Curso Building AJAX Applications with Advanced JavaScript Techniques

  • Development

Curso Building AJAX Applications with Advanced JavaScript Techniques

Visão Geral

O Curso Building AJAX Applications with Advanced JavaScript Techniques, foi projetado para fornecer as habilidades para construir aplicativos AJAX, bem como conhecimento de tecnologias básicas, o Document Object Model (DOM), técnicas JavaScript do lado do cliente para manipular uma página dinamicamente. Embora a API AJAX seja abordada em detalhes, você também aprenderá as armadilhas e as práticas recomendadas associadas ao seu uso. Além disso, o curso ensina técnicas avançadas de JavaScript, como encadeamento de protótipos, como criar uma biblioteca que inclua AJAX e outras funcionalidades.


Após concluir este Curso Building AJAX Applications with Advanced JavaScript Techniques, você será capaz de:


  • Escreva código que implemente técnicas AJAX
  • Modifique a arquitetura de um aplicativo para habilitar AJAX
  • Utilize CSS, HTML DOM e JavaScript para criar efeitos visuais impressionantes em páginas da Web
  • Empregue técnicas MVC, como a separação entre conteúdo e comportamento
  • Construa uma biblioteca para encapsular a API AJAX, manipulação de eventos, etc.
  • Utilize técnicas de encadeamento de protótipos para empregar herança em JavaScript
  • Discuta as várias estruturas/bibliotecas AJAX de terceiros
Publico Alvo
  • Desenvolvedores de aplicativos baseados na Web
  • Designers de sites
  • Desenvolvimento de aplicações web
  • Participar de um treinamento em JavaScript Essentials ou ter conhecimentos equivalentes
Inglês/Português/Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

JavaScript DOM API

  1. Document Object Model (DOM) Definition
  2. The Document Object
  3. Nodes
  4. Elements
  5. Other Node types
  6. Elements and their Style object
  7. Creating Nodes
  8. Adding new Nodes to the DOM
  9. Event Handlers
  10. Modifying Element Styles within the DOM

CSS and JavaScript

  1. Advanced style manipulation
  2. The Style Object
  3. The Computed Style Object
  4. Setting the Style of an Element(s) via JavaScript
  5. Working With Style Sheets via JavaScript

Working With Events

  1. The Event Object
  2. Creating/ Registering Event handlers
  3. Managing browser Event handling differences
  4. Event Propagation
  5. Encapsulating Events
  6. Capture/Bubble of Events
  7. DOM Level 2 Event handling
  8. Observer Pattern

User (Developer) Created Objects

  1. Why JavaScript is not an Object-Oriented but an Object-Based Language
  2. Object Literals
  3. Format
  4. When to use
  5. Build new Objects with a Definition/Constructor function
  6. Prototype Object
  7. Prototype Chaining
  8. Call / Apply
  9. Understanding the keyword this
  10. How prototype chaining can be Implemented
  11. Polymorphism
  12. Constructor property
  13. Multiple Inheritance with JavaScript

Introduction to AJAX

  1. Ajax, JavaScript and DHTML
  2. Asynchronous Server Communication
  3. Ajax and XML
  4. Complexities AJAX Introduces
  5. Synchronization Issues
  6. User Action Issues
  7. Cross Browser Issues
  8. The AJAX API


  1. The Request Object
  2. Creating the Request Object
  3. Making a POST Request
  4. Making Concurrent Requests
  5. Using Inner Functions (Closures)
  6. Memory Leaks with Inner Function
  7. Modifying the DOM with the Response Data (text)
  8. Use of XML in an AJAX application
  9. Modifying the DOM with the Response Data (XML)


  1. JSON Basics
  2. Versus XML
  3. AJAX with JSON
  4. Cross-domain work around
  5. JSON-P

Creating own library

  1. Object literals as namespaces
  2. A Universal AJAX library
  3. Handle concurrent outstanding requests
  4. Manage Browser differences
  5. Provide other services
  6. The $ function
  7. Managing Events among different browsers


  1. History / Purpose
  2. XSL/CSS with XML
  3. DTDs

WEB 2.0

  1. Technologies - folksonomy, mashups, RSS, etc.
  2. Browser Incompatibilities
  3. Box Model Issues
  4. DOCType Switching
  5. Separation of Content, Behavior and Presentation
  6. JavaScript best practices

Ajax Tools Overview

  1. AJAX Initiative
  2. AJAX Hub
  3. Third-party libraries and Frameworks
  4. Overview and statistics
  5. DWR
  6. Dojo
  7. Sarissa
  8. Backbase
  9. Bindows
  10. JackBe NQ Suite

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