Curso Automation Anywhere Foundation

  • Test & Point Analysis

Curso Automation Anywhere Foundation

24 horas
Visão Geral

Este curso de certificação foi desenvolvido por especialistas do setor para ajudá-lo a obter experiência no domínio da Automação Robótica de Processos (RPA). O curso também está alinhado com o currículo do Automation Anywhere Advanced RPA Professional Certification e do Automation Anywhere Certified Master RPA Professional Certification Exam.

Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Overview of Automation Anywhere

  1. Overview of Automation Anywhere (AA)
  2. Importance of Automation Anywhere
  3. Learn the processes which are automatable
  4. Understanding Digital Workforce Platforms
  5. Architecture of AA
  6. Recorder types
  7. Workflow Designer
  8. Web Control Room
  9. Web Control Dashboard

Features of Automation Anywhere

  1. Variables of Automation Anywhere
  2. Variable Operation Command
  3. Variable manager
  4. Task Editor

Cloning and Commands

  1. Library of Commands
  2. Object Cloning
  3. Manage windows
  4. PDF integration
  5. Error management command

Bot Operations

  1. Recorder Hierarchy
  2. Creator
  3. Command Portability
  4. Runner
  5. Formats which are automation friendly
  6. Naming Conventions
  7. Tips on automation
  8. Best practices
  9. Use cases

IQ Bot

  1. Introduction to IQ Bot
  2. IQ Bot architecture overview
  3. Architecture and Communication Diagram
  4. Document analysis
  5. Protocol Specifications
  6. Portal and Workflow
  7. Creating Instance
  8. Measure and monitor Bot performance and BotInsight Analytics


  1. Overview of MetaBot Designer
  2. Features of MetaBot Designer
  3. Advantages of MetaBot
  4. How to use MetaBot


  1. Overview and features of WebCR
  2. Advantages of WebCR
  3. Web Control Room Setting
  4. Repository Manager
  5. Operation Rooms
  6. License Management
  7. Operational Analytics

Security, Audit, and User Management in WebCR

  1. Audit trial
  2. Security
  3. User Management
  4. Clients
  5. App Management
  6. Task Schedule
  7. Credential Manager

Skills to Master

  1. Digital workforce platforms
  2. Workflow designer Web control room
  3. Operation Command
  4. Task Editor
  5. Object Cloning
  6. PDF integration
  7. Command portability
  8. Recorder Hierarchy
  9. IQ Bot Architecture
  10. Document Analysis
  11. Portal and workflow
  12. Metabot Designer and its advantages
  13. Repository Manager
  14. License Management
  15. Operational Analytics

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