Curso AZ 400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions

  • Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform

Curso AZ 400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions

32 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso AZ 400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions, fornece o conhecimento e as habilidades para projetar e implementar processos e práticas de DevOps. Os alunos aprenderão como planejar o DevOps, usar o controle de origem, dimensionar o Git para uma empresa, consolidar artefatos, projetar uma estratégia de gerenciamento de dependências, gerenciar segredos, implementar integração contínua, implementar uma estratégia de criação de contêiner, projetar uma estratégia de lançamento, configurar um lançamento fluxo de trabalho de gerenciamento, implemente um padrão de implantação e otimize os mecanismos de feedback


Após realizar este Curso AZ 400 Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions, você será capaz de:

  • Describe the benefits of using source control
  • Migrate from TFVC to Git
  • Scale Git for Enterprise DevOps
  • Implement and manage build infrastructureManage application config & secrets
  • Implement a mobile DevOps strategy
  • Explain why continuous integration matters
  • Implement continuous integration using Azure DevOps
  • Configure builds and the options available
  • Create an automated build workflow
  • Integrate other build tooling with Azure DevOps
  • Create hybrid build processes
  • Differentiate between a release and a deployment
  • Define the components of a release pipeline
  • Explain things to consider when designing your release strategy
  • Classify a release versus a release process, and outline how to control the quality of both
  • Describe the principle of release gates and how to deal with release notes and documentation
  • Explain deployment patterns, both in the traditional sense and in the modern sense
  • Choose a release management tool
  • Explain the terminology used in Azure DevOps and other Release Management Tooling
  • Describe what a Build and Release task is, what it can do, and some available deployment tasks
  • Classify an Agent, Agent Queue and Agent Pool
  • Explain why you sometimes need multiple release jobs in one release pipeline
  • Differentiate between multi-agent and multi-configuration release job
  • Use release variables and stage variables in your release pipeline
  • Deploy to an environment securely, using a service connection
  • Embed testing in the pipeline
  • List the different ways to inspect the health of your pipeline and release by using, alerts, service hooks and reports
  • Create a release gate
  • Describe deployment patterns
  • Implement Blue Green Deployment
  • Implement Canary Release
  • Implement Progressive Exposure Deployment
  • Recommend artifact management tools and practices
  • Abstract common packages to enable sharing and reuse
  • Inspect codebase to identify code dependencies that can be converted to packages
  • Identify and recommend standardized package types and versions across the solution
  • Refactor existing build pipelines to implement version strategy that publishes packages
  • Gerencie a segurança e a conformidade
  • Inspecionar pacotes de software de código aberto para segurança e conformidade de licença para alinhar com os padrões corporativos
  • Configure o pipeline de compilação para acessar a segurança do pacote e a classificação da licença
  • Configurar o acesso seguro aos feeds de pacotes
  • Aplicar infraestrutura e configuração como princípios de código
  • Implante e gerencie a infraestrutura usando tecnologias de automação da Microsoft, como modelos ARM, PowerShell e CLI do Azure
  • Descrever modelos de implantação e serviços disponíveis com o Azure
  • Implantar e configurar um cluster Kubernetes gerenciado
  • Implante e configure a infraestrutura usando ferramentas e serviços de terceiros com o Azure, como Chef, Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack e Terraform
  • Defina uma estratégia de infraestrutura e configuração e um conjunto de ferramentas apropriado para um pipeline de lançamento e infraestrutura de aplicativos
  • Implemente conformidade e segurança em sua infraestrutura de aplicativos
  • Descrever o que significa qualidade de código e como ela é medida
  • Detectar cheiros de código
  • Integre testes automatizados para qualidade de código
  • Relatório sobre a cobertura de código durante o teste
  • Adicione ferramentas para medir a dívida técnica
  • Detecte código aberto e outros problemas de licenciamento
  • Implemente uma estratégia de criação de contêiner
  • Práticas de design para medir a satisfação do usuário final
  • Projete processos para capturar e analisar o feedback do usuário de fontes externas
  • Roteamento de design para dados de relatório de falha do aplicativo cliente
  • Recomendar ferramentas e tecnologias de monitoramento
  • Recomendar ferramentas de rastreamento de uso do sistema e recursos
  • Configurar a integração do relatório de travamento para aplicativos cliente
  • Desenvolva painéis de monitoramento e status
  • Implementar roteamento para dados de relatório de falha do aplicativo cliente
  • Implemente ferramentas para rastrear o uso do sistema, o uso de recursos e o fluxo
  • Integre e configure sistemas de tickets com o sistema de gerenciamento de trabalho da equipe de desenvolvimento
  • Analisar alertas para estabelecer uma linha de base
  • Analise a telemetria para estabelecer uma linha de base
  • Realize análises ao vivo do site e obtenha feedback para interrupções do sistema
  • Realize ajustes contínuos para reduzir alertas sem sentido ou não acionáveis
  • Planeje a transformação com metas e cronogramas compartilhados.
  • Selecione um projeto e identifique métricas e KPIs do projeto.
  • Crie uma equipe e uma estrutura organizacional ágil.
  • Desenvolva uma estratégia de qualidade do projeto.
  • Planeje práticas de desenvolvimento seguras e regras de conformidade.
  • Migre e consolide artefatos.
  • Migre e integre medidas de controle de origem.
Publico Alvo

Os alunos deste curso estão interessados ​​em implementar processos de DevOps ou em passar no exame de certificação Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions.

  • Conhecimento fundamental sobre Azure, controle de versão, desenvolvimento de software Agile e princípios básicos de desenvolvimento de software. Seria útil ter experiência em uma organização que fornece software.
  • Para se tornar um Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert, você deve obter a certificação Azure Administrator Associate ou Azure Developer Associate.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Module 1: Get started on a DevOps transformation journey


  1. Introduction to DevOps
  2. Choose the right project
  3. Describe team structures
  4. Choose the DevOps tools
  5. Plan Agile with GitHub Projects and Azure Boards
  6. Introduction to source control
  7. Describe types of source control systems
  8. Work with Azure Repos and GitHub

Lab: Agile planning and portfolio management with Azure Boards

Lab: Version controlling with Git in Azure Repos

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand what DevOps is and the steps to accomplish it
  • Identify teams to implement the process
  • Plan for the transformation with shared goals and timelines
  • Plan and define timelines for goals
  • Understand different projects and systems to guide the journey
  • Select a project to start the DevOps transformation
  • Identify groups to minimize initial resistance
  • Identify project metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Understand agile practices and principles of agile development
  • Create a team and agile organizational structure

Module 2: Development for enterprise DevOps


  1. Structure your Git Repo
  2. Manage Git branches and workflows
  3. Collaborate with pull requests in Azure Repos
  4. Explore Git hooks
  5. Plan foster inner source
  6. Manage Git repositories
  7. Identify technical debt

Lab: Version controlling with Git in Azure Repos

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand Git repositories
  • Implement mono repo or multiple repos
  • Explain how to structure Git Repos
  • Implement a change log
  • Describe Git branching workflows
  • Implement feature branches
  • Implement GitFlow
  • Fork a repo
  • Leverage pull requests for collaboration and code reviews
  • Give feedback using pull requests

Module 3: Implement CI with Azure Pipelines and GitHub Actions


  1. Explore Azure Pipelines
  2. Manage Azure Pipeline agents and pools
  3. Describe pipelines and concurrency
  4. Explore Continuous integration
  5. Implement a pipeline strategy
  6. Integrate with Azure Pipelines
  7. Introduction to GitHub Actions
  8. Learn continuous integration with GitHub Actions
  9. Design a container build strategy

Lab: Configuring agent pools and understanding pipeline styles

Lab: Enabling continuous integration with Azure Pipelines

Lab: Integrating external source control with Azure Pipelines

Lab: Implementing GitHub Actions by using DevOps Starter

Lab: Deploying Docker Containers to Azure App Service web apps

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe Azure Pipelines
  • Explain the role of Azure Pipelines and its components
  • Decide on Pipeline automation responsibility
  • Understand Azure Pipeline key terms
  • Choose between Microsoft-hosted and self-hosted agents
  • Install and configure Azure pipelines Agents
  • Configure agent pools
  • Make the agents and pools secure
  • Use and estimate parallel jobs

Module 4: Design and implement a release strategy


  1. Introduction to continuous delivery
  2. Explore release strategy recommendations
  3. Build a high-quality release pipeline
  4. Introduction to deployment patterns
  5. Implement blue-green deployment and feature toggles
  6. Implement canary releases and dark launching
  7. Implement A/B testing and progressive exposure deployment

Lab: Creating a release dashboard

Lab: Controlling deployments using Release Gates

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain continuous delivery (CD)
  • Implement continuous delivery in your development cycle
  • Understand releases and deployment
  • Identify project opportunities to apply CD
  • Explain things to consider when designing your release strategy
  • Define the components of a release pipeline and use artifact sources
  • Create a release approval plan
  • Implement release gates
  • Differentiate between a release and a deployment

Module 5: Implement a secure continuous deployment using Azure Pipelines


  1. Create a release pipeline
  2. Provision and test environments
  3. Manage and modularize tasks and templates
  4. Automate inspection of health
  5. Manage application configuration data
  6. Integrate with identity management systems
  7. Implement application configuration

Lab: Configuring pipelines as code with YAML

Lab: Setting up and running functional tests

Lab: Integrating Azure Key Vault with Azure DevOps

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain the terminology used in Azure DevOps and other Release Management Tooling
  • Describe what a Build and Release task is, what it can do, and some available deployment tasks
  • Implement release jobs
  • Differentiate between multi-agent and multi-configuration release job
  • Provision and configure target environment
  • Deploy to an environment securely using a service connection
  • Configure functional test automation and run availability tests
  • Setup test infrastructure
  • Use and manage task and variable groups

Module 6: Manage infrastructure as code using Azure and DSC


  1. Explore infrastructure as code and configuration management
  2. Create Azure resources using Azure Resource Manager templates
  3. Create Azure resources by using Azure CLI
  4. Explore Azure Automation with DevOps
  5. Implement Desired State Configuration (DSC)
  6. Implement Bicep

Lab: Azure deployments using Azure Resource Manager templates

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand how to deploy your environment
  • Plan your environment configuration
  • Choose between imperative versus declarative configuration
  • Explain idempotent configuration
  • Create Azure resources using ARM templates
  • Understand ARM templates and template components
  • Manage dependencies and secrets in templates
  • Organize and modularize templates
  • Create Azure resources using Azure CLI

Module 7: Implement security and validate code bases for compliance


  1. Introduction to Secure DevOps
  2. Implement open-source software
  3. Software Composition Analysis
  4. Static analyzers
  5. OWASP and Dynamic Analyzers
  6. Security Monitoring and Governance

Lab: Implement security and compliance in Azure Pipelines

Lab: Managing technical debt with SonarQube and Azure DevOps

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Identify SQL injection attack
  • Understand DevSecOps
  • Implement pipeline security
  • Understand threat modeling
  • Implement open-source software
  • Explain corporate concerns for open-source components
  • Describe open-source licenses
  • Understand the license implications and ratings
  • Work with Static and Dynamic Analyzers
  • Configure Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Module 8: Design and implement a dependency management strategy


  1. Explore package dependencies
  2. Understand package management
  3. Migrate, consolidate, and secure artifacts
  4. Implement a versioning strategy
  5. Introduction to GitHub Packages

Lab: Package management with Azure Artifacts

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Define dependency management strategy
  • Identify dependencies
  • Describe elements and componentization of a dependency management
  • Scan your codebase for dependencies
  • Implement package management
  • Manage package feed
  • Consume and create packages
  • Publish packages
  • Identify artifact repositories
  • Migrate and integrate artifact repositories

Module 9: Implement continuous feedback


  1. Implement tools to track usage and flow
  2. Develop monitor and status dashboards
  3. Share knowledge within teams
  4. Design processes to automate application analytics
  5. Manage alerts, Blameless retrospectives, and a just culture

Lab: Monitoring application performance with Application Insights

Lab: Integration between Azure DevOps and Microsoft Teams

Lab: Sharing Team Knowledge using Azure Project Wikis

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Implement tools to track feedback
  • Plan for continuous monitoring
  • Implement Application Insights
  • Use Kusto Query Language (KQL)
  • Implement routing for mobile applications
  • Configure App Center Diagnostics
  • Configure alerts
  • Create a bug tracker
  • Configure Azure Dashboards
  • Work with View Designer in Azure Monitor

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