Curso Blazor and Razor

  • Development

Curso Blazor and Razor

32 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Blazor and Razor. Crie aplicativos web de página única com .NET e sem Javascript. Use o Blazor para criar um aplicativo Web progressivo do lado do servidor ou Blazor.


Após realizar este Curso Blazor and Razor, você será capaz de:

  • Explore os componentes do Razor com layout e atributos 
  • Criar e configurar aplicativos Blazor
  • Crie um aplicativo Web progressivo do lado do servidor ou Blazor
  • Use os modos de renderização do .NET 8 Blazor
  • Crie componentes genéricos
  • Fornece validação para entrada
  • Obtenha uma introdução ao Entity Framework Core
  • Chame serviços REST
  • Use Bootstrap para fornecer uma interface de usuário responsiva

Aqui está um pequeno vídeo de um exercício, como seria visto no curso de treinamento Blazor do JBI 

Publico Alvo
  • Desenvolvedores .NET que desejam aproveitar o poder de uma linguagem familiar para criar interfaces do lado do cliente
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Blazor (ASP.NET Core 3 & .NET 6) Introduction

  1. What are Blazor; Razor Components and Web Assembly?
  2. Blazor Server vs WebAssembly
  3. Discuss the rapid development and evolution of ASP.NET
  4. Comparison of features for web technologies
  5. Support for Dependency Injection
  6. Creating your first Blazor Web Application
  7. Configuration Options
  8. Core 3 / 6 Features

Introduction to Blazor Application

  1. Overview of Blazor
  2. Blazor and Razor Components
  3. Installing Blazor Templates
  4. Pages
  5. Layout and menu
  6. Dependency Injection

Razor Components

  1. Pages vs Components
  2. Component Lifecycle
  3. Routing
  4. Binding (one way and two way)
  5. Handling Events
  6. Code
  7. Code behind files
  8. Razor Syntax
  9. Razor Directives

Error Handling

  1. Exception Handling
  2. Error Boundary
  3. Error Boundary Recovery


  1. Introduction to QuickGrid
  2. Sorting
  3. Paging

Calling Services

  1. Creating Web API services
  2. Web API Controller
  3. Implementing Controller Actions
  4. Using HttpClient
  5. Configuring and Injecting HttpClient
  6. Using Get request for Web API service
  7. Using Post, Put and Delete

Components - continued

  1. Parameters
  2. Child Components
  3. Cascading Parameters
  4. RenderFragments
  5. Template Components
  6. Implementing Tabs
  7. DynamicComponent

Using Entity Framework

  1. Introduction to Entity Framework Core
  2. Migrations and Database creation
  3. DataAnnotations
  4. Adding Migrations
  5. Creating a Database
  6. Injection of DbContextFactory
  7. Working with the Database


  1. Introduction to Validation
  2. EditForm components
  3. Input components
  4. Validation components

Authentication and Authorization

  1. Dealing with common security threats in Web Applications
  2. Individual Authentication
  3. Authentication and Authorization
  4. Configuring Authorization
  5. Securing Pages and Components

Razor Class Library

  1. Creating a Razor Class Library
  2. Using Components from a Library
  3. Routing to Pages in a Library

State Management

  1. Introduction to ProtectedBrowserStorage
  2. Session vs Local
  3. ProtectedBrowserStorageResult

Interop with JavaScript

  1. Calling JavaScript from Components
  2. Referring to Elements within the JavaScript
  3. Calling .NET methods from JavaScript

CSS Isolation

  1. Introduction of CSS Isolation
  2. CSS Files
  3. CSS on Child Components


  1. Using Bootstrap to provide a Responsive User Interface
  2. Layout using Bootstrap
  3. Modal Dialog

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