Curso Ansible with Basic Python

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Ansible with Basic Python

24 horas
  • Conhecimento básico de informática 
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico

Module 1 – Introduction to Python

  1. Python intro
  2. Installing python
  3. Python 2 vs Python 3
  4. Python syntax and comments
  5. Python variables
  6. Input in Python

Module 2 – Data types & Operators

  • Numbers and Strings
  • List, tuples and sets
  • Dictionary & Range
  • Arithmetic and Assignment operators
  • Comparison and Logical operators
  • Identity, Bitwise and Membership operators

Module 3 – Conditions & loops in Python

  1. If, elif & else
  2. Shorthand if else (Ternary operator)
  3. Nested if
  4. Pass statement
  5. Python while loop
  6. For loop in python
  7. Break & Continue statement

Module 4 – Functions and Modules

  1. Python inbuilt functions
  2. Arguments
  3. Creating own functions
  4. Lambda function
  5. Return statement
  6. Inbuilt Modules
  7. Creating own modules
  8. Variables in module
  9. Re-naming a module

Module 5 – Introduction to Ansible

  1. Ansible Concepts
  2. How ansible works
  3. Install Ansible
  4. Infrastructure as a code (IAC)
  5. Ansible Commands
  6. Ansible Modules

Module 6 – Playbooks, variables & facts

  1. Automate tasks with playbook
  2. Run playbook on multiple hosts
  3. Use Variables in Playbook
  4. Simplify Management
  5. Ansible facts
  6. Gather managed hosts information

Module 7- Ansible Task Control & Roles

  1. Handlers
  2. Playbook Task errors
  3. Ansible roles
  4. Reuse ansible code

Module 8 – Linux Administration tasks

  1. Managing users with ansible
  2. Managing packages with ansible
  3. Managing storage with ansible

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