x
  2. Discuss the HX Data Platform upgrade guidelines and recommendations
  3. Discuss the Cisco HX Data Platform upgrade matrix including Cisco UCS manager and VMware ESXi
  4. Overview of upgrade validations, checks and pre-upgrade
  5. Discuss the value to upgrade the Cisco UCS Infrastructure using UCS Manager
  6. Describe the value and features to upgrade the HX Data Platform, Cisco UCS Server and VMware ESXi using the HX Connect utility

HyperFlex Stretched Cluster Overview

  1. Learn about the HyperFlex Stretched Cluster architecture
  2. Overview of VM installation image file within vCenter
  3. Discuss the process to create the Stretched Cluster Sites

HX Data Platform for the Hyper-V Environment

  1. Discuss the hardware, software network services and port requirements that support the installation of the HX Data Platform for the Hyper-V environment
  2. Overview of the guidelines and limitations for creating the HyperFlex cluster
  3. Learn about the HX Data Installer, VM ,and Hyper-V server
  4. Discuss the HyperFlex cluster for Hyper-V using the HX Data Installer

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