Curso CEPH Software Defined Storage

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso CEPH Software Defined Storage

16 horas
Visão Geral

O objetivo do Curso CEPH Software Defined Storage, deve ser familiarizar-se com o CEPH para compreender a arquitetura e os princípios, quando o CEPH é adequado e quando evitá-lo. A parte necessária e também principal do treinamento é a instalação e configuração prática completa do CEPH, juntamente com seus testes em exemplos reais que podem ser comumente encontrados na prática.

Além da instalação e configuração mencionada acima, o participante também tentará solucionar problemas e interconectar-se ao VMware ESXi como armazenamento compartilhado para servidores virtualizados ou plataforma PaaS OpenShift Origin para conectar volumes de armazenamento persistente a contêineres docker.

Haverá também uma construção de seu próprio repositório S3, bem como AWS S3, ou um exemplo de armazenamento em bloco replicado para servidores Linux.

Publico Alvo
  • Profissionais de TI
  • Administradores e arquitetos de sistema
  • Administradores de armazenamento
  • Conhecimento básico de controle de sistemas Linux
  • Experiência com RHEL ou CentOS é uma vantagem
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Introduction to CEPH

  1. Why software-defined storage?
  2. What is CEPH and what is best for it?
  3. Description of the most common use cases
  4. A little history and a preview under the lid of this FOSS project
  5. Competition and similar solutions – comparison
  6. The CEPH architecture and its components

Description of all parts of CEPH and their interconnection

  1. Use cases – use of components
  2. Deployment and installation methods
  3. User management and qoutas
  4. Best Practices

Best Practices

  1. Practice tips and what to watch out for
  2. How to operate CEPH and what not to do
  3. Troubleshooting


  1. The most common problems and how to deal with them
  2. Tools for troubleshooting


  1. How and what to monitor
  2. Which monitoring tools should best be used


  1. Where and when it pays to go to the default configuration and what to change
  2. Examples of tuning depending on workload
  3. How to perform testing

Install and Configure CEPH Cluster

  1. Configure cluster
  2. Management CEPH cluster
  3. Each student will deploy his own cluster in CEPH by using the Ansible playbook
  4. Configuration of the cluster
  5. CEPH cluster management

Scaling and Expansion of Ceph Cluster (adding individual components at runtime and more…)

  1. Extend OSD nodes, add disks to the cluster at runtime
  2. Expansion of MON nodes
  3. Expansion of RGW nodes
  4. Removing components from a cluster at runtime

Object storage in practice

  1. Own S3 storage behind load balancer with HA Proxy
  2. Access to data via S3, HTTP

Tuning CEPH cluster and Linux servers on which CEPH runs

  1. OS debugging (sysctl, limits, etc.)
  2. Tuning CEPH settings

Troubleshooting of CEPH cluster

  1. Simulation of falling components during cluster run
  2. Performance testing and load simulation using pre-prepared tools

Block storage in practice

  1. Connecting a block storage to the client Linux server (and naming it to the system as an external disk)
  2. Snapshot Block Storage (for backup \ restore)

Another use of CEPH in real examples

  1. Persistent storage for the OpenShift platform, storage storage for PODy (Docker containers)
  2. iSCSI Block Storage for VMware ESXi host as shared storage for virtual servers

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