Curso API Testing with Postman

  • Development

Curso API Testing with Postman

24 horas
Visão Geral

Este Curso API Testing with Postman, permitirá que você domine as ferramentas e técnicas de automação de API do básico ao alto nível com exemplos em tempo real. Você aprenderá os conceitos, incluindo como criar coleções e variáveis ​​no POSTMAN, escrever testes para solicitações GET, PUT, PATCH, POST, DELETE, configurar Java, Eclipse, Maven no Mac OS e Windows e muito mais por meio de treinamento prático sessões. Esse conhecimento ajudará você a passar no exame de certificação de teste de API.

Este Curso API Testing with Postman foi desenvolvido para cobrir todos os aspectos do teste de API com a ferramenta Postman e também fornecer aos usuários o conhecimento necessário para trabalhar com a ferramenta Postman em nível profissional. Este curso aborda o planejamento e execução de testes de API, desenvolvimento de scripts de pré-teste e pós-teste usando Postman, execução de testes de API e geração de relatórios HTML usando diferentes ferramentas como Newman. O curso abrange as melhores práticas do mundo real para o uso eficaz da ferramenta Postman para testes de API com exemplos práticos demonstrados.

Português/Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

API Introduction

  1. Introduction to Web Application Architecture
  2. Software Architecture Evaluation
  3. Three(Multi) Tier Architecture

API Protocols

  1. HTTPs Protocol
  2. HTTP Request Headers
  3. HTTP Response Headers
  4. SSL
  5. TLS
  6. Cookies
  7. HTTP verbs

Introduction to API's

  1. What is meant by Service &API Testing?
  2. Benefits of Service-Oriented Architecture
  3. Why API/ Service level testing
  4. Introduction - Web Services
  5. Testing Types
  6. General Defects
  7. Responsibilities

Postman - Installation of Windows

  1. How to install 

Introduction to collections

  1. Importance of Collections Runner & How to add some requests to sequence the execution of API

Exporting and Importing the collections

Dynamic Request

  1. How to pass the dynamic request through the server

Command Line Execution Using Newman Tool

  1. Node.JS installation and Newman installation

Introduction to Postman Landscape


  1. SOAP
  2. SOAP Web Services

Testing REST API With HTTP and HTTPS protocols

  1. Creating a collection request and validation
  2. List of status codes

Understanding Query Parameters

  1. Uniform Interface
  2. Stateless
  3. Cacheable
  4. Client-Server
  5. Layered System
  6. Code on Demand(optional)
  7. What is Parameter? & Example on cookies

REST API Testing with Authentication Types

  1. Authentication and Authorization
  2. Authorization types


  1. GIT HUB explanation and how to install it 

API Chaining of API Requests

  1. API Chaining of requests

Curl Commands

  1. Curl commands

Exporting and Execution of CLI Commands

  1. Exporting and Execution of CLI commands

How to create mock API using GET,POST, PUT, DELETE

  1. How to create the mock servers

Performance Load Testing of API Testing

Postman Monitors

  1. Postman monitaring
  2. Creating a monitor

Run Collections Remotely With Collection url

  1. How to run the collection remotely
  2. How to create a documention of your collections

How to Debug And Troubleshoot in Postman Tool

  1. Login feature in the postman

Using Postman to Create a Resuable API framework

  1. How to create a resusable API franework in Postman

Create Fork Request, Pull Request, Merge Changes in Postman Tool

  1. The version control in a postman 

Postman API integration with CI/CD Jenkins

  1. What is Jenkins?
  2. How to integrate the postman API with CI/CD Jenkins

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