Curso API Management for Architects Foundation

  • Project Management

Curso API Management for Architects Foundation

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso API Management for Architects Foundation, API Management é um processo multifacetado de projeto e implementação de soluções que ajudam a organização a expor seus sistemas internos APIs para consumo externo / público de forma segura e controlada. O API Management oferece às organizações formas de alcançar uma base de clientes maior, fazer crescer os negócios, inovar e monetizar seus ativos de TI. Este curso de treinamento apresenta aos alunos os fundamentos do Gerenciamento de APIs juntamente com exercícios práticos e mini projetos destinados a reforçar seus conhecimentos teóricos sobre os tópicos discutidos em sala de aula.

  • Introdução à gestão de API
  • Visão geral das populares plataformas de gerenciamento de API
  • Visão geral da Apigee
  • Descrevendo os serviços RESTful
  • Projeto e implementação de microserviços


Os participantes devem ter o entendimento dos princípios de projeto de software e escolhas modernas para a implantação de aplicativos.

Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

API Management Introduction

  1. Data is King
  2. API Management Defined
  3. The Driving Forces
  4. APIs to Monetize on Your Information Assets and Services
  5. The Traditional Point-to-point Integration Example
  6. It Raises Some Questions …
  7. The Facade Design Pattern
  8. API Management Conceptual Architecture
  9. Other "Complimentary" Services
  10. What Else is Needed?
  11. The Digital Transformation Strategies
  12. Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Full Life Cycle API Management
  13. MuleSoft
  14. Intel® Expressway API Manager (Intel® EAM)
  15. WSO2
  16. Apigee
  17. Summary

WSO2 Overview

  1. What is WSO2?
  2. User Roles in WSO2 Workflows
  3. The Main Client-Facing Web Applications and Capabilities
  4. WSO2 Main Features
  5. The API Gateway
  6. Workflow for Invoking an API
  7. Workflow for Creating an API
  8. Access Control and Security
  9. User Authentication via Access Token
  10. Manage and Scale API Traffic
  11. Monitor and Monetize
  12. WSO2 Cloud
  13. Summary

Apigee Overview

  1. What is Apigee?
  2. The Big Picture
  3. API Consumers
  4. Apigee Main Components
  5. Apigee Edge API Management Platform Functional Diagram
  6. Apigee Capabilities and Actors
  7. Apigee Policies for Traffic Management and Data Transformation
  8. Apigee Sense
  9. Developer Portal
  10. Apigee Monetization
  11. Core Monetization Components
  12. API Runtime
  13. API Proxies
  14. API Proxy Virtual Hosts
  15. Flows
  16. OAuth 2.0 Integration
  17. API Beauty (an API Runtime's Capability)
  18. API Edge Caching
  19. Service Composition
  20. Apigee Edge Monitoring and Analytics
  21. Samples of Monitoring Charts
  22. Edge Microgateway
  23. Edge Microgateway Integration with Apigee Edge Analytics
  24. Examples of Edge Microgateway Deployments (1 of 3)
  25. Examples of Edge Microgateway Deployments (2 of 3)
  26. Examples of Edge Microgateway Deployments (3 of 3)
  27. Pricing: Standard Plan
  28. Apigee Hybrid
  29. Apigee Hybrid Capabilities
  30. Apigee Hybrid Collaboration Diagram
  31. Summary

API Management Analytics

  1. API Metrics
  2. API Proxy (API Gateway) Performance
  3. The Apigee
  4. Proxy (API Service Gateway) Performance Chart
  5. The Apigee Target Service Performance Chart
  6. The Apigee Cache Performance Chart
  7. The Apigee Error Code Chart
  8. Geolocation Metric
  9. The Apigee GeoMap Chart
  10. Developer Engagement
  11. The Apigee Developer Engagement Chart
  12. Reports
  13. Summary

Securing APIs

  1. What are the Security Domains?
  2. How to Secure an API?
  3. DDoS Protection
  4. Authentication
  5. OAuth2 Overview
  6. OAuth Components
  7. OAuth Authentication and Authorization Overview
  8. OAuth Collaboration Diagram
  9. Example: OAuth Client Credentials Grant with Apigee Edge
  10. Getting Authorization Code Through a Federated External Directory (Facebook or Google)
  11. What is Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)?
  12. SAML 2.0 Web SSO Authentication
  13. SAML vs. OAuth2
  14. Identity mediation
  15. Encryption of Data in Transit with TLS
  16. Key and Certificate Management
  17. Threat Detection
  18. Apigee Content-based Security
  19. JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  20. How JWT Works
  21. OAuth vs JWT
  22. Data-masking
  23. Last-mile security
  24. Summary

RESTful Services Overview

  1. Many Flavors of Services
  2. SOAP or REST?
  3. Understanding REST
  4. Manipulation of Resources through Representations
  5. Principles of RESTful Services
  6. HTTP Methods
  7. HTTP Status Codes
  8. Related Standards: MIME
  9. Anatomy of a URL
  10. GET
  11. The GET Method
  12. Passing Parameters
  13. HTTP Methods That Modify/Create Resources
  14. POST
  15. POST Request Example
  16. POST Response Example
  17. PUT
  18. PUT Example - Update
  19. PUT Example - Create
  20. PATCH
  21. Patch Example - Update
  22. To PUT or POST?
  23. SOAP Examples
  24. A RESTful API for Tracking Video Games
  25. What is gRPC?
  26. How It Works
  27. gRPC Request - Response Diagram
  28. REST vs. gRPC
  29. So, REST or gRPC?
  30. Summary

Describing RESTful APIs

  1. Describing RESTful APIs
  2. History
  3. Ad-hoc Interface definitions
  4. Modern Choices
  5. Stacking Up Open API vs RAML
  6. Open API vs RAML: Advantages and Disadvantages
  7. RAML
  8. Build A RAML API Description
  9. ROOT
  10. List Resources
  11. Define Methods
  12. Define Query Parameters
  13. Enter Responses
  14. Open API (Swagger)
  15. Swagger Versions
  16. Swagger Editor
  17. Swagger Codegen
  18. Swagger UI
  19. OpenAPI Service Description
  20. Pretty Printed OpenAPI Service Definition
  21. Summary

Microservices Architecture Overview

  1. What is a "Microservice"?
  2. Principles of Microservices
  3. Properties and Attributes of Microservices
  4. Benefits of Using Microservices
  5. The Microservices Architecture
  6. Microservices Architecture vs SOA
  7. The ESB Connection
  8. Microservices Architecture Benefits
  9. Microservices Architecture Choices and Attributes
  10. Example: On-Line Banking Solution Based on MsA
  11. Distributed Computing Challenges
  12. Replaceable Component Architecture
  13. What Can Make a Microservices Architecture Brittle?
  14. Summary

Designing and Implementing Microservices

  1. Two Types of IT Projects
  2. What is In Scope for a Robust Microservices Design?
  3. Scoping Your Microservice via the Bounded Context
  4. Scoping Your Solution's Microservices Architecture
  5. External / Shared and Internal Service Models
  6. General Architectural and Software Process Organizational Principles
  7. Loose Coupling, the OOD Perspective
  8. Crossing Process Boundary is Expensive!
  9. Cross Cutting Concerns
  10. More Cross Cutting Concerns
  11. To Centralize or Decentralize Client Access?
  12. Decentralized Client Access
  13. Centralized Client Access
  14. The Facade Pattern
  15. The Facade Service Conceptual Diagram
  16. The Service Mesh Integration Pattern
  17. Istio
  18. Mesh Pros and Cons
  19. Service-to-Service Communication with Mesh
  20. The Naked Objects Architectural Pattern
  21. When to Use Naked Objects Pattern
  22. Dealing with the State
  23. How Can I Maintain State?
  24. Micro Front-ends (a.k.a. MicroUI)
  25. How can MicroUI Help Me?
  26. Your Clients Are Diverse
  27. The "Rich Client" - "Thin Server" Paradigm
  28. The "Rich Client" - "Thin Server" Architecture
  29. RIA as a Driving Force to Turn the "Thin Server" into a Set of Microservices
  30. Design for Failure
  31. Resilience-Related Design Patterns
  32. The Immutable Infrastructure Principle
  33. Implementing Microservices
  34. Microservice-Oriented Application Frameworks and Platforms
  35. Embedding Databases
  36. Embedded Java Databases
  37. Summary

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