Curso Appium Automation

  • Test & Point Analysis

Curso Appium Automation

32 horas
Português/Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Appium Installation and Setup for Android and iOS

  1. Appium Desktop Application Installation
  2. Appium Inspector Installation
  3. Android Installation and Setup
  4. iOS Setup for Appium
  5. And More....

Appium and Mobile Testing Introduction

  1. Appium Introduction Including the history and what it can do ?
  2. A details insight about how it is designed and configured internally
  3. The Software and Libraries required to complete Appium Installation
  4. Session about - Native, Hybrid and web Applications From Appium Perspective
  5. Details about the Appium Server andits Configuration
  6. Quick Overview about the limitation in Appium

Appium Android Basics: Get Started

  1. Understand the top used ADB commands for Appium automation
  2. Necessary steps to configure to run against the device through WIFI connection
  3. Understand about the android APP package and their internals
  4. The desired capabilities from Appium to interact with apps
  5. Detailed overview about available locators in Appium
  6. At times, real phones are not available. Emulators learning assist to simulate on virtual devices

Start with First Appium Script

  1. Overview about Appium Driver, Android Driver and Remote webdriver classes.
  2. Build the first script on a native application.
  3. Perform actions totype, click, get text and so on.
  4. Reset capabilities using live nativeapp - fast reset, noreset, full reset
  5. Detailed understanding about the logs, errors and how to debug the scripts
  6. Execution in Virtual devices on different configuration

Perform Touch Actions

  1. These actions are commonly required in mobile automation
  2. Dealing with multi-touch actions using equivalent finger actions
  3. Dealing to zoom in and zoom out in mobile apps using appium
  4. Dealing with swipe and its equivalent action
  5. Dealing with Press, Long Press and Tap options in appium
  6. Dealed information about available Context and how to switch to them

Automating Hybrid Apps using Appium

  1. Using Chrome Inspector to know the hybrid app details.
  2. The context to beswitched for recognizing the Web Apps.
  3. Locators specific to Web-Especially theXPath
  4. Building several Web and Hybrid scripts from different apps.
  5. The best practices when you write Android Appium scripts.
  6. The commonest mistakes done by most of the Appium test engineers and the solutions for them

Integration with TestNg, Cucumber and Grid

  1. Create MavenProject to have a Appium script build with required dependencies
  2. Integration with BDD so that the scenarios can be written and glued with Appium Javacode
  3. Allow the appium scripts to run insequential, parallel and with other options
  4. Integration with Selenium Grid to enable multiple devices to run to gether.
  5. Integration with Extent Reports in HTML formats
  6. Integration of Appium scripts tobe triggered from Jenkins Job

Get Started with Appium iOS

  1. Installation
  2. XCode, Appium
  3. Setup &Configuration
  4. Real device
  5. Simulator
  6. Get Started with native app
  7. Locators

Automate more with iOS Apps using Appium

  1. Appium server Logs
  2. Practice - iOS Native App
  3. Gestures, Sliders, Switches
  4. Other appium iOS actions and Exceptions
  5. Hybrid and Safari Automation
  6. Practice - iOS Hybrid and WebApp

iOS Automation Integration with Grid and Cloud Devices

  1. Setup Grid - Hub, Nodes, Appium Servers & devices for Parallel tests
  2. Run the appium tests in parallel for 2 different devices(Real+Simulator)
  3. Run Test against cloud like saucelabs and matLab
  4. Write Cucumber Feature nd Step Definitions for Appium tests
  5. Build Runner & hooks to run tests in Sequence
  6. Implement Pages and Methods, We appers for Appium Function
  7. Execute tests with POM with ExtentReports
  8. Best practice to Develop and Run Appium iOS Tests

Interview Preparation Worksop (Blended)

  1. Get expert advice on your resume writing
  2. Fine-tune your linked-in profile
  3. Get ready to succeed at job interviews

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