Curso Business Analytics

  • Business Analysis

Curso Business Analytics

24 horas
Visão Geral

Interprete dados para informar decisões de negócios

Reconheça tendências, detecte valores discrepantes e resuma conjuntos de dados

Analise relações entre variáveis

Desenvolva e teste hipóteses

Elabore perguntas de pesquisa sólidas e tire conclusões a partir de amostras populacionais

Implementar análise de regressão e outras técnicas analíticas no Excel


Prepare-se para sua próxima oportunidade aprendendo como aplicar estatísticas básicas a problemas reais de negócios.

Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Describing and Summarizing Data

Recognize trends in data and detect outliers, summarize data sets concisely, and analyze relationships between variables.


  1. Visualizing Data
  2. Descriptive Statistics
  3. Relationship Between Two Variables

Featured Exercises

  • Create visual representations of data in Excel
  • Define and calculate descriptive statistics
  • Create scatter plots and calculate the correlation coefficient

Sampling and Estimation

Create representative samples and draw conclusions about the larger population and craft sound survey questions.

Calculating Confidence Intervals


  1. Creating Representative and Unbiased Samples
  2. The Normal Distribution
  3. Confidence Intervals
  4. Amazon's Inventory Sampling

Featured Exercises

  • Calculate sample statistics and apply the properties of the normal distribution
  • Calculate confidence intervals to estimate the accuracy of statistics

Hypothesis Testing

Quantify the evidence in favor of or against your hypothesis in order to make managerial decisions.

Interpreting A/B Tests


  1. Designing and Performing Hypothesis Tests
  2. Improving the Customer Experience

Featured Exercises

  • Develop and test hypotheses in Excel to assess the impact of changes on an entire population or estimate differences between populations
  • Interpret the results of a series of website A/B tests

Single Variable Linear Regression

  • Analyze the relationship between two variables and develop forecasts for values outside the data set.
  • Interpreting Regression Analysis


  1. The Regression Line
  2. Forecasting
  3. Interpreting the Regression Output
  4. Performing Regression Analyses
  5. Forecasting Home Video Units

Featured Exercises

  • Identify the best fit line for a data set and interpret its equation through an analysis of housing data
  • Perform a regression analysis of box office and home video sales using Excel and interpret the output

Multiple Regression

  • Identify relationships among three or more variables to improve understanding of data and provide better forecasts.


  1. The Multiple Regression Equation
  2. Adapting Concepts from Single Regression
  3. Performing Multiple Regression Analyses
  4. New Concepts in Multiple Regression
  5. The Caesars Staffing Problem

Featured Exercises

  • Estimate the relative predictive power of different combinations of variables by performing and interpreting a multiple variable regression analysis using Excel
  • Apply multiple regression analysis to a staffing challenge faced by a hotel
  • Expand the range of your analysis by using dummy and lagged variables

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