Curso Application Development with Azure DevOps Services

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Application Development with Azure DevOps Services

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Application Development with Azure DevOps Services. Azure DevOps Services são serviços da Microsoft baseados em nuvem e focados em equipe que podem ajudar as organizações a planejar de maneira mais inteligente, colaborar melhor e entregar mais rapidamente com serviços de desenvolvedor modernos. Este Curso Application Development with Azure DevOps Services, ensina os participantes a usar o Azure DevOps Services para agregar valor aos seus clientes com mais rapidez. Os participantes aprendem os vários recursos da plataforma e como usá-los em conjunto. 


Após realizar este Curso Application Development with Azure DevOps Services, você será capaz de:

  • Provisionar Azure DevOps Services para sua equipe ou organização
  • Integre desenvolvedores e partes interessadas ao Azure DevOps Services
  • Acompanhe e gerencie o trabalho da sua equipe com Azure Boards
  • Use o Azure Repos para controle de versão distribuída dos ativos da sua equipe usando Git
  • Crie pipelines de build para empacotar seus aplicativos com o Azure Pipelines
  • Publique seus aplicativos e outros itens na nuvem ou no local com o Azure Pipelines
  • Aumente a qualidade com os Planos de Teste do Azure
  • Crie, hospede e compartilhe pacotes com sua equipe
  • Adicione artefatos aos seus pipelines com o Azure Artifacts
  • Os participantes devem ter experiência básica em programação, preferencialmente em C# com Visual Studio Code ou Visual Studio 2022.
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

A Day in the Life of a Developer

  1. Level set of “What is DevOps?”
  2. Overview of Azure DevOps (aka VSTS)
    1. Azure Boards
    2. Azure Repos & GitHub Repos
    3. Azure Pipelines & GitHub Actions
    4. Azure Test Plans
    5. Azure Artifacts & GitHub Packages
  3. Examine end-to-end workflow
  4. Examine Organization and Team configuration
    1. Logins
    2. Notifications
    3. The core features that every team member needs to know

Azure Boards: Plan, Track, and Discuss Work Across Your Teams

  1. What does every team member need to know?
  2. Organizing and refining the Product Backlog
  3. Tools in Azure Boards
    1. The Product Backlog
    2. Kanban boards
    3. Task Boards
  4. Dependencies, types, and related risks
  5. Planning and executing a Sprint
    1. Limiting work in progress (WIP)
    2. Working in small batches
    3. Creating and accepting a definition of “Done”
  6. Using queries, charts, and dashboards for basic reporting
  7. “Just enough project management” to support full DevOps traceability

Azure Repos & GitHub Repos: Using Git Effectively

  1. Centralized vs. decentralized version control
  2. Defining and managing repos
  3. Don’t fear the command-line
  4. Working with branches
  5. Pull Requests
  6. Using Code Search

Azure Pipelines & GitHub Actions: Building Quality In

  1. Defining Quality Gates
  2. Azure Pipelines for Builds
  3. Understanding and Managing Agents
  4. YAML Build Definitions
  5. Testing with Build
    1. Unit Testing
    2. Code Coverage
    3. Test Impact Analysis
  6. Managing and Sharing Build Definition

Azure Pipelines: Releasing to the World

  1. Understanding deployment models
  2. Azure Pipelines for Releases
  3. YAML Release Definitions
  4. Service Connections
  5. Stages and environments
  6. Defining approval processes and quality gates
  7. Deployment Groups and Targets
  8. Managing and Sharing Release Definitions

Infrastructure & Configuration Management

  1. Infrastructure as Code
  2. Create Azure Resources with ARM Templates
  3. Create Azure Resources with Bicep Templates
  4. Create Azure Resources with Azure CLI & PowerShell
  5. Implement Desired State Configuration
  6. Azure Automation with DevOps

Azure Artifacts & GitHub Packages: Sharing Code Effectively

  1. Why and what of the service
  2. Integrating with Azure Pipelines
  3. Designing your repos to better support sharing
  4. Updating your workflow to support collective ownership mindset
  5. Branching strategies
  6. Applying Open-Source Software principles to internal development

Automated Testing

  1. Building Integration Tests
  2. Automated UI Testing for Web Apps
  3. Integrating Automated Tests with Builds and Releases

Feedback: User Acceptance Testing, Monitoring, and Analytics

  1. Continuous Feedback
  2. Involving Stakeholders
  3. Running UAT Tests
  4. Application Insights
  5. Quality Tracking and Reporting
  6. Azure DevOps Analytics

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