Curso Ansible Automation and DevOps

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Ansible Automation and DevOps

24 horas
Visão Geral

Curso Ansible Automation and DevOps, Ansible é a principal ferramenta de provisionamento de software, gerenciamento de configuração e implantação de aplicativos da Red Hat. Este curso de treinamento Ansible Automation e DevOps ensina todos os principais recursos do Ansible, bem como o uso do Ansible Tower, a interface baseada na Web para gerenciamento do Ansible.


Após realizar este Curso Ansible Automation and DevOps, você será capaz de:

  • Instalar e configurar o nó de controle Ansible e o(s) nó(s) gerenciado(s)
  • Criar e executar manuais
  • Use módulos Ansible padrão
  • Crie e use funções para controlar o acesso à funcionalidade do Ansible
  • Explore o Ansible Tower como uma solução para gerenciar graficamente o Ansible em toda a empresa
  • Todos os alunos devem ter experiência com shell Linux, edição de texto e administração de sistemas básicos necessários.
Inglês + Exercícios + Lab Pratico
Conteúdo Programatico


  1. Software development (cycle) considerations
  2. Strengths and weaknesses of Ansible
  3. Ansible terminology
  4. Ansible required environment setup

Initial Setup and Configuration

  1. Ansible Core installation methods: rpm, pip, and Tower
  2. Ansible component locations
  3. Ansible documentation
  4. Ansible configuration file
  5. Inventory (hosts) file contents (Linux, Unix, and Windows nodes)
  6. Using dynamic inventories
  7. (Gathering) system facts (methods)
  8. Using system facts
  9. Creating local (control node-specific) facts

Ansible Playbooks

  1. Layout of playbook sections: directives, variable definitions, tasks, handlers, module modifiers
  2. Variable creation and usage
  3. Using modules in playbooks
  4. Controls: loops, conditionals, tags, notifications, plugins, filters, and lookups
  5. Running as root

Ansible Modules

  1. Layout of an Ansible module
  2. (Selected) Linux modules:  file, yum, systemd, cron, user, shell, filesystem
  3. Using the Windows-specific (win_) modules
  4. Common Linux and Windows modules
  5. Creating a site-specific Ansible module
  6. Encrypting sensitive data with the Ansible Vault
  7. Introduction to Ansible control of AWS

Roles in Ansible

  1. Overview of a role
  2. Creating a role (structure)
  3. Using (a) role(s)
  4. Packaging up a role
  5. Ansible Galaxy - capabilities and usage with roles
  6. Git repo (role) repository (creation)
  7. Local access of a Git repo role repository
  8. Remote access of a Git repo role repository
  9. Reusing role definitions (dependencies)

Managed Nodes

  1. Requirements for a Linux managed node
  2. Inventory and access control information on the control node
  3. Setup of a Linux managed node
  4. Requirements for a Windows managed node
  5. Setup of a Windows managed node
  6. Setup of a Unix (HP-UX, Solaris 10/11, IBM AIX) managed node

Ansible Tower

  1. Installation of Ansible Tower
  2. Using the Ansible Tower dashboard
  3. Create organizations
  4. Define Ansible Tower user accounts
  5. Create inventories of systems (with credentials)
  6. Create projects and job templates
  7. Job scheduling (launch forms), status, and tracking
  8. Watching and chaining (multi-) playbooks (workflows)
  9. Controlling and viewing logs and audit trails
  10. Notifications
  11. Remote command execution
  12. Using the Ansible Tower API
  13. Controlling the Tower with the tower-cli interface
  14. Updating the Ansible Tower
  15. Introduction to Ansible Tower clusters



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