Curso Agile Project Management with Jira

  • DevOps | CI | CD | Kubernetes | Web3

Curso Agile Project Management with Jira

24 horas
Visão Geral

Neste Curso Agile Project Management with Jira, você aprenderá como configurar o Atlassian Jira para atender às necessidades da sua organização, usar relatórios em tempo real para rastrear projetos e identificar impedimentos e ver como os requisitos em evolução são capturados de forma incremental.

Jira é um software que combina recursos de coleta de problemas e gerenciamento ágil de projetos em um único aplicativo.

Para que é usado o Jira?

Ele é usado para rastreamento de grandes volumes, rastreamento de problemas e gerenciamento de projetos.


Após realizar este Curso Agile Project Management with Jira, você será capaz de:

  • Gerencie fluxos de trabalho Scrum e Kanban com Jira
  • Acompanhe vários projetos e equipes
  • Configure o Jira para se alinhar às necessidades da sua organização
  • Utilize relatórios para aumentar a visibilidade e a transparência
  • Implemente as melhores práticas para evitar armadilhas comuns
Inglês/Português/Lab Prático
Conteúdo Programatico

Introducing JIRA Interface and Workflow

Navigating the user interface

  1. Selecting different project views (plan, work, report, search, admin)
  2. Improving comprehension through rich text formatting and attachments
  3. Cross-referencing issues
  4. Watching ticket updates

Prioritizing backlogs

  1. Estimating task complexity
  2. Organizing issues according to importance
  3. Assigning issues to users and sprints
  4. Flagging issues that require attention

Managing Scrum Projects

Managing boards (backlog, sprint, and review)

  1. Exploring boards and project relationship
  2. Starting and closing the sprint
  3. Improving productivity through day-to-day use

Managing epics, stories, bugs, and tasks

  1. Labeling and tagging components
  2. Optimizing search techniques
  3. Refining user stories
  4. Utilizing sub-tasks effectively

Managing sprints

  1. Monitoring the sprint board
  2. Verifying issue status reflects reality

Leveraging reports

  1. Tracking progress during retrospective and review
  2. Creating burndown, sprint, and velocity charts

Customizing and Advanced Configuration

Advanced reporting

  1. Creating custom reports with JQL filters
  2. Designing custom dashboards
  3. Utilizing custom filters

Customizing JIRA

  1. Aligning JIRA with your organization's needs
  2. Configuring workflows for different teams
  3. Changing estimation and tracking statistics
  4. Adding custom fields to screens

Scaling Projects with JIRA

Tackling a massively growing backlog

  1. Classifying and grouping issues
  2. Planning future work with releases/versions

Managing multiple projects and teams

  1. One team, multiple projects
  2. One project, multiple teams

Managing Projects with Kanban

Comparing Scrum and Kanban

  1. Differences between Scrum and Kanban methodologies
  2. Deciding which is best for your team

Constraining throughput and capacity

  1. Setting up boards
  2. Organizing data with swim lanes and custom columns
  3. Tracking progress

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