Curso AppleScript

  • APP Mobile & Development

Curso AppleScript

24 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso AppleScript, cobre noções básicas de AppleScript e scripts do FileMaker Pro, iView MediaPro e InDesign. Este Curso AppleScript também oferece aprendizado aprofundado e técnicas avançadas de AppleScript, além de abordar a criação de scripts no OS X Finder - o aplicativo que controla o seu Macintosh.


Ao participar do Curso AppleScript, os participantes aprenderão:

  • Para começar a trabalhar com AppleScript
  • Fundamentos do AppleScript: comandos, objetos, dicionários, variáveis, instruções condicionais, loops de repetição, instruções Tell, modelo de objeto, elementos, propriedades, sub-rotinas e muito mais!
  • Para criar scripts para o OS X Finder, FileMaker Pro, iView MediaPro, InDesign e outros aplicativos programáveis
  • Para usar AppleScript para unir aplicativos e criar soluções poderosas de automação de software
Publico Alvo
  • Profissionais ocupados que querem trabalhar de maneira mais inteligente e não mais difícil
  • Editores impressos, web e de vídeo
  • Administradores de rede
  • Membros da Apple Consultants Network
  • Qualquer pessoa que execute tarefas repetitivas em um Macintosh
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Overview of AppleScript

  1. Conventions Used in This Guide
  2. What Is AppleScript?
  3. What Makes AppleScript Special?
  4. Who Runs Scripts and Who Writes Them?
  5. What Applications Are Scriptable?
  6. What Can You Do With Scripts?
  7. Automating Activities
  8. Integrating Applications
  9. Customizing Applications and Automating Workflows
  10. How AppleScript Works
  11. Statements
  12. Commands and Objects
  13. Dictionaries
  14. Values and Constants
  15. Expressions
  16. Operations
  17. Variables
  18. Script Objects
  19. Scripting Additions
  20. Dialects
  21. Other Features and Language Elements
  22. Continuation Characters
  24. Identifiers
  25. Case Sensitivity
  26. Abbreviations
  27. Compiling Scripts With the Script Editor
  28. Debugging Scripts

Values and Constants

  1. Using Value Class Definitions
  2. Literal Expressions
  3. Properties
  4. Elements
  5. Operators
  6. Commands Handled
  7. Reference Forms
  8. Coercions Supported
  9. Boolean
  10. Class
  11. Constant
  12. Data
  13. Date
  14. Integer
  15. List
  16. Number
  17. Real
  18. Record
  19. Reference
  20. String
  21. Styled Text
  22. Text
  23. Unicode Text and International Text
  24. Unit Type Value Classes
  25. AppleScript Unit Types by Category
  26. Working With Unit Type Value Classes
  27. Other Value Classes
  28. File Specification
  29. RGB Color
  30. Coercing Values
  31. Constants
  32. Arithmetic Constants
  33. Boolean Constants
  34. Considering and Ignoring Attributes
  35. Date and Time Constants
  36. Miscellaneous Script Constants
  37. Save Option Constants
  38. String Constants
  39. Text Style Constants
  40. Version Constant


  1. Types of Commands
  2. Application Commands
  3. AppleScript Commands
  4. Scripting Addition Commands
  5. Target
  6. Name Conflicts
  7. User-Defined Commands
  8. Using Command Definitions
  9. Syntax
  10. Parameters
  11. Result
  12. Examples
  13. Errors
  14. Using Parameters
  15. Coercion of Parameters
  16. Parameters That Specify Locations
  17. Raw Data in Parameters
  18. Using Results
  19. Viewing a Result in the Script Editor’s Result Window
  20. Using the Predefined Result Variable
  21. Double Angle Brackets in Results and Scripts
  22. When a Dictionary Is Not Available
  23. When AppleScript Displays Data in Raw Format
  24. Entering Script Information in Raw Format
  25. Sending Raw Apple Events From a Script
  26. Command Definitions
  27. Close
  28. Copy
  29. Count
  30. Delete
  31. Duplicate
  32. Exists
  33. Get
  34. Launch
  35. Make
  36. Move
  37. Open
  38. Print
  39. Quit
  40. Reopen
  41. Run
  42. Save
  43. Set

Objects and References

  1. Object Class Definitions
  2. Properties
  3. Element Classes
  4. Default Value Class Returned
  5. References
  6. Containers
  7. Complete and Partial References
  8. Reference Forms
  9. Arbitrary Element
  10. Every Element
  11. Filter
  12. ID
  13. Index
  14. Middle Element
  15. Name
  16. Property
  17. Range
  18. Relative
  19. Using the Filter Reference Form
  20. References to Files and Applications
  21. References to Files
  22. Specifying a File by Name or Pathname
  23. Specifying a File by Reference
  24. Specifying a File by Alias
  25. Differences Between Files and Aliases
  26. Specifying a File by File Specification
  27. References to Applications
  28. References to Local Applications
  29. References to Remote Applications


  1. Results of Expressions
  2. Variables
  3. Creating Variables
  4. Using Variables
  5. The A Reference To Operator
  6. Data Sharing
  7. Scope of Variables
  8. Predefined Variables
  9. Script Properties
  10. Defining Script Properties
  11. Using Script Properties
  12. Scope of Script Properties
  13. AppleScript Properties
  14. Reference Expression
  15. Operations
  16. Operators That Handle Operands of Various Classes
  17. Equal, Is Not Equal To
  18. Greater Than, Less Than
  19. Starts With, Ends With
  20. Contains, Is Contained By
  21. Concatenation
  22. Operator Precedence
  23. Date-Time Arithmetic
  24. Working With Dates at Century Boundaries

Control Statements

  1. Characteristics of Control Statements
  2. Debugging Control Statements
  3. Tell Statements
  4. Nested Tell Statements
  5. Using it, me, and my in Tell Statements
  6. Tell (Simple Statement)
  7. Tell (Compound Statement)
  8. If Statements
  9. If (Simple Statement)
  10. If (Compound Statement)
  11. Repeat Statements
  12. Repeat (forever)
  13. Repeat (number) Times
  14. Repeat While
  15. Repeat Until
  16. Repeat With (loopVariable) From (startValue) To (stopValue)
  17. Repeat With (loopVariable) In (list
  18. Exit
  19. Try Statements
  20. Kinds of Errors
  21. How Errors Are Handled
  22. Writing a Try Statement
  23. Try
  24. Signaling Errors in Scripts
  25. Error
  26. Considering and Ignoring Statements
  27. Considering/Ignoring
  28. With Timeout Statements
  29. With Timeout
  30. With Transaction Statements
  31. With Transaction


  1. Script Applications
  2. About Subroutines
  3. The Return Statement
  4. A Sample Subroutine
  5. Types of Subroutines
  6. Scope of Subroutine Calls in Tell Statements
  7. Checking the Classes of Subroutine Parameters
  8. Recursive Subroutines
  9. Saving and Loading Libraries of Subroutines
  10. Defining and Calling Subroutines
  11. Subroutines With Labeled Parameters
  12. Defining a Subroutine With Labeled Parameters
  13. Calling a Subroutine With Labeled Parameters
  14. Examples of Subroutines With Labeled Parameters
  15. Subroutines With Positional Parameters
  16. Defining a Subroutine With Positional Parameters
  17. Calling a Subroutine With Positional Parameters
  18. Examples of Subroutines With Positional Parameters
  19. Command Handlers
  20. Command Handler Syntax
  21. Command Handlers for Application Objects
  22. Command Handlers for Script Applications
  23. Run Handlers
  24. Open Handlers
  25. Handlers for Stay-Open Script Applications
  26. Idle Handlers
  27. Quit Handlers
  28. Interrupting a Script Application’s Handlers
  29. Calling a Script Application From a Script
  30. Scope of Script Variables and Properties
  31. Declaring Variables and Properties
  32. Scope of Properties and Variables Declared at the Top Level of a Script
  33. Scope of Properties and Variables Declared in a Script Object
  34. Scope of Variables Declared in a Handler

Script Objects

  1. About Script Objects
  2. Defining Script Objects
  3. Sending Commands to Script Objects
  4. Initializing Script Objects
  5. Inheritance and Delegation
  6. Defining Inheritance
  7. How Inheritance Works
  8. The Continue Statement
  9. Using Continue Statements to Pass Commands to Applications
  10. The Parent Property and the Current Application
  11. Using the Copy and Set Commands With Script Objects

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