Curso CI CD with Ansible and Terraform

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Curso CI CD with Ansible and Terraform

40 Horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso CI/CD com Ansible e Terraform, ajuda a entender cenários DevOps em tempo real e ferramentas DevOps famosas como: Ansible, AWX Tower Overview, Jenkins e Terraform.




Publico Alvo
  • Pessoas interessadas em aprender DevOps.
  • Qualquer pessoa que queira entender como a automação do DevOps funciona, como automatizar a infraestrutura com Ansible e Terraform.  
  • É necessário conhecimento básico do Linux
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico


  1. Introduction to Version Control System
  2. History of Git
  3. Git Basics
  4. States in Git
  5. Installing Git
  6. Configuration of Git
  7. Working with Repositories
  8. Basic Git Commands
  9. Working with Remotes
  10. Tagging
  11. Git Branching

Introduction to Ansible

  1. Evolution of Infrastructure
  2. Overview of Infrastructure as a Code
  3. What is Configuration Management
  4. Ansible Overview
  5. Case Study

Ansible Architecture and Installation

  1. Ansible Architecture and It’s Working
  2. Ansible in DevOps
  3. Installation and Configuration
  4. Working with Command Line Tools

Ansible Modules

  1. Overview of Modules
  2. Types of Modules
  3. Core Modules
  4. Extras Modules
  5. Return Values
  6. Ad-Hoc Commands
  7. Case Study

 The Playbook Grammar

  1. Introduction to YAML
  2. Playbook YAML Definition
  3. Playbook Terms
  4. Playbook Tasks
  5. Writing Ansible Playbooks

Variables, Conditions, Loops, Handlers and Jinja2 Templates

  1. Hosts and Users
  2. Variables
  3. Loops
  4. Handlers
  5. Jinja2 Templates

AWX Tower

  1. Installing AWX Tower
  2. Features of Ansible Tower
  3. Managing Jobs
  4. Manage and Track Inventory
  5. Remote Command Execution
  6. Case Study

Getting Started & Setting Up Labs

  1. Choosing a right Infrastructure as Code tool
  2. Terraform Overview
  3. Installing Terraform - Windows Users
  4. Difference between Terraform and Ansible
  5. Setting up Azure Account
  6. Introduction to Azure CLI
  7. Authenticate Azure with Terraform
  8. Terraform init, plan and apply

Building Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform

  1. Introduction to Terraform with Azure
  2. Create Resource Group
  3. Terraform Destroy
  4. Azure Virtual Networks
  5. Azure Subnet
  6. Azure Public IP
  7. Azure Network Interface
  8. Create Windows and Linux VM
  9. Azure Storage
  10. Security Groups Load
  11. Balancers
  12. Understanding Terraform State files
  13. Understanding Desired & Current States
  14. Terraform Provider Versioning
  15. Types of Terraform Providers
  16. Methods to define Terraform provider Version

Read, Generate, Modify Configurations

  1. Understanding Attributes and Output Values in Terraform
  2. Referencing Cross-Account Resource Attributes Terraform
  3. Variables
  4. Methods to Define Variables
  5. Data Types for Variables
  6. Fetching Data from Maps and List in Variable
  7. Count and Count Index
  8. For_each
  9. Create multiple VMs with Terraform
  10. Conditional Expressions
  11. Local Values
  12. Splat Expressions
  13. Terraform Functions
  14. Lookup Function
  15. Element Function
  16. Zipmap Function
  17. Data Sources
  18. Terraform Format
  19. Validating Terraform
  20. Terraform Graph
  21. Saving Terraform Plan to File

Terraform Provisioners

  1. Understanding Provisioners in Terraform
  2. Types of Provisioners
  3. Implementing remote-exec provisioners
  4. Implementing local-exec provisioners

Terraform Modules & Workspaces

  1. Understanding DRY principle
  2. Variables and Terraform Modules
  3. Terraform Registry
  4. Terraform Workspace
  5. Implementing Terraform Workspace

Introduction to Jenkins

  1. Introduction to Jenkins
  2. Jenkins Installation
  3. Introduction to Jenkins UI Create
  4. First Job
  5. Add Parameters to your Job

Add SSH Node Credentials in Jenkins

  1. Install SSH Plugin in Jenkins
  2. Add Credentials of Node
  3. Integrate Node SSH Server with Jenkins

Build Job on Remote Machine

  1. Deploy Web Server Automatically through Jenkins

Jenkins Security

  1. Enable/Disable Login in Jenkins
  2. Allow Users to Sign up
  3. Create Users Manually in the Jenkins DB Create and
  4. Manage Roles for Jenkins Users

Jenkins Email Integration

  1. Install a Mail Plugin
  2. Integration Jenkins and G-mail
  3. Add notifications to your jobs

Jenkins Ansible Integration

  1. Store Playbooks, Inventory and Configuration Files on GitHub
  2. Automatically Pull Code from GitHub then Run on Ansible Server

CICD with Jenkins and Terraform

  1. Store Terraform Files, Playbooks, Inventory and Configuration Files on GitHub
  2. Automatically Deploy VMs With the Help of Terraform and Once Machine is Deployed then Run Ansible to Configure Playbooks

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